Gingrich on #Never Trump – IOTW Report

Gingrich on #Never Trump

I dunno… Dan Joseph…..Newt Gingrich. It’s a toss-up on whose wisdom I’d listen to.

44 Comments on Gingrich on #Never Trump

  1. In this video, Newt quoted Gandhi…..Diogenes made comment of the same Gandhi quote on a different post….Could they be one and the same?….If true, well, then my hair sniffin’ fantasy just burst into flames….

  2. It is hard for me to imagine that all these talking heads think that the anger that tens of millions of us are feeling about the establishment elephants is going to go away. If we haven’t learned anything since 2010, 2012, and 2014 then we deserve a rubiokasichclintonsanders. But speaking for myself, it is Trump or Cruz. And I’m damn glad the donkeys, the elephants, and the media are all having fits over this election!

  3. Let’s talk about who has what to gain if Trump wins.

    Word is, Trump will make Newt chief of staff.

    No word on what position he has offered Dan.

    So, ignore the guy that has a lot to lose, but respect the guy that has a lot to gain?


  4. It’s a sadder day when people on the right say it’s wiser to have the Butcher of Benghazi rewarded with the white house, along with Bill Clinton.
    The amount of derangement that is in one’s mind to think for one second that Trump would be worse for America than a Clinton white house makes my blood boil.

    It’s a personal slap in the face after all the time and effort we’ve spent here exposing Hillary and Bill as one of the most vile, corrupt people on the planet.

    And what are the reasons??

    Well, that GIANT BRAIN Dan Joseph says it’s because Donald Trump is a racist.
    He’s embarrassing the GOP because he didn’t disavow the KKK …AGAIN!!!!! (He had done so 2 days prior on television.)

    You see people, when we said Hillary had people killed, when she lied about land deals, had something to hide in Vince Foster’s death, covered up Benghazi, risked national security with her private email server, lied about a vast right-wing conspiracy, covered for her husband who also risked national security by getting blow jobs in the oval office, covered up whitewater scheme, looted the white house when she left, when she compiled her hit list with Filegate )illegally accessing FBI files), that her right hand woman is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, cashing in on Iranian fundraising, Travelgate, lying about sniper fire in Bosnia, cattle futures, funneling dirty money through the Clinton Foundation,

    We were just fuckin’ with ya.
    We knew all along we were going to put her back in the white house.

  5. I like Dan when he’s exposing abject ignorance on college campii,
    but I trust Newt’s judgement.
    I vote Trump if nominated. As I will Cruz. I pray that it is one of those.
    I will never, ever abstain from voting, or vote Killary or Sanders.

  6. On one side you have a person that represents exactly why I’ve had the energy to do what I’ve done, with not one day off for 8 years, a person that represents the most despicable aspects of left-wing politics over the course of decades.
    One of the most corrupt despicable figures of my generation, a person I’ve spent countless hours creating agitprop against to assure that we would never see the likes of her in politics again.

    On the other side you have a guy running on some very solid conservative ideals, but he’s a bit of a douche and you just don’t like him.

    So, you’re going to give the white house to Hillary.

    I’m just a fucking asshole that was wasting his time for 8 years not knowing that “Hillary wasn’t all that bad.’

  7. “it’s a really sad day when we have to choose between Trump and Hillary.”

    I believe that’s being made to be the point.

    From Pickwick, early ’60s Broadway musical, “A Hell of an Election” (going from memory but you get the idea)…

    It’ll be a hell of an election
    in the air the smell of an election
    it’ll be a difficult selection
    for the one we choose
    We’ve got to make a decision
    but it’s a difficult decision
    for if we make the wrong decision
    for the man we choose…
    in the long run
    we’re the ones who lose.

  8. So, Big Fur Hat, you are more interested in defeating Hiliary than you are in electing a conservative. I get it. It is a noble cause.

    I am more interested in electing a conservative.

    I am not focused on making my enemy pay a price, I am focused on making America great again. A revenge vote doesn’t make that happen.

    I am not interested in revenge.

  9. Fur — It’s not even close to being over. And remember, the enemy starts by dropping little pieces of paper on your head and bombarding you with seductive and twisted psyops media. They want to damage your spirit. Don’t listen to them, don’t believe them.

    And this thing you’ve got about not liking Trump? If you really can’t stand him, then listen to the people around him who you do like. They’re not bought off.

  10. No. No. That’s NOT what you are doing.
    You are saying if the choice is Trump or Clinton you’ll go with Clinton.
    That’s what Dan Joseph is saying and you’re agreeing with him.

    The right generally agrees that Hillary belongs in jail.

    Does Trump??

    So you’re prepared to put someone that belongs in jail in the white house over a guy that is proposing right-wing ideas.

    Makes total sense. I’m down with your cause.
    I’ll handle the art.
    What do you want written on your dunce caps?

  11. Who says I don’t “like” Trump?

    I’d play golf with the guy.

    I can see why people can be turned off by him, but so what?

    I can concede that he can be perceived as a douche, but so what?

    I don’t vote on such shallow things, just like I don’t anti-Vote on such shallow things..

  12. Have heart BFH, you’ve done a yeoman’s job. Trump or Cruz will not let Killary slide as Romney (man what a wuzzie he turned out to be) allowed Obama to slide
    No self-respecting American should want Killary as POTUS.

  13. BFH;
    It is not Trump or the end of the world.
    That kind of histrionics is sadly typical of his supporters.
    On top of that, I suspect you guys actually believe it.

  14. “So, Big Fur Hat, you are more interested in defeating Hiliary than you are in electing a conservative. I get it. It is a noble cause.

    I am more interested in electing a conservative.

    I am not focused on making my enemy pay a price, I am focused on making America great again. A revenge vote doesn’t make that happen.

    I am not interested in revenge.”

    * * *

    I don’t want to presume to speak for BFH or anyone else, but I think I understand how they view all this. I think.

    Honestly, I have nothing particularly personal against Trump. It’s the same situation I was in with Romney — I see no reason to trust that he believes much of what he wants us to believe he believes, all of which happens to be all the things WE believe but which it’s doubtful HE has always believed.

    Does that mean he doesn’t believe them NOW? No, not necessarily. But it does leave legitimate room to wonder.

    Still, I very much understand those who support him…or I think I do. I explain it to myself this way: if you’re in a burning house, the #1 thing on your mind is to get out the door in order to hopefully survive, put out the fire and correct the damage.

    Problem is, you’re struggling inside the house with a madman at your throat who set the place on fire and wants to see it burned to the ground so he can replace it with something you don’t want. So as much as you want to get out of the house to save yourself and, hopefully, the house itself, defeating the madman is your first order of business. Fail at stopping him and everything perishes.

    That madman represents Clinton and everyone like her, obviously.

    Where we disagree on who/what Trump is. To them, they seem to trust he’s the guy to help them put out the fire before it’s too late. To me, he’s a guy who *says* he’ll help me put out the fire and fix the damage the madman has caused, when in the past he has shown some degree of affinity for both the madman and his goals.

    I’m always willing to be proven wrong, and pleasantly surprised, in matters like this one. That’s why I’ll vote for Trump regardless.

  15. Write what you wish on my dunce cap.

    Let me make this clear. Trump helped put Hillary in office. Trump praised Hillary as Secretary of State. Trump helped Schumer stay in office. Wrangle. Rahm. Cuomo. Many, many more.

    Now afters years of ratfucking me, I am supposed to believe the cheese is really free?

    I’ve been on the wrong side of politics for my entire life according to Trump, and I am supposed to believe he had a sudden epiphany and he converted?


  16. Anyone But Hillary is the right side of history.
    When the choice is down to Trump versus Hillary and you choose Hillary, I have no idea what to say.

    You’re endorsing everything I’ve worked 8 years trying to defeat.

    This site was not dedicated to defeating a guy that wants to build a wall, defeat amnesty, deport illegals, resist Muslim refugee settlement, strengthen the military, reform the VA, repeal Obamacare, fight for trade deals that favor America not globalism.

    You *think* he might not do these things.
    But you KNOW Hillary, who belongs in jail, will not build a wall, fight for amnesty, not deport illegals, embrace the Muslims refugees, weaken our military, model our healthcare after the VA, and push for globalism, and usher in every lunatic left-wing cause, yet you want her to win because…

    You have some sort of agenda that is emotion based, not intellectually based.

    You oughta stop that shit.

  17. “BFH;
    It is not Trump or the end of the world.
    That kind of histrionics is sadly typical of his supporters.
    On top of that, I suspect you guys actually believe it.”

    As a business man I can tell you that Trump is the ONLY one running that can fix this economy. I work everyday as FUR does, just trying to survive. Ask AA, ask Chief, both readers her that have their butts kicked by this economy. News Flash, Obama didn’t create this economy, two Bushs and a Clinton did. So no it’s not the end of the world, just the end of the American Dream.

    I’m a proud card carrying member of the “FUR I’m just an ass hole club”.

    Trumps giving a press conference right now you all should watch.

  18. Grool, let’s simplify your argument.

    Do you want the avowed leftist in the white house, or the one you “think” “might” be a leftist?

    Sitting out most likely gets you the avowed leftist.
    Openly saying you PREFER the avowed leftist over the guy that you suspect might be a leftist makes you a FUCKING RETARD.
    Sorry, no other way to put it.

    It really just comes down to that.

  19. Big Fur Hat, you are a liar.

    I never said I choose Hillary.

    I have clearly stated I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR HILLARY!

    I also stated I will never vote for Trump. Your distortion of my statements does not make that fact.

    Not voting for Trump IS NOT an endorsement for hiliary.

    Calling you a liar for misrepresenting my statements is very Trumpesque, no?

  20. >>It is not Trump or the end of the world.
    That kind of histrionics is sadly typical of his supporters.
    On top of that, I suspect you guys actually believe it.>>>>>>>

    See Menderman.
    These are YOUR people talking here.
    You like how that sounds? You’re down with this sentiment?

    “Hillary as president is not the end of the world.. and I want her in there because.. well,, because TRUMP IS THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!”

  21. Huh? What the hell are you quoting? My people?

    Dude, lay off the Robitussin and get in the bathtub.

    Let’s do a 99 second radio show thing to set the record straight…

    You are one of my heroes, and I don’t like what is happening tonight.

  22. BB; I am an electrical contractor. The company I own I started in 1985. Yeah, I’m not Trump, but I have no issue with your success.
    BFH; There are some Trump supporters here that you would not want me stapling every statement they made to your back.
    Menderman and I don’t agree on everything, I am not sure that I agree with myself on everything. He has some good points, as do you. Heck, even Boom and Czar hit a home run on occasion.
    I understand why you want to make this personal, but it does not speak well of your position.

  23. JohnS, Exactly when did I make this personal? I won’t try and talk you out of who you want to vote for. But it’s guys like me that calls guys like you for running 220 three phase to the $500,000.00 dollar machining center I used to buy. That’s why your business is way the hell down. Don’t even tell me it’s not. Your not that far from me. And I now the market.

  24. Tonight Trump did a press conference rather than a speech. He allowed the most insulting and nasty questions to be asked of him about all of the bullshit that has been wrongly attributed to him the past week. He handled it in a gentlemanly way. He complimented Cruz, threw a minor nothingburger zing at Rubio, and was very humble.

    Cruz did a “acceptance” speech and spent time throwing insults at Trump.

  25. Solid conservative ideals?!?!?!
    BFH You have totally, completely and irrevocably deluded yourself.
    You are becoming unhinged, and your emotion driven argument is laid bare for all to see…anybody but hillary!
    What on Earth do you think trump will do when he finds that the only way HE will get a wall built is to grab a post-hole digger and get out there himself?
    He’ll make a deal.
    What’ll be offered up? Second Amendment? Single Payer? Libel laws to punish reporters who say mean things about him?

    Above, you derided someone for voting either FOR someone who is known to be a leftist, versus someone we HOPE isn’t (to paraphrase). What you’ve been missing in the arguments against Trump is that he is, by his own words and deeds over his history in the public eye, pretty far left on most every issue.
    Things he says now, that sound conservative….are him “Dealing” away his principles.

    No more voting for the lesser of two evils.
    It’s how we got here. Not voting for the one IS NOT support for the other. It’s declaring that BOTH choices are not worthy of my vote. After McCain, I will never hold my nose when I vote.
    If full-blown evil gets in the oval office, then we can start shooting.
    Frankly I see both of those two as being tyrants cut from the same cloth. Ego maniacal, power mad and contemptuous of the little people.

    p.s. You’re the little people too. Donald doesn’t care about you.

  26. Hey Boom, I fucking dare you to say that to my face asshole. For your information we were an Aerospace Shop for close to 30 years. That works gone. Look at the manufacturing numbers per GNP you worthless peice of shit. Let’s here what your career path is.bI can only guess. Mattress tester at Serta Seally. We maintained 48 to 50 employees and made good money. This is exactly the problem with this election. Fucking hicks like Boom don’t understand the dynamics.
    Fuck you you piece of shit. You want to get personal with me I’ll send you the plane ticket. Fucking cock sucker.

  27. Dan,

    Point to the non-conservative ideas in his platform—>

    You are free to say you don’t believe him, that’s valid.
    What I don’t think is valid is the “I don’t believe him therefore I am going to allow the known disaster to get in the white house by shutting down.”

    You can delude yourself into believing that not voting is not supporting Hillary, you’re free to believe that.

    But this thread is about NEVERTRUMP.

    You think that a movement called NEVERTRUMP is merely “sitting it out’?

    Please don’t be obtuse.
    That is campaigning against the candidate, which helps Hillary.

    The idea is to try and spread the idea of NeverTrump. That is not sitting it out. You want to sit it out, great?

    Please don’t go full Menderman and slobber up to Dan Joseph, a guy who is trying to take votes from Trump, and not just his own, and then claim you’re not actively participating in the election.

    That is defacto campaigning for Hillary.

  28. Davy, have I ever told you what a pussy you really are. You quit in Jr. High because all the girls were kicking your ass. You’ve backed the fuck up here so many times bitch your drive is actually reverse. Fuck you.

  29. Hope nobody bursts a vein, that won’t change the outcome of the elections any. Trump is ahead in Arkansas and I’m ready to get behind the bastard if he wins it. Even though he picked up another endorsement from a guy who makes my blood boil: Jon Woods. Woods is the asshole RINO who teamed up with the democrats to scam Arkansas voters into thinking they were voting for term limits. That was sure what it looked like we were voting for, and I was happy that I got a chance to vote for such a thing.

    Well, turns out, hidden in the bill along with a 150% pay raise for these corrupt politicians was the part they hid from the public: term limits were DOUBLED. Now we get stuck with the bastards for 16 years and have to pay them 150% of what they were scamming us for before.

    But just because some asshole says he’s voting one way or another, that doesn’t mean the candidate they are voting for is just as crooked as them. [i hope]

    Keep fighting guys, i’m going for hot dogs and popcorn. đŸ˜‰

  30. The GOP created Trump so STOP WHINING!
    How many TRAITORS (YES – TRAITORS) will there be if and when it comes down to Trump vs. Hillary?

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  1. Silence is Consent | [VIDEO] Newt Gingrich issues a dose of reality to the #NeverTrump crowd

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