He was great before he sucked – IOTW Report

He was great before he sucked

ht/ all too much

35 Comments on He was great before he sucked

  1. HA! Good get all too much. Trump should play this incessantly after the BS sammich Romney is going to serve up later today.

    The masks are definitely off the GOPe now. I saw the scumbag, Bill Kristol, say yesterday that he would rather have Hillary win then Trump. He plans to finagle Romney or someone like him to run 3rd party to siphon just enough off the Republican side to give it to Hillary.

    Funny thing is should they do that, the already incredible turnout that has materialized for Trump should increase and easily overcome the never Trump asshole votes.

    But in the meantime, Kristol’s face is beyond punchable, it’s at the Louisville Slugger level.

  2. Biggest tactical error he made was not rejecting Romney Care. He could not win the election and if he did, the dems would still get everything they wanted. THAT is why the democrats and the MSM manipulated his rise to the top of the Republican party.

  3. Remember that Romney’s most prominent nickname during the campaign was “Flip Flopper”! In other words he was a serial practitioner of what is now accusing Trump of being. Since he knows it was true for him he knows what a serious charge it is!
    Romney was and is a fraud and scam artist! Think what he would have done were he president!

  4. Maybe Trump should challenge him to a debate and give the proceeds to veterans. Romney let Obama walk all over him in their second and third debates. Romney had his chance to speak out against a phony then. Now he wants to gum up the works for his own party.

  5. The same GOPe assholes who didn’t have a care in world when it came to Obutthole and the damage he is doing to the country are all in a tizzy about Trump! Of course Obutthole is not raining on their money making, high living and spending parade just the rest of the Republican base which they despise anyway!

  6. The epitome of clueless establishment GOP tactics. Keep digging, jerks, tRump is standing high on the pole of dirt you toss aside as you dig the grave of the GOP RINOs.

  7. Do they really expect Trump supporters to watch Mitt and say, “yaknow, I used to like that Trump guy, but now, Mitt sure has set me straight.”

    The GOPe is delusional. It must be the trillions of dollars that are on the line. Sickening too.

  8. Wonder what ever happened to letting the VOTERS decide who should be the nominee? So fucking sick of the closeted gay Republican cabal telling me what to do–Ryan, Rubio, Graham and many more. Like the fucking Roman Senate and their young boys.

  9. so iOTWR readers, in recent years how many of you have found yourselves thinking I wonder what Mitt Romney’s opinion about [issue x] is?

    Me neither, and the same goes for Bob Dole and John McCain as well.

    Please go someplace far away gentlemen.

  10. Thank you GOP for an entertaining parade of every traitorous ‘leader’ in your sackful of assholes as the Party becomes extinct.

    History will blame Obola and the gutless GOP equally in the looting and sacking of America.

    There should be no quarter to hide your shameless hides.

  11. The best thing about Rubio, Willard, and the cowards who won’t show their faces, declaring their colors is that we have them in their own unequivocal words going forward. When Trump takes office, they are all consigned to the dustbin of a very bad and very long era of the worst Machine Politics in American history.

  12. Next up, the Mittens and the Establishment Anti-Cruz and Anti-Rubio videos? Nah, didnt think so. If this loser and his friends are against Trump, then I am for him. (I was anyway)

    Trump brings out the best in the Republican Good Old Boys Club, doesnt he.

  13. Romney and McCain both lost by doing what Trump is doing.
    Relying on Democrats in open primary states to get to the top while simultaneously alienating most Republicans.
    It could end up differently for Trump, but with both the others, the crossovers voted Dem in the general.
    I don’t know how many times we have to fall for this trick before we learn, hopefully 3 strikes will be enough, and we will get rid of the open primaries and allow the person Republicans want to have a chance at the job rather than the one the Dems want.

  14. @Listingstarboard —

    That’s the problem and the reason we are finally seeing these ghastly cretins appear in broad daylight as they slither out from under their rocks and from the crevices of the faceless wall we call the GOP — we were NEVER choosing our own candidates. The Party apparatus chooses them through artful rules-making and the politics of personal destruction. Their choice of candidate is always fait accompli, then they reverse engineer the whole process to attain their desired result. Trump threw away their technical manual and now they have to show themselves in order to destroy him. He called them out and they have the arrogance to believe they can come out of this unscathed. They completely misjudged their omnipotence and many of them are going to be saying those dreaded words, “Oh, sh*t!” right before they go splat.

  15. @JohnS — You clearly have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about. Do you have any inkling of the number of average Americans who have been hit and knocked flat by the policies of the obama regime over the past 8 years? Everyone! All ages, all colors, all income levels, all parties. They aren’t voting conservative, they’re voting American. The very last thing they care about as they grab for the knot at the end of their ropes, is who Buckley Jr. is or taking a quiz to find out if they qualify as a “true conservative.”

  16. This is exactly why Trump hesitated in agreeing not to run on a 3rd party ticket; he knew the GOP establishment would try and torpedo him. I am so sick of the GOP. I wish there was a viable alternative.

  17. MM; My ear is not the problem.
    The problem is that I say things you can’t dispute, and I come at things from an angle that is not covered by the talking points you guys receive.
    There are structural problems with the GOP that have nothing to do with the ‘establishment’ (a code word for those who don’t support Trump that the treehouse came up with).
    The same tactics are being used by Trump supporters that were used by McCain and Romney supporters. As near as I can tell, they are the same people.
    Democrats and center/left Republicans.

  18. Aggie — Yes, Louie Gohmert! I used to have such respect for him and now I see that my respect was based on the best of the worst. What a terribly low bar the GOP has set for expectations.

    He will regret having done this…”Oh, sh*t!” … splat!

  19. I think John S is speaking to open primaries. He has a point, though I don’t know how many states allow it.
    But I don’t think it’s the ONLY problem. AA’s interpretation is probably the bulk of the reason. In addition, they were simply terrible candidates foisted upon us by insider deals.
    If the party doesn’t rally behind Trump, I hope he goes 3d party. I would love to see the GOP cry about THAT! I don’t know how successful it would be, but i imagine it would at least be the biggest 3d party showing in contemporary politics. And I imagine I WOULD vote Trump in that scenario (Voted 3d party last 2 elections cuz I WILL NOT vote R as they are and have been operating.) But that doesn’t mean I trust him.

    My views on Trump notwithstanding, it simply amazes me, I mean to the point of being flabbergasted, the GOP doesn’t have an ounce of introspection. How can they not see THEY created this.. I’ll say nightmare (from their viewpoint)? ANd the more they try to trip him up the more they’re shooting themselves in the foot? Stupid Party, indeed!
    I suspect they think that if elected, they won’t be able to “control” him. His deals will either undercut the R agenda, such as it is, or they will show that the R’s have been true squishes by not even faking to try to push back against the D’s.

  20. Romney reminds me of Glen Beck.

    Both are deceiving backsliders that talk from both sides of their mouths. And both believe in something that bastardization of Christianity.

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