Rubio’s Lies on Immigration – IOTW Report

Rubio’s Lies on Immigration

AT: At the February 25 debate in Houston, Marco Rubio revisited an issue that had first come up at the previous debate. On February 13, Ted Cruz said that Marco Rubio told Spanish television he would not rescind President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty on his first day in office,

cruz rubio debate dec 15 2015

and Rubio responded that Cruz was lying. The transcript is unambiguous: Cruz had spoken accurately. And so it was disconcerting when on February 25 Rubio insisted that “I said very clearly on Spanish television… I said it will end in my first day in office as president.”

Memory is notoriously unreliable: it’s just possible that Rubio might at first have misremembered what he said on Univision. But after the controversy on February 13 it’s inconceivable that Rubio didn’t check what he had actually said on Univision. And when he did, this is what he would have found: “I wouldn’t undo it immediately… But I do think it is going to have to end. And, God willing, it’s going to end because immigration reform is going to pass.”  more here

4 Comments on Rubio’s Lies on Immigration

  1. Hopefully Rubio is toast. Please hurry up and get his ass out. The classless size of Trumps hands led to the even more classless response of Trump. Trump didn’t make Rubio look small. He did it himself.

  2. I’d rather listen to someone tell an honest lie than someone who lies through sophistry. The latter not only hates the truth, they hate the people they think they’re fooling.

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