I See a “B” Rating – IOTW Report

I See a “B” Rating

The media is reporting a “D” rating and worse for the “Trump University.”

It’s actually a “B.”

It’s not an “A” like Trump says, but he’s closer to reality than the media.

HT/ PoTe

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7 Comments on I See a “B” Rating

  1. Regardless.

    What kind of person would shell out $15,000 for that?

    That’s almost 1/4 the price of a truck!
    Do a lot of Welding School for $15,000.
    Or CDL School.

  2. Tim,
    Even technical schools that teach “welding and trucking” call themselves “colleges”.
    As 0bama would say, “words, only words”.
    Trumps “university” taught specialized real estate expertise.
    Take it for what it is. I have seen welding and CDL graduates who also are not worth their salt after graduation.
    Some people excel, some do not.
    A name on a building isn’t what makes a person.

  3. I can name quite a few colleges and universities that deserve a “D” rating, or worse, but justify the tens of thousands of dollars they charge by handiing out a nicely engraved piece of paper suitable for framing at the end of 4, 5, or 6 years. All that money, and then the graduates realize that Starbucks will teach them to make mocha lattes during their 30 day paid training period.

  4. It was an A early on but at the last recording in 2011 it was a D so Trump was lying and with 5000 in a class action lawsuit, Trump is also lying that this is a minor case. It might be minor to you Mr. Billionaire but it isn’t minor to those Americans that got sold a bill of goods.
    This thing was sham and joke. I laughed when I first heard about it years ago and couldn’t believe it.

    This is Trump’s M.O. Make a hard sale with big platitudes and hyperbole only to see it go down in flames 2-4 yrs later.

    Trump Shuttle
    Trump Vodka
    Trump Steaks
    Trump Ice
    Trump Mortgage
    Some Trump search engine I don’t recall name of it.

    How many vendors, contractors and subs have been screwed by his bankruptcies?
    How many investors have been hosed on his bankruptcies as well?

    I have a bad feeling that we are getting sold a bill of goods with all his big tough talk and platitudes. He saw a market for mad and angry Americans and the hot topics they cared for and his doing a hard sale. He is saying what needs to be said to get into the WH. There is nothing in his past that says he is fully on board with these policies and his past views, financial support, and politicial support of liberal politicians and policies should give conservatives pause.

    The fact that he won’t release NYT times is very telling. He knows it would hurt and he is going to try and ride it out. I don’t want him to be flexible with the liberals and cut deals with them. I want principled leaders. Did we have Obama cutting deals? No they beat the republicans into submission. That is what I want the conservatives to do. Screw negotiating with them. They don’t negotiate anyway.

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