Romney Tells Cavuto He’s Angling For a Brokered Convention Where the GOP Selects the Candidate – IOTW Report

Romney Tells Cavuto He’s Angling For a Brokered Convention Where the GOP Selects the Candidate

And I suppose the #NeverTrump people, those stalwarts of freedom and liberty, would be on board with this rigging by plutocracy?

Everyone banded together to stop the anointment of Jeb!. Will they ask the same power brokers, “who else ya got? I’m a dumbass!”? I hope not. I want to hear from them.

Lou Dobbs has something to say about this.

ht/ rob e.

23 Comments on Romney Tells Cavuto He’s Angling For a Brokered Convention Where the GOP Selects the Candidate

  1. Bad_Brad — Silly wabbit! Don’t you know the mere mention of CTH causes all sorts of bad things to happen? Don’t you know that CTH ranks right up there with the dreaded Alex Jones??

    So easy to discredit real information when you use neo-Marxist rules for radicals: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

  2. The Republican establishment won’t even give the average person 3/5 of a vote at the rigged convention.

    Personally, I find it rather offensive that Goldman Sachs thinks they deserve to have two candidates, running against each other, in every significant election.

  3. AC; Even though Trump owns part of Goldman Sachs, and has received millions from them, l don’t think he is necessarily beholden to them.
    For wealthy people, being involved with Goldman Sachs is like an average person being involved with Wells Fargo or B of A.

  4. When I first heard this news on Thurdsday, I like to had a fit. WTF is WRONG with the GOP?

    This is the party that gave us losers in two consecutive elections. So then they trot out one of the losers to denounce Trump and cause yet more intra-party division?

    Trump is like a gift from God to the GOP, and they’re shitting on him. I have clear memories of every Presidential election since 1964. I do not recall any candidate generating this much enthusiasm, ever. Perhaps Mittens hasn’t heard that 40,000 Democrats in Massachusetts–the land of Kennedy!– switched their party affiliations to Republican. Does Romney think they did that because they were chomping at the bit to vote for Rube-io? I think not.

    In the past 48 hours I have read dozens of essays, articles, and opinion pieces about the possibilities of a brokered GOP convention this year. Everyone, from both parties and all spots in the spectrum, agrees that it would be a crisis of unprecedented disaster for the party–not to mentice a shoe-in for a thire CLinton term. Remember the last brokered candidate who won the election? Me neither. Can you say, “Adlai Stevenson?”

    I hope that every registered Republican will leave the party if this disaster comes to pass. I hope Rience Preibus has to flee to Syria. I hope Donald Trump sues the living daylights out of the RNC.

    I hope America can prevail.

  5. You might think this is a stupid question, but why is it good that dems switched to vote for trump in MA? Aren’t they just messing with the gop primary & likely to switch back for the general?

  6. All the millions being poured into this primary against specifically, Trump, by the GOP just shows how terrified they are to loose their warm fuzzy elitist, ruling class situation. And the sheeple GOPers just might buy their b.s. What a shame that would be, to come so close to ousting our rulers.

  7. @ Brad and Abigail – my view of the Conservative Treehouse has absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump. It developed a few years ago when I saw how the admins treated regulars (yes I was a regular) with perhaps a differing view. Also, what do you know about the “brilliant” Sundance? Not much, I wager. Most of his stuff is ghost-written. The information is out there if you care to look. Don’t let your Trump support blind you to the truth.

  8. P.S. If I tried to post anything over there even slightly critical of Sundance or any of the admins, I would be banned – which I was. I am grateful that BFH does not have such a thin skin.

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