So, you think people are smarter today? – IOTW Report

So, you think people are smarter today?

Take a look at a Reagan versus Bush debate in 1980. Not one comment about penis size. Go figure.

No one is calling the other guy names.

I’m not entertained in the least.

13 Comments on So, you think people are smarter today?

  1. I wouldn’t say people are smarter today. They graduate from dumbed down schools knowing nothing. Go to dumbed down colleges and learn nothing. They end up living in their mother’s basement complaining about the fat cats on wall street and supporting bernie sanders.
    There are some people who are more capable in their fields but that’s just because of continuing technological progress.
    I’ve often said that our grandparents were much smarter than we are and it’s true.
    I’m often amused by the antics of the baby boom who spent their entire lives trying to do everything in a better way only to come full circle to learn what their grandparents already knew.

  2. Substance, substance, substance. If they were debating today, very few would watch, because as BFH said, they weren’t “entertaining.” Sigh. I miss our country.

  3. Van Halen was at the height of their popularity when Reagan was President and reunited with David Lee Roth and went on tour again when George W. Bush was President.

    Vote Republican. ?

  4. i was there at the time and i watched these debates…….which is why i am so disgusted by the current “debates”…..

    i’m reminded of the speech of the idiot ceasar’s sister, in the gladiator movie……”once, there was a place called” america…..well, she said “rome,” but we got the message…

    of course, since i am a serious student of history, i know that “sister” orchestrated her brother’s death…..but what the heck….if it’s in a movie, you’ve SEEN IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES, and that makes it true…..

    like braveheart….the silly – and soon enough executed – son of edward longshanks wasn’t even married until five years after wallace’s execution……

    and WHERE WAS THE BLACK DOUGLAS?????…..he was wallace’s “partner in crime” forever, but managed to be left out ot the movie……

    people who learn history from movies will never learn history……

    you have to READ BOOKS…….not just one, but LOTS OF BOOKS….if you want to know history…..

    but kids today………they don’t care about history……that’s why a socialist has such a great following……..after all, WHAT COULD BE WRONG WITH SOCIALISM?????

    only, like, 125-150 million killed by it…….but you have to know HISTORY to know about that…..and who cares about history, these days??????

    only, every time it’s ever been tried – including the very first colonists of the american continent – it has always failed miserably….but you have to know HISTORY to know about that, and who cares about history, these days?????

    we’re all about THE FUTURE now!!!!!….and it’s VERY EXCITING!!!!….

    ONWARD!!! FORWARD!!!!….famous socialist slogans, leading to the same socialist end……one hell of a lot of people who can’t even get toilet paper, ruled by a couple dozen people who have golden toilets……


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