Liberal Brits are so funny!! AHAHAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaihopemuslimscuttheirheadsoff – IOTW Report

Liberal Brits are so funny!! AHAHAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaihopemuslimscuttheirheadsoff


A British show called The Last Leg is sponsoring a Republican “Piss Poll” where people vote with their…

Who’s “winning?”

Who do you think? Donald Trump.

People always hate the biggest threat most.

It could have been worse. It could have been a Donald Dump contest.

ht/ chalupa

24 Comments on Liberal Brits are so funny!! AHAHAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaihopemuslimscuttheirheadsoff

  1. Benito, Just remembered. Funny story, durring his funeral everything was kind of spinning but somebody had notified the VFW. So this old guy probably about my fathers age, shows up to blow taps and present my mother with a flag. This old guy was crying so hard we ends up comforting him just so he could get through it. Kind of funny looking back at it now.

  2. Britain is a toilet and full one at that. Their plumbing is as shoddy as their electrical work so they can’t flush themselves.
    The British government pays jizya every day to their Moslem masters.

  3. Think you smartasses. Not all Brits are that way. They are just like
    us, decent people getting fuked by left wing commie bastards, and
    muslim loving media. Please. Brad when did your father meet an average German at 10 thousand feet and in a bomber? The average Brit was a pretty regular guy during WW11. But they have changed just like your average American. (Military excluded).

  4. Hey Anonymous.
    Can you spell Polesti you Fucking Asshole. You know I can only guess your a spineless Brit. But here’s the deal. They use to call it battle fatigue back in the day. Now they call it PTS. Same thing. My father had it in spades. He got up everyday and went to work and got it done. Was a faithful husband, a great father, and a Patriot. Fucking Brits use to fly bomber missions at night. Americans had to fly the day light missions. That’s all true. Don’t talk about my old man.

  5. There are a lot of very decent Brits who are suffering under the same type of shit, that we are, It hasn’t hit here as bad….yet.
    Don’t cover all Brits with a broad brush.
    Brad how many average Germans did your Dad meet while dropping bombs from a B-24, at two thousand feet? Cut the shit out.( But I respect your Dads service, as I respect my uncle’s, who served in the Royal Air Force)

  6. I don’t believe anyone was painting all Brits with that brush but damn, we watch all the videos posted and they need to get their shit together.
    We have our own shit to deal with here.
    We will halp just like WWII.

    The thing is, some asshole Brit made that urinal poster and thought he was clever.
    Meanwhile some muslim prick had his finger up the clever Brit’s wife’s ass, then raped her, all the while he was worried about OUR election.
    Give me a fucking break!

  7. Tommy don’t fucking go there. your disrespecting my father. You have no idea. We had a several German Familes living around our neighborhood in SoCal when I was a kid. He was cordial to them. Having said that I know dropping indescrimenet ordinance over most of Europe haunted him. So Tommy, don’t ever tell me to CUT THE FUCKING shit out again ass hole. I want an apology. Fuck you.

  8. Ultimately we all have to join together to beat the common enemy.

    Trumpsters, Cruzians, evangelicals, libertarians, conservatives, republicans, Brits, Germans, etc.

    The world is dying from liberalism, socialism, and Islamism.
    It’s either us or them.


  9. These are the guys who are such pussies they stood there and did nothing when their rulers came to take their only means of self-defense.

    Now, moslems are making bitches out of all of them, and they only have two choices – submit or lose your head.

    It would be nice to learn about that situation over there changing for the better. The longer they wait to take action, the harder the fight is going to be. They could figure out a way to defeat their enemies in that libtard shithole, if they really cared about freedom.

  10. There, there … it’s not Britain’s fault … 2 World Wars in 1 century was all it took to deplete the male population and leave the women and socialists to indoctrinate the young. With no male role models, they became effeminate – no big mystery, here.

    The Empire that the Sun never set on is now an island of misery and subservience.

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