Pre-Peeled Oranges Causes Uproar For Whole Foods – IOTW Report

Pre-Peeled Oranges Causes Uproar For Whole Foods


See, my first thought was, “what virus-ridden dirty finger-nailed migrant worker did they get to peel my orange? No thanks.”

But I don’t think like a prog. I’m a mean Neanderthal.

This was their problem —>


Ahhhhhhhhh… plastics.

You see, if I knew these were peeled by machine, I’d prefer these. I hate peeling oranges.

In fact, I hate oranges.

I love orange juice and anything flavored orange. But eating the fruit sucks. It’s too stringy. Tangerines are worse.

Oh, Whole Foods took them off the shelf. You see, they don’t think like progs, they just snap to whatever the progs say.





38 Comments on Pre-Peeled Oranges Causes Uproar For Whole Foods

  1. OK. When I go to Whole Foods, I almost without fail, will have to face the ogling gauntlet of rich lefty lesbians with their graying hair dressed in high end hiking gear from REI and those expensive hipster glasses- because my short hair is a “trigger” I guess.


    Mr. Illustr8r is endlessly amused by this.

  2. A simple economic fact is that these pre-peeled oranges would not exist if there was not some delicate fucking snowflake out there willing to cough up the cash to pay for it.

    As a corollary, there are plenty of snowflakes out there that are so delicate they have no fucking clue how to peel their own orange.

    And they all vote.

  3. It was a financial decision to carry them, and a financial decision to stop. WF knows that they are raking in money based on emotional appeal. And WF had one of the best health care plans in the country, not sure how it is since 0bamacare.

    Side note, I completely agree Fur – love orange juice, hate eating oranges because of the membrane. Also, when I bought OJ yesterday the choices were no pulp, massive pulp, and normal pulp but with calcium (which to me ruins the taste). So just normal was not available. Grrrrr. I decided on massive pulp, the top of the bottle was plugged with pulp.

  4. Wouldn’t want them like that anyway..I shave off just the orange skin part and retain the white which has different nutrient content then the meaty part.

  5. I like oranges but I can’t eat them or drink the juice. We used to grow them along with a lot of other fruit trees.

    When the SHTF, it’s good to know that progressives will be too stupid to find my garden. Last thing I want is lead and the blood of progressives contaminating my food.

  6. Why am I the only one here that’s thinking this looks like a damn fine idea?
    If it doesn’t cost too much.

    I’d eat oranges all day if I didn’t have to go to all the trouble of peeling them.

  7. Last time I ate an orange was when I was a kid.
    I’d cut them into six pieces, insert a cut piece, skin and all, into my mouth in such a way as to look like orange teeth and go bug my sister. THEN I’d finish the bite, chuck the peel, spit the pits and do another cut section with her.

  8. Doesn’t affect me because I don’t like oranges at all.
    Well…that’s not entirely true.
    I like them in Grand Marnier or Triple Sec, on the rocks.

  9. True story (even if somewhat off topic):

    One of the guys brought a bag of grapefruit to work and handed them out around the table. One of the guys (a negro, but that’s not germane to the story) asked: “What do you do with it?”
    Butch said “Peel it and eat it.”
    The guy asked “How?”

    The guy had never, seriously, seen a grapefruit.

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