~~~~~~~~ – IOTW Report


77 Comments on ~~~~~~~~

  1. My comment to ReaganiteGoper from another thread.


    I have no problem with someone that is opposing Donald Trump during the primary. You can even “threaten” his supporters, as you put it. That’s fine.

    But if by chance Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination, it would be up to the #NeverTrump coalition to explain coherently what Donald Trump has done, other than beat your guy, that rises to the level of the things Hilary Clinton has done throughout her career.

    You need an argument at that point.
    Otherwise you’ll just sound like a collection of sorry ass loons.

    Hillary is a monster, a known monster, who should never be rewarded with the position of commander-in-chief.

    While I’ve been fighting every day, writing and creating agitprop, to run Hillary into the ash heap of history, Donald Trump’s been a successful private citizen who, by any measure, was an asset to America.

    As he emerges he is suddenly worse for America than Hillary?

    You would sound idiotic given these circumstances.
    You may even be people who should be “threatened.”

  2. #NeverTrump is an important piece of the primary. We are letting everybody know that should the Donald win, we will sit out the election. We are not waiting to tell you after he wins the nomination. Polls are clearly on our side. Trumps loses to Hillary in almost every head to head poll. If you choose to stick with a candidate that is so repulsive to so many conservatives that is your choice. I do not.

    I will never vote for Hillary either. She is equally as repulsive as Trump.

  3. Why reward Donald with the presidency

    He said during a debate that W lied about WMD to start a war with Iraq.

    He said in a debate that he would order the military to kill families of terrorist. Killing unarmed women and children is wrong.

    He thinks it is just dandy to take a persons home and give to a large developer to create jobs.

    He donated to Hiliary because he wanted to be a successful business man. He also donated to Rahm Emanuel, Schumer, Wiener, Rangle, Reid, Pelosi and more so he could be successful. He didn’t give a damn about the rest of the people, just himself.

    He is now saying he can be flexible on his policies! Hell, that ain’t new, he changes them on a regular basis. Why should I believe he will do a darn thing he says?

    Trump is not a conservative, never has been a conservative and never will be a conservative. Trump will do as president as he has done as a businessman, make himself great at all costs,

    The republican congress is extremely unlikely to stand up against him and bow to his whims. We would likely lose congress in a landslide in 2018, and Trump will gladly work with the dems.

    If Hillary is elected, we have at least 2 years of absolute gridlock and keep both the house and senate in 2018.

    I’d rather have 4 years of gridlock followed by a strong chance of electing a true conservative in 2020. Trump will lead to a sure win by a liberal with D majority in congress.

    That’s how I see it and why I will sit out the election if Trump is the GOP nominee.

  4. Menderman,

    You think the things you listed about Trump rises to the level of what Hillary has done as a public servant?????

    Trump has never been a public servant.

    And you keep saying you’re simply “sitting out the election.”
    No you’re not.

    #NeverTrump is not sitting out the election. They are electioneering.

    If you’re going to simply “sit out the election,” SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    You seem to not know the difference between not participating and electioneering.
    And if you’re going to electioneer, with only 2 people in a race, the person running against the person you are electioneering against will benefit from your actions.
    So, yes, you’re campaigning FOR HILLARY.

    Please try and form some sort of lucid and coherent argument other than fear and supposition, as to how Trump deserves the presidency LESS than the butcher of Benghazi.

    Do I really have to list all of the Hillary scandals once again?

    She belongs in jail.
    Does Trump?

  5. Menderman,
    you keep repeating the same thing over and over, that you won’t do this or do that, as if THAT is the the persuasive argument.

    It’s rising to the level of just sheer pomposity.

    At some point you’ll need to make a compelling argument as to why your fellow right-winger would listen to you and follow suit so that Hillary could become commander-in-chief and make SCOTUS picks.

  6. The body snatchers got “Menderman.” His profile’s been deleted. Maybe he’s commenting from room 101

    “If Hillary is elected, we have at least 2 years of absolute gridlock and keep both the house and senate in 2018.”

    Republicans in Congress for at least 4 years have marched in step with whatever progressive Democrats and the Grand Poobah dictate; so to even begin to think they’d block the next Democrat president is delusional.

    I don’t hate anyone enough to hand the presidency to Hitlary or BurnOut Sanders.

  7. Aggie; I am not a #nevertrump.
    However, most of the people I know, including myself, that oppose Trump actually believe what he says.
    We don’t believe the papers his handlers write and post on his website.
    Do I believe that he would try to force my Army son to kick down a door and shoot a kid in the head? Well, he said it, took 12 hours to ‘retract’ it, then didn’t ever admit it was a wrong thing to do, it was just illegal so he guessed he couldn’t do it.
    He says that everything is negotiable on healthcare, the border (except the wall), and national security. He is open to the fact that we have to vote for him to find out what he is going to do.
    The people supporting Trump are voting for Trump’s handlers, not Trump.
    Do you really believe Trump will let his handlers run the country while he goes out golfing like Soetoro does?

  8. Finai,
    The part in Menderman’s argument about orchestrating congress was simply stunning.

    It’s as if he doesn’t realize why Trump was able to emerge.


    I don’t know what to say, only that if Erick Erickson is your pied piper, good luck with that.

  9. “He said in a debate that he would order the military to kill families of terrorist. Killing unarmed women and children is wrong.”

    The Allies killed upwards of 800,000 “unarmed women and children” in Germany.

    The Allies killed upwards of 1,000,000 “unarmed women and children” in Japan.

    It’s called “Stopping their will and ability to make War” and is accepted doctrine throughout the civilized and uncivilized world. You cannot stop “their” warmaking abilities without killing the people who materially support that warmaking.

    Tough, but there it is.

  10. JohnS, it’s called hyperbole.

    I completely disagree about “handlers” and your insights about others reasons for supporting him. Then again, I am not an all knowing super human.

  11. “He didn’t give a damn about the rest of the people, just himself.”

    He paid off the pols because that’s what it takes to do business in post-Republic America – just like in every other 3rd-world shit hole. He employed tens of thousands in the process – so it wasn’t just for “himself.”

  12. Zonga, signing up for a profile is optional. My comment was facetious when he said he’ll sit out the election if Trump is the candidate thinking Republicans would block Hillary policies.

  13. JohnS,

    That is why I never went off on you.
    Anyone has the right to support who they want to support, and not support who they don’t want to support.

    But *IF* Trump wins the nomination, and he becomes the only thing between Hillary and the white house, if you don’t vote for Trump you’ll share some of the responsibility for her presidency.

    But I’m not going to get all mad and butthurt if you don’t vote for Trump. That is your right.

    However, if you join an active movement to dissuade, bully and threaten others who plan on supporting Trump, that becomes an entirely different matter. Now you’re not simply an apathetic conscientious objector. You’re a foot soldier aiding my enemy.

    I hope you see the difference. Others apparently can’t.

  14. “Why should I believe he will do a darn thing he says?”

    Why would you believe Cruz, or Rubio, or Kasich?
    Why would you believe anyone?

    “Believe” is based on faith – and faith alone – that’s what the fuckin word means.

  15. Big Fur Hat,

    Largely, I have “shut the fuck up”. I seldom comment here anymore. I commented on this today because you asked: “it would be up to the #NeverTrump coalition to explain coherently what Donald Trump has done”, so I answered.

    Also, it is primary season, not the general, and I believe my opinions are just a valid as any of the others here. I have no intention of actively spreading anti-Trump information once the general starts. I see no value in that.

    Am I trying to influence the out come of the primary process? Absolutely! You have previously asked that we anti Trumpers should speak up now so the info could be vetted before the general. I am doing that. I am not campaigning for Hiliary.

  16. >>He said in a debate that he would order the military to kill families of terrorist. Killing unarmed women and children is wrong.>>

    I am for bulldozing the homes of terrorist’s families,
    with the families in them if that’s where they want to be when I’m bulldozing it.

  17. “Trump is not a conservative, never has been a conservative and never will be a conservative.”

    Define “conservative.”

    It is a word as devoid of meaning as “leftist,” “rightist,” “fascist,” “socialist,” “progressive,” “democrat,” or “republican” – it means whatever the user wants it to mean – and nothing less.

  18. Menderman,

    See my comment to JohnS.

    You’ve aligned yourself with #NeverTrump.

    You don’t think I haven’t seen your comments to Dan Joseph??
    Are you kidding?

    I see all. lol

    #NeverTrump is not a bunch of people who will “sit out the election.”

    They will be campaigning vociferously against Trump in the general.

    If I’m wrong I’ll eat a bug.

  19. JohnS,
    It is not my place to judge. There are people I instantly like or dislike, based on nothing more than gut – sometimes right, sometimes wrong.
    Everyone – EVERYONE – running for President of the United States is ambitious beyond the order of ordinary men. They will do, and say, anything (particularly in what they don’t say, so that the electorate can infer whatever they want from what WAS halfway, or obfuscatedly said) to quench that ambition. The track record is of importance to those who pay attention to such things, but is absolutely meaningless to those who don’t – say, a voter, supporter, toady, or stooge of HRC, for instance.

  20. BFH; Thank you. You will find, though, that it is very hard to hurt my feelings.
    I am a contractor, have been since 85. I deal with many rather wealthy people, mainly because poor people can’t afford my services.
    I can tell you that wealthy people are not, as a group, of better character than those of modest means.
    Trump is a dangerous man for exactly the same reasons Soetoro was/is. He is an unknown quantity who has recently started singing a different song than the one he sang all his life.
    Barry went back to what he was as soon as he was elected.
    There is good reason to believe Trump will do likewise.
    A tiger does not often change it’s stripes.

  21. You also saw the comment where I clearly said I would never vote for Hiliary, right?

    I was #NeverTrump before the hashtag made it popular. As I said last October, his E D stance was 2.99 strikes. What really sent me over the cliff was Trump calling W a liar at a debate, and he has become even worse since then.

    I have no intention continuing my support of #NeverTrump after the convention. I intend to sit down and shut the fuck up. I will, however, speak if spoken to.

  22. EE can kiss my ass, what a jerk. If there was justice, I’d run into that fat fuck. He’s getting played by the media and the scumbag doesn’t care. Why aren’t we seeing any stories from Bernie’s people and the royal fucking they’re getting? Yeah.

    And as for throwing this to Hillary, expecting gridlock until 2020 and then a fucking white knight is going to descend from the heavens and sweep the true believers into the WH, seriously?

    You are out of your fucking minds if you think McConnell/Ryan are going to stymie Hillary. They want the same thing! WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON HERE!! Have you GD idiots been paying attention the last 25 years?

    Giving her the power of the presidency would be the end. No really, this time it would be it. She’s utterly incompetent and has proven it as Sec/State. She’s ill, it’s Jarrett 2.0 with Huma. The MB would have it’s tentacles so deep into our government, it’ll be SYRIAN REFUGEES 24/7. The SC would be lost for a generation. Either TSHTF, WWlll, open racial riots, our culture gone forever or a combination of all of them.

    It’s pointless trying to debate with someone that says there’s no difference between Hillary and Trump. Really, just go fucking kill yourself-stupid like that shouldn’t be allowed to exist.

  23. “If Hillary is elected, we have at least 2 years of absolute gridlock and keep both the house and senate in 2018.”

    If you believe that the clowns who elected McConnell and Ryan to lead them (Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House) have any intention of, or backbone to, stand up to the Occupant of the Oval Office, then you haven’t been paying much attention for the past 7 years.

    (and I, personally, enjoy your posts, and wish you’d comment more – gives meaning to the concept of “dialogue”)

  24. I started to watch, then I thought- Fuck that.
    Why? Why so much focus on Erickson???
    Focus on the candidates themselves. Not the dumbasses trashing/praising them. We’re not voting for THEM.

    Unless one of these people starts trashing Hillary and Bernie, I don’t give a shit what they think.

  25. “I can tell you that wealthy people are not, as a group, of better character than those of modest means.”

    What the heck. You act like people of modest means have no desire to EARN MORE. You are parked 45 minutes away from what use to be the most dynamic economy in the world. It took the state of California and our Federal Government considerable time to finally give it away and kill it. I really can’t understand your mind set. Do you know or have any idea how many people with modest incomes got rich down there during the 80’s and 90’s. Do you know or have any idea how many have lost all that because of what our government has done to us.
    Wouldn’t you like to have that back? Your statement I have in quotations above almost sounds to me like you’ve given up.

  26. Menderman, do you intend to talk to no one about poiticals after the primaries? I don’t see how one with enough interest to post on the site could not dialogue during the general? It would drive me crazier than the last 8 years have.

  27. For the Trump can’t beat Hillary idiots.
    Trump is CRUSHING Romney’s primary performance votes.
    Dems are DOWN. Republicans are RECORD NUMBER HIGHS – CREDIT TO TRUMP!
    If you want to sit it out, FINE – IF YOU CAMPAIGN LIKE AN IMMATURE BABY AGAINST Trump in the GENERAL you will DESTROY AMERICA.

  28. —What really sent me over the cliff was Trump calling W a liar at a debate, and he has become even worse since then.—-

    I just can’t wrap my brain around this

    So what?

  29. As an avid Trump supporter, guess I better think about packing the snub nose .38 again in case I run into a #NeverTrump *serious* crazy who doesn’t like my views. Whew! ….Lady in Red

  30. All Too Much,

    As I said, I won’t be campaigning for or against anybody. If asked (on the street) who I intend on voting for, I’ll simply say “neither”.

    Close friends that I do talk politics with will press for more, but discussing political positions with friends is not “electioneering” .

  31. Mednerman – Maybe I misunderstood you comment:

    ‘I intend to sit down and shut the fuck up. I will, however, speak if spoken to.’

    Thank you for explaining.

  32. Menderman,

    No comment in particular. Simply offering that asshole any encouragement is enough.
    I call him an asshole for very specific reasons-
    1- He’s an asshole
    2- He called anyone supporting Trump “dumb.”
    3- He thinks he can sing.

    Sorry if my reasons are shallow. Just trying to mirror his reasoning on hating Trump.

  33. Menderman, I disagree with your position on Trump but I damn sure don’t want you killing yourself. Jeez, that is a bit much. If there is going to be some killing going on we need to pick some better targets.

  34. Also, I suggest keeping an open mind if Trump should become the nominee.

    I think the Trump hatred is clouding your senses.
    It’s almost as if you don’t realize he’d be running against Hillary Clinton.

    If you can watch and listen to her, and watch and listen to her supporters, who are everyone we have ever skewered here on iOTWreport – from snowflakes to monsters – and still say “I’m sitting this out,” you might want to consider reassessing where you are politically.

    Remember the relative with the bumper stickers all over her car? You’d be apathetic, at best, towards her agenda.

  35. Menderman…. Just read and think and, as Cruz puts it, breathe. We’ve a long way to go until the fat lady sings.

    Rubio is a uni-party hack into Fla real estate and drug mafia, similar to our present “leader.”

    Cruz is a wily snake and a shadow part of the uni-party, also, with a wife who works both for the Council on Foreign Relations and Goldman Sachs. He’s been obsessed with power since he was a tadpole. Think no borders globalism, UN control…..

    Kasich is sweet, but not tough enough to change the course of Ship of State 180 degrees. Just more same ole….

    Trump’s got Chris Christie and Sarah Palin and Steve Forbes and Jerry Falwell Jr, not to mention Carl Icahn backing him. Not bad, eh? And Newt Gingrich for Chief of Staff, perhaps….?

    EE and I parted company long ago and I think he is a good one *not* to have in our camps. Just pay attention and keep thinking.

    …..Lady in Red

  36. “Why? Why so much focus on Erickson???”

    because he started the #NeverTrump meme and is inadvertently campaigning FOR Hillary and a Liberal Supreme Court..

  37. good LORD these people are morons. BFH’s post at the top is the real meat of the issue. Allowing HILLARY to WIN is NATIONAL SUICIDE.

    Any conservative who insists on writing in a candidate, or voting for a 3rd party candidate, or not voting at all because “their guy” didn’t get nominated, or because they don’t like the guy who did, is certifiably insane. That is because you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.

    Any republican is better than any democrat. They can nominate Romney again, or Mitch McConnel, or John Boehner. I do not care one bit WHO is nominated.

    This is war.

    The leftists pick an electable candidate. Any breathing democrat who they think can steal enough votes to get elected will get the nomination.

    They will then talk that person up. They will not EVER say one single solitary thing bad about that nominee. They will say that nominees poop does not stink.

    They will then proceed to VOTE for that nominee at LEAST once and also drag everyone they can to the polls to vote for the nominee.

    Why? Because they actually understand that this is a war.

    The stupid conservatives are the ones who DONT understand that fact.

    If you are in a war and don’t understand that you ARE in a war you are going to LOSE every time.

    Vote for who you want to in the primary. DONATE to your favorite guy. PRAY that a good candidate gets nominated.

    BUT – once the primaries are over and there is a LEFTIST candidate and a NON-LEFTIST candidate –

    You only have two choices, and you had BETTER vote for the non-leftist.

    Otherwise you are a sucker, a fool, and a drooling moron.

    The drooling morons who DID NOT go and vote for Romney just because he had a few things about him they didn’t like handed this country over to 0bama for 4 more years.

    I HOPE those same people are not that stupid again.


    People need to realize this isn’t about principles.

    The primaries are what the principles are for.

    If people WRITE IN sam the dog catcher for president or vote for the excellent constitution party candidate or the Green party candidate because they want to toke it up on Friday night, that might be right based on principles but it’s a mistake politically.

    Your principles might make you want to stay at home and not vote because your grandma would spin in her grave if she found out you voted for someone who doesn’t believe in the same exact God that she did. That might be justifiable based on principles, but it’s a mistake politically.

    You can rest easy on your principles as you wait in the bread line because your principles got another liberal elected.

    If Hillary or some other lock-step leftist gets elected in 2016 I GUARANTEE YOU 100% they will piss all over what’s left of this country by then and flush the floaters down the toilet.

  38. Yep! Jeff Sessions, too (who the Natl Review, bless ’em, called a prostitute for his support. And Huckabee! whose daughter is working for the Trump campaign.

    There’s some serious thickness there. …Lady in Red

  39. Quote from cSteven Tucker ” vote your conscience in the primary due your duty in the general” Anyone who does not vote next November and is able to cast a vote for our guy is by default voting for killary. Its that simple, and anyone that does that I will consider part of the enemy’s camp.

  40. “What really sent me over the cliff was Trump calling W a liar at a debate”
    THAT’S the deal breaker? You rather Hillary and the Supreme Court elected over a Trump Bush bashing?
    Sounds gay to me.

  41. If being called “dumb” offends you, don’t go over to iOTWr! I present my honest opinion and why over there and the vile things said about me by some of the readers are so vile I won’t repeat them!

    I do my best to not make it personal. In fact, when I sent you the video I asked your permission to post it in a comment and said I would not if you didn’t want me to.

    I actually never intended to “promote” the video, I just wanted it to be known that it exists. While I agree with the basic agenda, I don’t agree with everything Dan says.

    My disdain for Trump is not an endorsement for Hiliary. I would vote for Cruz, Kasich or Rubio over Hiliary. I would have voted for Jeb over Hiliary if it came to that!

    Above I listed the big reasons I won’t vote Trump, but there are many, many more reasons. He has a pretty long list.

  42. BB; the fact is that it was wealthy people of low character, like Trump, that financed the destruction of this once great state in an attempt to protect themselves from competition.
    As a matter of fact, Trump himself was one of those people.
    What he did in LA should give you serious pause.

  43. JohnS
    We are from different planets. I participated in that boom and watched it destroyed by Bill Clinton, and two Bush’s. It wasn’t evil greedy rich business owners that wrecked it. It was politicians.

  44. Regarding Trump University. Do you real think he would intentionally do something illegal that would yield .00000001% of his net worth? That make no sense.

  45. BB; I am from planet California.
    I watched us devolve from Reagan to ‘Moonbeam”.
    Until a cabal of wealthy business people financed the takeover by Democrats we had an economy that was larger than all but 13 countries in the world. including China.
    Yes, Trump was involved.
    Look into what he did in LA. He also financed state races that were crucial to getting Sacramento under the control of the Donks.
    You should have expected that, as Trump was a Democrat then and a big insider in CA politics.

  46. First link of hundreds that came up with a search of Trump donating to CA Dems.
    You must have been a Democrat at the time to have missed this.
    I am a capitalist, I won my own company and employ people.
    I just don’t like business people that use their influence to destroy the economy of a state merely to protect their wealth.

  47. BB; like I said, the first link out of hundreds. Yes, I did fact check it.
    I am not going to sort and fact check articles until I find a publication that you like, as in the New York Times. Even though there were articles from them that came up. Or maybe you want NPR?
    Sounds like you also think that those who don’t like what George Soros does are not capitalists either? After all he is worth north of 3 times what Trump is.
    He also puts his money behind Democrats that restrict our rights and throttle our economy.
    Sounds like your kind of guy, right? You wouldn’t want to be accused of not being a capitalist, would you?

  48. Menderman my friend. Remember that “Draw Mohammed” event and what transpired? Who could forget? Your entry was stellar by the way.

    Imagine if Mr. Pinko, BigFurHat, Claudia, Illustr8or, Dr. Tar, Admin Girl, MJA, (did I forget any of the big wigs? Sorry if I did!) and your favorite IOTWReport commentators were present at that event and ISIS storms the building. Would you want Trump or Hillary there to help save you from the possible savage butchery? I’d want Trump.

    I’m not fearmongering with this scenario. But I want to take this point all the way to the next occupant of The White House and who do you think would be best suited to take on ISIS and stop them DEAD in their tracks? Hillary? NO. Trump? YES. He said himself he’s gonna bomb the ? out of ’em. Hillary let those Benghazi heroes ROT AND DIE on the vine.

    “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” You’re not a horse. I just want you to chew the cud regarding my point should Trump become the nominee.

    P.S. And also ask yourself who would make a superior “First Lady.” Bubba?

  49. Jerry Manderin , just for the record, Trump condemned Pamela Geller for holding the Draw Muhammad contest in Garland, TX. He would have never allowed such a thing to take place. Could be his investments in Dubai? Who knows. Cruz is the guy for anti-jihad, not Trump.

    I’ll vote for either one, but I’m going with anti-jihad if I have a choice.

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