Hillary won’t call for ban on fracking – IOTW Report

Hillary won’t call for ban on fracking

hillary face

WT: Hillary Clinton’s murky position on fracking has angered both sides of the climate-change debate, and it’s unclear whether the Democratic Party’s presidential front-runner supports expanded natural gas drilling or would virtually outlaw it if elected to the White House.

At Sunday night’s Democratic debate, Mrs. Clinton stopped short of calling for an outright ban on fracking, raising alarm bells among some climate-change activists – More

9 Comments on Hillary won’t call for ban on fracking

  1. Cankles will conform to whatever the voting constituents in certain areas want to hear to get elected….after she is elected ….she will break out the lube & rubber gloves on the American citizens to follow her liberal agenda….OMG!!!!…worst unnecessary metaphor in the world….might need a lobotomy after that one

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