Levin TV – premier show – IOTW Report

Levin TV – premier show


This TV show looks good, it’s well produced, and it has Mark Levin.

It’s something for conservatives to be proud of.

29 Comments on Levin TV – premier show

  1. Mark Levin is the best voice conservatives have at this time – educated, passionate, accurate, knowledgeable, and experienced.
    Eventually, he will probably endorse Ted Cruz.

  2. He’s campaigning for Cruz.
    There’s nothing wrong with that.

    Everyone has the right to campaign.

    If, however, Trump wins and he joins some #NEVERTRUMP movement, then there’s a problem.

    Never aid and abet the left, no matter how clever you think your triple-level chess game is.

  3. DumbPlumber, selecting Cruz over Trump is not “going off the rails”. He’s a Reagan conservative, of course his choice is Cruz. Why is this “going off the rails”? I don’t tell Trump supporters that they are going off the rails. How do you define these “rails” you speak of?

  4. Both Cruz and Levin have shaken me this year and the very latter part of last year. I still love them both, yet they have shaken me (trade deal, visas, Levin family ties to insider/advisors). I trust both men are fully capable of being gracious were Trump to win the nomination. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, yet I hope they do the right thing in the general.

  5. What bothers me most are those that question and don’t trust Mark Levin.
    I tell ya, if you can’t trust Levin to be 100% conservative you might as well just become a Kardashian.
    We are done for.

    Name someone who knows more about the constitution and our founding that isn’t on the Supreme Court?
    Hell, I would wager after Scalias’ passing…

  6. dumbplummer has not told us how Levin has gone off the rail.
    Inquiring minds would like to know how. Please explain.

    And what’s with all the thumbs up for that?
    Are you all hitchhiking to Trump land? He just can’t be trusted entirely.

    Cruz alone has stood up to the powerful hypocrites in Washington.

  7. I remember listening to Levin last September.
    Trump called in and it was a veritable love-fest between them.
    Trump praised Mark and said that his family listens to him often.
    Levin was very nice to Trump.

    Then Trump went off the rails.

    Mark calls it like he sees it.
    He isn’t establishment.
    Earlier tonight he was actually complementary to Trump.
    He has said that he will support Trump as the republican.
    Levin cannot handle a Hillary or Bernie, even though they would help his ratings.

  8. I always feel as if it is incumbent on me to try and bring a little sanity to this push pull that Trump has caused in this election.

    Cruz crafting a bill that would increase H-1b workers by 500% puts him squarely in the realm of run-of-the-mill fallible pol zone.

    When you bring it up, unyielding sycophants try everything under the sun to explain this away.
    Someone in the bullpen was telling me this was part of his poison pill ploy.

    Another said that he amended the bill to include that employers must pay the foreign worker the same as an American worker.

    I feel almost like Captain Obvious when I point out the way to absolutely assure American workers won’t be damaged is to WITHDRAW THE F*CKING BILL.

    It would still allow employers to exploit H-1b by utilizing the provision which states the worker can be part-time.
    2 H-1b workers at 27 hours a week, and you don’t have to supply benefits.

    Thanks Ted!

    The question is WHY?
    Why did he craft this bill in the first place?
    Crony capitalism??

  9. Hey FUR. An idea to help narrow down this discussion. Why not do a thread with the obvious choices of what needs to be fixed the most in our country. What’s the priority. Immigration, The Economy, Terror Threat, etc etc. Let’s see which one gets the most TU and then we can narrow down who best has the tools and experience to fix it. Just a thought.

  10. Dan posted something about the talk radio hosts being the “gang of 8” promoting Trump. Levin and Rush were on the list. I defended Rush because I listen to him almost every day (and have done so since he had a TV show). Rush is in no way pushing Trump, and from what I have heard from Levin, he is not either. The knee jerk reactions are getting ridiculous. Just look at the plumbers response. Both sides are going nutz throwing the best of the best under the bus if they see the slightest deviation to their preferred candidate. It is insanity! Stop it!
    (btw, BFH, you did see that comment on Dan’s post, right?)

  11. Levin pulling for Trump over Cruz would be like a Red Sox fan pulling for the Yankees.
    Of course Levin favors Cruz.
    You can point out a couple of issues with Cruz but compared to Trump?

    Levin will pull for the American League team come the general election.

    Even if it is that damn Yankee!

  12. BFH, from Cruzes website (he has strongly switched his position correctly, Trump has switched in the opposite direction):

    Suspend the issuance of all H-1B visas for 180 days to complete a comprehensive investigation and audit of pervasive allegations of abuse of the program: Initiate an immediate 180-day investigation and audit of the H-1B visa program and enact fundamental reforms of this program to ensure that it protects American workers. In recent months, more and more reports have become public of companies replacing American workers with cheaper foreign workers, contrary to the stated intent of the H-1B visa program. This will stop, and the H1-B program will be suspended until we can be certain that the program is no longer being abused.

  13. Meerkat , what you are missing is that if Ted evolves his position over weeks, months or years, he is oily. Now, Trump on the other hand, when he changes positions overnight, it is him listening to the people and correcting his view to align with the will of the people.

    Got it?

  14. —-“Did Cruz’s poison pill block the gang of eight bill, or didn’t it”—-

    It didnt.

    I thank Majority Leader Reid, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, and every member of the ‘Gang of Eight’ for their leadership,…..
    The bipartisan bill that passed today was a compromise…..
    Today, the Senate did its job. It’s now up to the House to do the same. – Pres, Obama https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/06/27/statement-president-obama-senate-passage-immigration

  15. BFH,

    You have conflated my two positions on Cruz and the addition of the H1B visa increase. The increase was part of his amendments for the Gang of Eight. The increase in H1B Visa holder pay and a limitation of the number of visas is in the bill Cruz co-authored with Jeff Sessions called “American Jobs First Act of 2015”.

    In this bill not only do they restrict the number of H1B Visas, but they also require a minimum wage of $110,000.00, that the petitioner company must pay all living expenses of the visa worker, and that the petitioner company must also provide full benefits. This effectively makes using a work visa cost prohibitive and thus the visas won’t be used unless they are actually needed as claimed.

    But don’t take my word for it, here is the link to the bill text;

    Hopefully this clears the air….

  16. Aggie,

    Risking being further labelled a “Cruz sycophant” allow me to comment on your post;

    —-“Did Cruz’s poison pill block the gang of eight bill, or didn’t it”—-

    “It didnt.”

    I had a longer reply, but I am tired of it.

    The amendment that would have declared that no amnesty would happen was defeated, but because it was defeated McCain and the rest could no longer hide behind their supposedly lengthy “path to citizenship” ruse as it was effectively shown to be nothing more than pure amnesty.

    As such even without passing a single amendment, Cruz blew their cover and left them spinning their wheels as house republicans fled from the house version of the Gang of Eight bill for fear of being labelled an amnesty supporter.

    Even Marco Rubio had a change of heart and during this time came out and opposed the very bill he helped craft and pass.

    But hey, history is on the internet, just go search the news stories from 2013, around July through November and read for yourself. Oh and check from prior to May 2013 to see how McCain, Schumer and the rest were hiding their amnesty position.

  17. It passed the Senate. Passed, simlpe as that.

    It died in the house. We can give Cruz, Session and others credit for bringing to light the true intentions of the left – and McCain, Rubio, Flake etc.. But his failed ammendments do not equal “he killed the bill”

    Canto was primaried on this issue and lost, in VA, to Brat. In the house the bill died. Cruz isnt a congressman. He didn’t kill the bill, just like I didnt’ kill the chicken I bought, cooked and ate for supper

  18. Silly word play, but ok. How many quarterbacks threw that ball of yours? Sessions, Grassley, Lee, Cornyn, Cruz and Hatch all on the Judiciary Commitee fighting together. http://www.lee.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/blog?ID=c987c046-1f08-48be-aaba-807881f38b96

    Read the link, and its undeniable the “Cruz killed the bill” is political pandering. He is running for Pres, so his record of being against the bill is spot on, His “poison pill amendment” I beleive him 100% But none of the changes the facts .

    The House killed the bill that the Senate passed in spite of Sessions, Grassely etc. efforts

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