Video From Inside Lavoy Finnicum’s Car Matched With State’s Video – IOTW Report

Video From Inside Lavoy Finnicum’s Car Matched With State’s Video

Was he murdered?

ht/ tsunami

35 Comments on Video From Inside Lavoy Finnicum’s Car Matched With State’s Video

  1. Was he murdered? ABSOLUTELY! This was an assassination and was set up as such from the get go. The govt. narrative contradicts itself. They say he was shot in the back 3 times, but how could they see if he was reaching for anything from the back? The family’s autopsy showed he was shot 9 times The govt. also claimed that they didn’t shoot as the truck approached the road block. The video puts the lie to that.

  2. Yes. He was murdered. …for the education of the others.

    Unless “we” demand accountability, the government will get away with it. …..Lady in Red

    PS: Go to

  3. Not to mention, why would the FBI agent lie about firing his weapon and why would 4 other agents try to cover that up if everything was on the up and up? They still claim the number of shots taken by LE was in the single digits, but the video proves that there were dozens of shots fired into and at the truck, even after it was stopped. Lavoy was viciously murdered by corrupt representatives of our govt. and they continue to lie about it.

  4. They, the government, knew exactly where these vehicles would be on this remote section of road, with no cell service, a plane with video in the air, spike strips and snipers. It was obviously intended to be an ambush with murderous intent. And no one but authorities fired a shot that day. I think this could aptly be referred to as the Oregon Governor’s Death Squad… Why else would you fire repeatedly at a fleeing vehicle, other than to escalate the situation into the blood bath they intended.

  5. I wasn’t there for first hand knowledge so I’m not going to play armchair quarterback and take a side. Even though I have been in a kill or be killed position in the past. I have had a friend that was in a similar position and he didn’t react fast enough and now he’s dead. With all the shit going on with open season on LEO’s now I don’t think it’s wise to even act like you are considering suicide by cop.

  6. For those claiming suicide by cop, think about what is actually shown on video. We don’t have all the video that may have shown that Lavoy was already fired upon. Pulled over on a lone, desolate road with no call service, but the cops didn’t try to arrest. He told them where he was going but they set up a “dead man’s” road block. They had already fired on the truck before Lavoy got out with his hands raised. That’s murder – not suicide.

  7. Yes he was murdered – executed. He was shot before he ever got out of the vehicle. There was blood on the driver’s seat.

    This video confirms the statements previously made by Victoria Sharp and Shawna Cox. They were already shooting at him, and he had his hands up when he got out of the vehicle but they shot him again anyway. The fucking bastards wanted him dead because he demanded that they abide by the constitution.

    LaVoy knew they wanted to kill him, they had already told him they would.

    They had that illegal felony roadblock already set up for him. They had the trees trimmed and about 20 government thugs already set up in wait for the execution.

    This is forced submission by an out of control tyrant government.
    Fuck the feds! May they all burn in hell fire soon!


    LaVoy Finicum was ambushed and
    Executed by the federal government
    for demanding they abide by the
    Constitution of the United States.
    Government is a SERVANT of
    the People, NOT the MASTER.
    They are CORRUPT TYRANTS who
    no longer serve the citizens.
    ~ Vote Out the Tryants & Traitors ~


    * I’m having this laminated to put on my truck. Fuck the feds!

  9. Notice that they cuffed his hands behind his back after they murdered him. And they left the cuffs on all the way to the morgue. An evil sign of disrespect for the man that only asked them to abide by the laws in our constitution.

    “white handcuffs”, it’s in the autopsy report.

  10. And the FBI and Department of Justice are non-partisan and professional.
    hillary clinton, lois lerner, political hacks, numerous thieves, liars and felons who work for the government agree with this statement.

  11. When they first pulled him over, I don’t know what communication was between LEO and Lavoy but if you pull somebody over you should do something and not just sit there. If your plan was to stop him from going somewhere, you have address it, arrest him, or something. My take is that they were stalling for the road block to be setup.

    Lavoy should’ve stopped at the roadblock. Was road block FBI?
    I think the FBI was itching to get things over with.
    However, once the truck was stopped and Lavoy is out of truck, it appeared he was gunned down. I don’t think he would be dumb enough to go reaching inside his jacket. There may have been other decisions that were dumb but I don’t think he is that dumb to give them an excuse to shoot him.

  12. The comments on this post looks a lot like the posts on liberal websites following the shooting of Michael Brown.

    If I recall the posts on IOTW following the Michael Brown shooting, they were primarily in this tone:
    “Don’t want to get shot, do what the cops tell you.”

    All the sudden we have a bunch of BLM clones posting here at IOTW. Michael Brown was shot and was unarmed, Lavoy Finnicum was shot and was unarmed. Both defied law enforcement, both are dead.

    You have an individual that is pulled over and he leaves that road stop, then the individual encounters a roadblock accelerates up to the roadblock like he is going to ram it, then swerves to avoid it. As a rational human being if I am accelerating toward a roadblock I would expect incoming fire.

    The individual then gets out of the vehicle and walks toward law enforcement while saying, “you are going to have to shoot me”. He continues to advance and or not follow law enforcement instructions. As a rational human being, my expectation, if I were doing that, would be that I would be shot.

    This comment has nothing to do with what the Feds are doing in Oregon (which is an injustice) and sometimes people wish to become martyrs for what they believe in. Lavoy did not want to go to prison, a point he made many times. If you break a law and do not want to go to jail a person can usually count on being killed.

  13. And the road block was set up in a way that made it hard for him to see it until he got around the curve. The highway was slick, giving him no time to stop, but you can see his brake lights in one of vids. Watch the stabilized videos.

    They had already told the man they would kill him. That’s the job 0bama and Lynch gave the goons. They set this up after a call from the libtard gov of Oregon.

  14. Frank; Conflating a guy who physically assaulted a lone police officer, then got shot while trying to repeat the assault with a man yards away from any officer that had his hands up displays a complete lack of understanding of either case.

  15. LaVoy wasn’t going to validate the authority of a government execution squad. He knew what they were and already had an idea what they were planning to do. The most important thing in his mind at the time was to get over to the meeting with sheriff Palmer. The murderers were probably instructed to not let that meeting occur at whatever cost. Sheriff Palmer is a pro-constitution sheriff, and he’s now being attacked by the feds who are looking for a way to get rid of him.

    LaVoy and the others were told that it was ok for them to leave the refuge and that they would not be arrested, the feds told them this. Why should he trust anything they say or do now that they proved they had lied to all of them?

    There is plenty of information out there on this.

    Again, fuck the federal government of corruption. They do not work for us.

  16. Yup! Murdered as he was going for his gun. How stupid can you be to be flailing around and yelling to the police to kill him and THEN to reach for a gun. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

  17. I *suspect* LaVoy got out of the vehicle — which was already peppered with bullets (for no good reason) — to distract attention and to protect the two women inside.

    We will never know, for sure.

    And, no, he did not want to die. If I said I love my home so much that, if I were to be forced to leave, you should just conk me on the head and push me off the balcony, it is hyperbolic, not a serious death wish. …..Lady in Red

    PS: My Refugee….. Perhaps you should take an aspirin and lie down for a bit, now….? ….smile…

  18. One last thing before I go make the rounds;

    Listen to this assessment of the FBI video:

    They claimed that the occupants in the vehicle were a dangerous threat and so they were justified in what they did. Yet, you can clearly see one or two of the goons who shot LaVoy placed themselves directly behind the vehicle and within easy shooting distance and view of the vehicle. So there was no threat there. They were after LaVoy, not the others, and he knew this. See the video he made the day before and listen to what he said about the threats from the feds.

    This is a guy who never even got a speeding ticket.

    Also, Victoria was yelling that she was an EMT and wanted to help LaVoy. She remained amazingly calm during the ambush, considering the situation. All of them seemed to have handled it to the best of their abilities.

    Both ladies stated that they felt LaVoy was trying to draw fire away from the rest of them.

    Notice how long LaVoy laid dead in the snow. They knew he was dead, or they would have kept shooting him. Yet, the autopsy report states:

    “A pair of white metal handcuffs is around the wrists, pulling the arms and hands behind the back.”

    These fucking bastard thugs put handcuffs on a corpse, a dead man that they had just killed. And they left the cuffs on his body, they were still on him at the morgue. That was an intentional insult, a weak statement that they had “won” the fight.

    I swear, I am so pissed about this whole thing.

  19. Lady in Red , I don’t do aspirin. And don’t offer me any of your cocaine either. 🙂

    Vaya con Dios

    P.S. I didn’t mean for it to sound like you were a brainless progtard. Should have separated that better. You have some intelligent posts. Let’s just not talk about abortion or God, though.

    Goodbye for a while…

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