Cruz in the lead in Idaho- Update: Cruz Wins – IOTW Report

Cruz in the lead in Idaho- Update: Cruz Wins

Cruz scores upset win over Trump in Idaho.

This would be an upset and would signal that perhaps the tide is beginning to turn.

23 Comments on Cruz in the lead in Idaho- Update: Cruz Wins

  1. Thanks, friends. I’ve heard claims on talk radio, Facebook, etc., about who’s voting, but don’t know what to believe anymore.

    Some Lefties in my Facebook feed are afraid, and begging “Republicans” not to nominate Trump; reposting the Louis CK thing and whatnot. Yet other lefties have told us they are voting for Trump. So I don’t know if it’s really Republicans choosing him, or the additional people joining in. These are strange times indeed.

  2. Don’t get too excited Trumpkins Trump only got 15 more delegates than Cruz. Once Rubio and Kasich drop out Trump won’t ever win again. Better get used to saying President Cruz.

  3. As the old Shake-n-Bake ad said, “And Ahh Helped!”

    There was a very good turnout at my polling place, and at one a friend voted at.

    Closed primaries are the best. Especially when you have to show ID, like here in ID!

  4. president Ted “his wifes a cfr/goldman sachs insider” Cruz.

    no, I can’t get used to it.
    he can be your president, but just like the black messiah, he won’t be mine.

    want things to stay the same?
    of course vote for the cfr/goldman sachs candidate.
    what’s the difference between ted and hillary? none.

    look up the definition of insanity by albert einstein.

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