Uses “Awesome” “Epic” and “Boom” in the Same Post and I Have To Say… – IOTW Report Uses “Awesome” “Epic” and “Boom” in the Same Post and I Have To Say…

…this was Awesome, Epic and BOOM!  I’ll ignore my eye twitch just this one time.

Bernie Sanders tried to make a dumb dirtbag hippie point and was shut down in just one tweet.

Young Conservatives-

This is seriously awesome.


See Bernie get pwned after the break



That. was. EPIC.


pssssst. Sanders.  Lookey below. 100s volunteered to shoot the 1st couple. 3 were chosen by lottery.

Now they have fast internet.


15 Comments on Uses “Awesome” “Epic” and “Boom” in the Same Post and I Have To Say…

  1. Under Obama, the US hasn’t even had one year with 3% growth. That’s with federal budget deficits > 3% of GDP (i.e. negative economic growth w/o spending borrowed money from our children).

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