And You Thought The Butterfly Ballot Was Confusing – IOTW Report

And You Thought The Butterfly Ballot Was Confusing

9 Comments on And You Thought The Butterfly Ballot Was Confusing

  1. Kasich is in control of the Ohio GOP and the Sec/State. Kasich has also been very discreet as far as blasting Trump. Is he willing to take a bullet for Trump, fuck the GOPe in Ohio to get the VP slot?

    I’d like to be a fly on the wall in that back room.

  2. The National Election is already dirty, just as dirty as the agent who immediately shot at Finicum, missed twice and denied it.
    All these people belong in prison. Hillary isn’t the only one who smells like rotten fish.

  3. Ohio used to split the delegates. Now we’re winner take all. Guess who arranged that? We became winner take all because it was supposed to benefit Kasich
    This ballot is a carry-over from a time when Ohio’s Republican vote was divided proportionally, rather than in the winner-take-all being used in 2016.

    To confuse things further all the original candidates are on the ballot. 11 wasn’t it in the beginning? Those who have dropped out are still on the ballot.

    I called my county GOP and they essentially implied I am stupid for not knowing how to use the ballot. At the end of the call they asked if I wanted to contribute money to the party. Jerks! They claim the voting places will have many signs posted with the withdrawn candidates names listed. WTF don’t they print correct ballots instead printing mass quantities of extra signs. I understand ballots were needed for early voting which started early February but can’t they print correct ballots for the polls?

    If you vote for 2 different people I was told only one vote will count, OK which one, the at large or the district delegate? Duh, I don’t know was the answer and was told to vote for the same candidate twice just to be sure.

    This state is effed up in many ways. When I moved here I was told I was a bumpkin with a drawl from the backwards state of NC. One person made a crack about southerners not having flush toilets. That was the limit. At the time Ohio had stinking filthy pit latrines (as in outhouses!) in the Interstate rest stops while NC had some really nice, fully attended, flush toilet, free coffee clean hospitality centers.

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