IOTWreport Movie Night – IOTW Report

IOTWreport Movie Night

In the spirit of Pamela Geller’s movie nights at her Atlas Shrugs blog site, I present to you this conspiracy thriller.  The Brotherhood of the Bell (1970) remains the premier conspiracy theory movie. It starred Glenn Ford and Dean Jagger.

Glenn Ford plays a man who joins a mysterious fraternity, “The Brotherhood of the Bell”, while in college. Upon attaining wealth and prominence, Ford discovers that the Brotherhood has been keeping tabs on him, and expects certain favors from him in the private sector. It dawns on Ford that the Bell is a sinister, subversive organization bent on world domination. When he tries to bring this to the attention of the public on a TV program hosted by a “gonzo” talkshow star (William Conrad), he is mocked and humiliated. Realizing that the Brotherhood of the Bell is too big and powerful to be defeated by conventional methods, Ford attempts to take on the organization in his own way.


HT: Gary North

9 Comments on IOTWreport Movie Night

  1. Interesting movie, interesting coincidence. I got the Gary North tip earlier today and just finished watching The Brotherhood of the Bell five minutes ago. The 1970 melodrama flavor is not one I usually like, but this film is worth watching. I particularly liked William Conrad in the Joe Pyne-ish character role.


    DC GOP primary was today: the polls closed at 4:00 p.m. EST.

    It is now after 10:00 p.m. EST, and no results yet?

    ‘zup widdat?

    On a related note, don’t forget to set your clocks ahead an hour before bedtime tonite.

  3. Thanks Jethro. Great movie. Like “The Firm” / Give me freedom or give me death. Sell your soul to the devil. Free stuff is good.
    The cartoon from 60 years ago fitted right in. Where is John Galt?
    I’m off to the couch! Night all.

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