If Only Trump Was More Reaganesque – IOTW Report

If Only Trump Was More Reaganesque

People forget how devastatingly insulting and biting Reagan was, cutting deep into the bone.

People who disparage Trump for his mouth while hailing Reagan are so off the mark it’s laughable.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

48 Comments on If Only Trump Was More Reaganesque

  1. Reagan acted like a man, an adult who needed to put the foot down. Anybody who would find this objectionable or excessively “angry” is probably a Millennial Squish, an frustrated woman, or a man of the opposite sex. Get over it, or get out of the way.

  2. If only young voters were even as intelligent as they were in Reagan’s presidential race days. Trump may not be as erudite as Reagan, but he fits the bill in the most important ways. And he can communicate his ideas in ways that his younger audience can understand. Funny how things work out.

    And referencing Reagan’s law and order approach, Trump said the same things yesterday in his three speeches, and in MO he said he would start pressing charges against any disrupters.


    After the remarks he made in the video, he asked the audience if there were any other disrupters who wanted to stand up. Only one more person did later in the speech. He told the police to arrest her.

  3. Anarchy, its products of destruction, riots, looting and squashing freedom of speech, is not within acceptable behavior, discourse or law.

    Many states, cities, universities and municipalities refuse to enforce laws for personal/state/national political purposes, fear of not being re-elected or by direction of professional socialist political agitators.

    The law remains the law until repealed.
    The laws are to be enforced equally regardless of race or political viewpoint.

    The “protesters” when crossing the line of peaceful and lawful assembly must be arrested, prosecuted and sentenced —- not ignored, encouraged or released to cause further havoc.

  4. Wow, I had completely forgotten how Reagan was always ready to throw a punch or ask others to beat the crap out of protestors.

    No he actually engaged those where it possible and tried to apply force through argument rather than physical means.

    Yep, I am sure glad Trump is like that now……

  5. Woody — Reagan sent the police to Berkley over the so-called “Peoples’ Park” riots. They used buckshot, tear gas (the old, Vietnam era tear gas) and when that didn’t work he sent in the CA Nat’l Guard. I’d hardly call that non-physical means. When people are out of control and are burning, looting and trampling on everyone’s civil rights, sometimes the only way to end it is through physical force. Real people had their personal property and livelihoods destroyed by law-breakers in Ferguson and the law-makers and law-enforcers did nothing. Maybe you’d feel differently if one of those stores down there had been yours.

    Your arguments are mostly made up in your own head without the benefit of historical fact.

    Woody is a dick, every bit as smarmy as a guy who’s paid to go out and run damage control for a guy, no matter what happens. Only, Woody isn’t getting paid. No matter what is written about Cruz or Trump he is right there with either his pom-poms or his down twinkles. – bfh

  6. Lazlo grows tired of those who lay the blame for assholes who behave badly on anyone other than on the assholes who behave badly.
    Reagan cracked the whip. I was there. I saw it.
    Trump is Reaganesque in the fact he knows bullshit when he sees it and he does not need a poll to tell him it stinks.

  7. Of course the bigger issue in all of this is that as we have allowed the lawless to get away with their lawlessness, it softens our society up to accept increasingly greater levels of violence. This is one of the problems of allowing so-called ‘minor’ legal infractions to go unchecked, like public urination or drinking in public. These things debase our whole society and turns all our public spaces into no-go zones. An area not far from my house at the most northern area of downtown Seattle is a place I no longer go — even in the daytime. I used to be able to go to the restaurants or just walk around the Seattle Center anytime of the night or day a mere fifteen years ago. I don’t now because who knows what you’ll meet up with. It’s all been given over to scum. I pay enormous property taxes to this state/county/city and I can’t even use the facilities.

  8. You’re right AA, Seattle has changed in a big way. And not for the better. At least you are guaranteed $15.00 an hour if you have a job. Things are not going well here on the Left Coast. I’m starting to think I need someone riding shotgun if I have my TRUMP magnets displayed.

  9. @joe6pak — It’s so sad for me. I watched it happen, too. It all started in the late ’80’s when all those people from southern CA (who had originated in the socialist states of the mid-west) moved here because of “quality of life.” Sure, they crapped in their own beds and like locust they travel the country looking for a better place with no apparent understanding of how their own ideologies are the source of their despair. Idiots! I mistakenly thought, at first, that being Californians they would tire of the weather up here. But they didn’t start out in California — most of them — so a little rain is better than a lot of snow.

    Geoff C. are waiting for a certain college graduation and then we’re bugging out! Every time we travel, we look at places with an eye for how unappealing they would be to limousine liberals and the Bernout crowd.

    I used to think there was no better place on earth than Seattle.

  10. Reagan called out the national guard at riots, where two people had been killed. They’re talking about the 60’s.

    Would everybody agree that O’lamadamadingdong should call out the national guard to protect Trump’s freedom of speech? Or at least call out governors for local and state police power?

  11. ” I’m starting to think I need someone riding shotgun if I have my TRUMP magnets displayed.”

    In reaction to the “Vote 4 Trump, Get Jumped” movement I’ve ordered 5 “Make America Great Again” Tee Shirts.
    I can’t wait. I’ve got a lot of pent up aggression.

  12. “Only, Woody isn’t getting paid. No matter what is written about Cruz or Trump he is right there with either his pom-poms or his down twinkles. – bfh”

    Does anyone know if Woody isn’t being paid? The antiTrump money is flowing downstream to the bottom feeders.

    Great post BigFurHat.

  13. “Does anyone know if Woody isn’t being paid? ”

    Well if he is getting paid who ever is paying him isn’t getting their moneys worth. If you decide to confront aggression odds are you are willing to throw punches at the least. Woody sounds like one of those guys that actually read directions because everything NEEDS to be literal for him to get it.

  14. I remember Reagan.
    Ah the memories!
    Reagan cursing and dropping f bombs in public, that always added spice to his public appearances.
    Reagan threatening to sue the press for disagreeing with him, boy oh boy did they deserve that!
    Reagan talking about how big his dick was, that one locked in the women vote.
    Reagan tossing out personal insults and schoolyard taunts at his rivals, that was more fun than Gilligan’s island.
    There are hundreds more similarities, but no time to list them all.

  15. JohnS – slide the keyboard back to your buddy Woody and go eat a snickers and take a shot of tequila to calm down. Better yet, go back to you bridge you troll

  16. Abagail Adam,

    I am sorry it must be the same because Trump is already an elected official, right, charged with keeping the peace. Or was Reagan a private citizen with serious powers to call the out CA National Guard. Yuge difference.

    As for BFH,

    “Woody is a dick, every bit as smarmy as a guy who’s paid to go out and run damage control for a guy, no matter what happens. Only, Woody isn’t getting paid. No matter what is written about Cruz or Trump he is right there with either his pom-poms or his down twinkles. – bfh”

    Love ya man, but you really are a piece, a seriously dishonest piece. You claim one thing about your positions, but when the rubber meets the road you fall right in line with the tactics of the left and guys like Brad who are ready with crud insults when things don’t go their way or they get angry.

    Just curious, but when are you putting down your pom-poms for Trump and your down twinkles for Cruz.

  17. JohnS,

    I know you are aware, but any dissent will not be tolerated when it comes to Trump or the glowing opinions thus put forth trying desperately to equate him to Reagan. He is just Reagan without the ability to speak eloquently don’t ya know.


    As for being paid, one could ask the same of all you Trump followers. When people start claiming that “God blessed us with Trump” and aren’t saying it in jest it does make you wonder.

    But of course it must be that anyone who doesn’t see the gloriousness of Trump must be a paid stooge. Sort of like how the LEFT uses the same claim when speaking about anyone who doesn’t accept their religious faith in Climate Change must be a paid stooge of Big Oil.

  18. Oh and have no fear all you Trump followers, he is fully protected by the law because now merely protesting him is a crime;

    Protesting Donald Trump is Now a Federal Crime

    What might be a surprise is the fact that quietly and right under our noses in 2012, Congress nearly unanimously passed H.R. 347 (a.k.a. the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act) which makes it a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison to “willfully and knowingly” enter a restricted area or to engage in “disorderly or disruptive conduct” that in any way impedes “government business or official functions.”
    {end quote}

    So since Trump has had Secret Service protection since last November the question has to be asked why it just so happened that he didn’t take the very precautions he could take to eliminate the protestors from Chicago if Federal law backs him up? Gee, it’s almost like he was looking for an incident to use to galvanize his followers as it just so happens to have done.

    Nah, it must be other conspiracy theories like those big bad party meanies that met in Georgia or somewhere.

  19. Good save Woody!
    If these echo-chamber people ever found out that we get $500.00 for each anti-trump post we make, they will go ballistic considering that they only get 5 cents for each pro-trump thing they post.
    Trump may be rich, but he got that way by being cheap,.
    The illuminati (currently headed by Nostradamus) pays well, and is not going to give up control of the world by letting Trump win.

  20. I wonder, do you think the NBC video was edited to remove Reagan telling the heckler he wanted to punch him in the face and that someone should beat the crap out of him?

    Yeah, I bet that’s what happened because this is very much the same as Trump. In fact, Reagan was like Trump not Trump was like Reagaon, right?!?!? So this makes Reagan Trumpesque which just shows more how glorious Trump really is and how “God blessed us with Trump”.

  21. Watching a documentary on the American Revolution and it became clear.

    If Trump had been around at that time, instead of throwing the tea into Boston harbor, Trump would have made a DEAL and told everyone how he forced King George to remove the tax on tea.

    Of course he would have done this by just asking the King to move the tax from tea over to glass, linens, and other imports to the colonies. But hey the colonists would be forever grateful to this wondrous man who forced the crown to remove a tax.

    And of course just as the tax on tea was the big issue then the wall is the big issue now and yet instead of finding men who will fight for the Constitution, Liberty, and forcing the government back to its limited form, we see people who are more interested in just removing their tax on tea and to hell with the rest of the problems.

    * paid for by the Piss Off Trump Followers Super PAC

  22. You see, folks, when you post a substantive article about how Ohio voters are rejecting Cruz over his muddled message on TPP and TPA, that’s being anti-Cruz.

    When I post that Cruz wins a primary and has a legitimate path to victory, that’s not pro-Cruz, that’s just normalcy. It’s not anti-Trump either. No. Not at all. It’s just straight news the way God intended on it to be reported.

    But a pro-Trump article, on the other hand, is ANTI-CRUZ!!!! and must not be tolerated.

    See the way it works when someone is deranged?

    Also, when blogs are running a video saying Trump’s people assaulted a reporter, therefore Trump is the anti-Christ, and I find a video showing that Fields is a liar, when I post it I’m “in the tank for Trump.”

    Because blogs should spike stories that exonerate a man running for president. All the best neutral media outlets do that.

  23. Testing To all the DIM BULBS who ‘think’ (and I use that term loosely here) that Donald Trump is somehow responsible for INCITING violence and as such responsible for the MoveOn .org and BLM coordinated and violent ‘protests’ in Chicago. Let me set the record straight. Each statement Trump has made like “knock them the hell out” has been a REACTIONARY statement to violence ALREADY occurring at his otherwise PEACEFUL rallies. When the Commie ‘Occupiers’ slither into his rallies, stomp on Old Glory and assault his supporters he (like Reagan did) deals with them swiftly and in some cases with REACTIONARY violence. Reagan used the national guard. Trump uses his security detail, Secret Service and our wonderful men and women in blue. It is a testament to the man’s compassion and the professionalism of the aforementioned peace keepers that NONE of these ‘protesters’ has ever suffered any real injuries. When Trump and his people are NOT present to swiftly put DOWN these ‘protesters’. THIS is what happens to people like my friend Tonya Franklin who attended the rally with her husband to peacefully support her candidate of choice. Shame on ANYONE blaming Trump including Ted Cruz. https://www.facebook.com/TonyaFranklinBenghazi/videos/10206909627796994/?pnref=story

  24. BFH thanks for putting this together and if only these young fools were able to understand the error of their ways before it is to late and they get the full benefits of their stupidity but what can I say when they can’t find their bottoms with two hands.
    Trump is closer to Reagan than any of the others.

  25. Great video! Reagan was passionate about what he loved, and he loved America. I’m sure you could say that about Trump too.

    Sometimes it takes a firm hand to keep criminals in line. We could sure use that right now.

    It is the Left that promotes violence. And the RINOs/GOPe who are afraid of losing their piece of the pie. Hose ’em all down.

  26. When a Cruz rally shows signs of violence from The Left, I guarantee you Trump will sarcastically blame Ted Cruz.

    I hope Ted is ready to PUNCH BACK because his ally Glenn Beck will be crying like no tomorrow.

  27. BB; you have an interesting way of thinking.
    Do you take your pole upstream in pursuit of the brown trout?
    Not that I care, different strokes for different folks, just curious.

  28. It’s OK BB, no need for embarrassment. In a lot of places nowadays that kind of activity is accepted. There may very well be like minded people in your own community.

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