Malkin calls out Drudge for his giant headlines about Cruz having hands laid upon him by his baptizer, yet nothing was said when Trump had the same thing done just months prior.
(In Trump’s case it looked like a weird Star Trek episode where the Donald gets a Vulcan mind-meld. It just didn’t look right.)
This is a good catch by Malkin.
Did the people who laid hands on Trump say Trump was the anointed one? Just wondering.
1. I like that laptop lid.
2. I love that cute little nose on that hot little firecracker.
3. That’s a strong blessing when they use Jesus’ real name.
I think we should all pray for both candidates – the ones who love America.
Man I’d like to lay hands on Malkin.
It’s all for show, let it go.
Only goofs get wrapped up in this type of shit.
What I really want to know. Which one wipes front to back or back to front?
Praying in tongues and laying on of hands etc. should never be encouraged in politics. Try that at a bar. In politics you win with merit, not ‘holier than thou’.
Little marco? Just look at his hands, girlfriend says no thanks.
I’ve gone to church most my married life. Mainly Catholic, some non denominational with friends. Have never seen the laying on of hands thing. Have those hands been washed? Must be a southern thing. Not digging it. When do they pull out the snakes?
Trump could take up talking in tongues, while handling snakes, and his poll numbers would only rise.
Actually, I’d like to see him do that.
If he pulls it off, he could challenge all the other candidates to do the same to demonstrate their faith.
Everyone else would crap their pants.
Yeah, I wanna see that!
The evangelical vote in the U.S. was very important about three elections ago. Today it is important to know that those running are at least nominally Christian as opposed to any who have dabbled in Islam. One more term of Leftist ideology and I’d bet we’d elect an avowed atheist.
Cruz’s mistake was in thinking he had a lock on evangelicals and he made his religiosity a plank in his platform, thereby holding himself up to greater scrutiny as a “true” Christian. But just like being a “true” conservative invited mind-numbing arguments among the factions, so too does calling yourself a true Christian, especially if your particular beliefs include specific practices or doctrine that can cause people to argue the details. Aside from that, if you’re going to put yourself out there as the Deacon President, you better not get caught lying and cheating — both infractions Cruz has been found repeatedly guilty of. If there is one thing nominal Christians and even the non-religious abhor it’s a religiously zealous hypocrite. Just as Tammy Fay and Jim.
…just ask Tammy…”
“Did the people who laid hands on Trump say Trump was the anointed one? Just wondering.”
No, but Trump himself did have people swear allegiance and give him the optical equivalent of a seig heil.
But that’s okay, because Trump.
@grool — You are completely out of your mind if you think Trump, who is an unapologetic warrior for the first and second amendments, is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. That is the most bizarre and laughable thing going around these days.
Bet you never even watched the rallies in which this took place, but are relying on cropped video clips from a Trump-hater, right?
I said before and say again: I will vote for Trump if he is it.
I simply pointed out — yet again — the frequent inconsistency of Trump supporters (some, not all) who point out both petty and substantial concerns with others, including Cruz, but at the same time seem to have granted Trump a large degree of immunity from all such concerns, dismissing them with conspiratorial excuses of doctored video, calling them leftists plants, etc.
So to your point, I did not and do not compare Trump to Hitler. I pointed out a stupid blunder on his part that was played exactly as could be expected in the MSM, and which made many on the Right raise an eyebrow.
While I am not and will not compare Trump to Hitler, I will most definitely compare him (and many of his SUPPORTERS) to the Obama drones circa 2008 and since. If you can’t see the parallels…not my problem.
I am a fundamental, dispensational Bible-only Christian. There is at present no major or even minor U.S. denomination where people like me are exactly welcome with open arms. This I mention only to say: I have NO idea what exact strain of Christianity Cruz claims. And you know what? I don’t particularly care. I haven’t been interested enough to try to find out. Same with Trump…the only reason I know he had some photo-op contact with pastors is because people on blogs mentioned it.
However, I am 100% opposed to all forms of pentecostalism/charismaticism. They are grave error which leads to more error. I understand Cruz’ father (if not Cruz himself) adheres to this. Whether Cruz does as well, I do not know. But even if I find out Cruz is a tongues talker, I can vote for him just like I voted for Romney (though I did not trust Romney because he’d been a liberal his whole career, not because he’s LDS).
I do trust Cruz to be the Constitutionalist he says he is. If Trump did not exist, or was not in this race, there is no one who would not stand up for him on those grounds. But because Cruz is relatively meek and gentle – not bombastic and crude – and because crudity sells, Cruz does not sell.
That says much more about the degraded sensibilities of people who reject him “because he’s not presidential like Trump” than about Cruz.
When I want to actually compare anyone with a Nazi, you won’t be able to miss it.
@Grool — What are you talking about? You just did compare Trump to Hitler.
I’m done with Drudge.
Laying of hands is not all that uncommon, and equating that to handling snakes is just ignorant, and “speaking in tongues” is not Biblical.
I watched the vids on Drudge and did not see anything weird. His Dad was not “speaking in tongues” that I saw.
The point is not who prays for whom. The point is that Cruz’s affiliations with Dominionism and the apostolic movement should be very concerning to those who believe the Bible is God’s holy word. Christians who follow him because of his faith need to look deeper.
Speaking only for me, I don’t follow Cruz because of his faith. I don’t follow him at all. I do PREFER him because of his constitutional stance and for no other reason I can think of.
If Trump was the constitutionalist that Cruz seems to be, I would be a hundred percent in support of Trump. Maybe he is that just hasn’t communicated it yet. I guess we’ll find out.
Michelle, you’re a big girl…quit whining.
Drudge is strongly supporting Trump.
It’s his website…he can do whatever the hell he wants to.
He also trashes Hillary every chance he gets.
“What are you talking about? You just did compare Trump to Hitler.”
No. I said exactly what I said: the optics of Trump’s stupid move to have people pledge allegiance to him with their hands in the air invited comparisons *in the media* to a Nazi rally. And it has.
I would love to see what your reaction would have been had Cruz done the exact same thing, but I already know. You and several others here would be all over the Cruz = Hitler meme and would never let it go.
Your blundering demigod is going to majorly disappoint you before this is all over.
God Bless the abject merit used by Barrack Obama in winning two elections – it’s the only way to win.
The religious bigotry on display by some here is appalling.
Name a Christian sect that does not use the hand in ceremonies involving a blessing. That is ‘laying of the hand’.
If you don’t know why it is done, there is a reference book called the Bible that you can go to for clarification.
Jesus himself did it.
As to ‘tongues’ start in Corinthians if you lack the desire or stamina to read the book.
Laying on of hands is biblical (read it some time) and has been practiced by Christians for thousands of years. It is basic Christian doctrine. It is most common today when praying for the healing of somebody who is sick, and it’s nothing to worry about or fear. They are just doing what the Bible tells them to do.
(Now, if any fool is seen dancing with snakes, that will be a deal breaker for me — that is NOT biblical doctrine).
Be glad if somebody is considerate enough to lay hands on you when you are sick. It worked with me after the doctors told me I probably had 3 to 5 years at the most — back in 1995. Some of the credit might go to doctors and medicine, but it was the doctors who gave me the expiration date, not the Christians. And I firmly believe that doctors and medicine alone, without prayer, would have made those doctors more accurate in their estimation of my expiration date.