A Peak Inside The Republican Establishment – IOTW Report

A Peak Inside The Republican Establishment

SHOWTIME documentary series THE CIRCUS: INSIDE THE GREATEST POLITICAL SHOW ON EARTH, with new episodes Sundays at 8pm ET/PT.

In this episode, Halperin and McKinnon have dinner with the Republican Establishment where they discuss how Donald Trump is interrupting the GOP cycle given that he is not as informed, articulate, and poised as the rest of the party.


Click HERE to watch the video.  Your blood will boil.

Hey GOPe:

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17 Comments on A Peak Inside The Republican Establishment

  1. I’m voting so that I have no regrets. I fully support Trump. Davy and Thirdtwin, maybe you’ll get a second chance. What the GOP is trying to do is go against the will of the people. This will have such a backlash like we have never seen if they proceed in getting Jebbie or anyone but Trump on the ticket. I want to see Trump fight them tooth and nail. Go Trump!

  2. Now does anyone wonder “why Trump?”

    The clip didn’t make me angry, but it did make me laugh! Especially when they couldn’t bring themselves to say the truth. Trump doesn’t scare them for any of the reasons they stated. They fear him because they can’t control him. No one can say the same thing for Rubio, Kasich or Cruz. That is “why Trump?”

    We’ve been trying to tell you.

  3. If I want to root for someone just because of the organization he is affiliated with, I will stick with baseball. National politics is different – I want someone who shares my values and promises to protect core American values.

    I don’t know if Trump is that guy, but I know Sanders and Clinton are not. To be fair, I don’t know if Cruz is that guy either, but again I know Sanders and Clinton are not. I also know that if there is a floor fight at the convention and a compromise nominee like McCain and Romney were is annointed, the Republicans are doomed in November. Rigging elections is what Democrats do, and while I will probably still vote, I would be voting against instead of voting for. However, urging Republicans to go to the polls just to vote against the Democrat candidate is horrible motivation, and I would anticipate low Republican voter turnout if that is the case.

  4. No can do Trump, not now and if he keeps going the route he’s been going, maybe not in November, either.
    Spare me the killary speeches–I heard them in ’12 about Mittens.

  5. Wyatt — Republicans are every bit as corrupt as the Dems. Mississippi should be convincing enough but there are certainly more examples. And, personally, in the 2012 GE cycle I had a local GOP official call my house and swear at me because I questioned what they had done for me lately. They are one and the same.

    There is only one person on the Republican ticket who stands outside all of this: Donald J. Trump.

  6. Spies are amidst us even here…govtlawyer my ass….these twits will never learn their whimpering, moaning, and groaning will not change our minds or votes..GO TRUMP!!!!

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