Malzberg on Trump Rhetoric and the “Stoking of Violence” – IOTW Report

Malzberg on Trump Rhetoric and the “Stoking of Violence”

Steve Malzberg nails it-

I wonder if Malzberg reads iOTWreport?  ——–> Sunday

ht. LIR

17 Comments on Malzberg on Trump Rhetoric and the “Stoking of Violence”

  1. You have the violent lowlife rabble rousers on one hand and the liberal/socialist judges exonerating them and university academia and socialist front groups encouraging more actions.

    Yeah, it’s all Trumps fault for hurting their feelings, opposing anarchy and lawlessness.

    The national cancer of the sixties is still alive.

  2. Point of clarification.
    Trump was not forced to cancel, Trump cancelled AGAINST the advice of his security team.
    The show went exactly as scripted.
    Trump is responsible for giving them a big win in Chicago that only serves to embolden them towards more violence.
    As weakness is a provocation, Trump is provoking this kind of behavior.

  3. Navigator;
    That is why I said everything went as scripted.
    Trump knew what would happen in that venue. Chicago has been stocking up on riot gear for a while now in preparation. Everybody knew.
    The “protesters” planned for weeks and spent a lot of money making it happen. What was going on was covered extensively on the left leaning sites well before it happened.
    Trump’s show went off without a hitch.

  4. JohnS I gotcha!

    Trump cancelled AGAINST the advice of his security team.
    Trump stupid!
    Trump cancelled ON the advice of his security team.
    Trump caved!
    Trump refused to cancel, Riot erupted. Many injuries.
    Trump’s fault!
    (Soros,, BLM had nothing to do with anything)

    10-4 JohnS. Over and out!

  5. Exactly right, Moetom. Unlike Obozo, Trump can do no right. It’s all his fault! And I swear I thought I saw Trump throw rocks and bottles too. Good grief. This is part of the reason I shifted from supporting Cruz to Trump. The man’s not perfect, but like me, he’s pissed off and our best chance at defeating the vermin.

  6. Moetom; A bit hard to decipher your comment.
    If you are claiming that had the plan fallen apart, that the situation would not have been as advantageous for Trump, I agree 100%.
    If you are saying it would be no different had there actually been a security threat to Trump, well I don’t see how conjecture alters reality.

  7. No JohnS, what they are saying is that no matter what Trump does, good or bad, you are at the ready to “pretzel logic” it in a way that puts Trump in a negative light.

    If Trump happened to walk on water, the next day you’d be saying “Trump Can’t Swim.”

    It’s getting old and you’re embarrassing yourself.
    When someone cannot cede one inch, ever, you just sound silly.

  8. BFH; were it not for your wont of saying disparaging things about those here that do not tow the Trump line, calling them out by name with insults rather than attacking ideas, I would entertain the possibility that your criticism may have merit.
    The fact is that what happens here is much like what happens on every pro Trump site.
    You should be embarrassed for supporting a person whom you cannot defend in any other way.
    Much of the dissenting viewpoint is merely walking away from Trump and the pro-trump websites.
    Once you have reduced this site to an echo chamber like CTH you can all get together after the election and Trump loses, and slap each other on the back about what a good job you all did of chasing people away from the guy.
    Romney and Cruz supporters are to be treated like crap and run off. But, on election day, if they don’t come back and vote Republican, what will you do? That you have not already done?

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