Tommy Sotomayor Wants Obama To Ban Something Other Than Guns – IOTW Report

Tommy Sotomayor Wants Obama To Ban Something Other Than Guns

Sotomayor is jarring to listen to if you’ve never been exposed to him. His language is rough.

I think his heart and his head are in the right place. He only wants best for this country.

In this video, Sotomayor says, “I understand that the world might not even know that there’s a difference between blacks and niggers. And at this point I’m willing to take the sacrifice,”

Whoa. Powerful.


He’s saying, “go ahead and hate me. I understand.”

That’s sad and depressing.

There is no hate here, with me, towards Tommy Sotomayor.

ht/ reddecaesari


11 Comments on Tommy Sotomayor Wants Obama To Ban Something Other Than Guns

  1. wow, the 6-letter nigger word is so powerful, much more than i could ever hope to be in 100 lifetimes

    look it up again

    it also applies to the low-life white scum across this great land who inspire hatred

    remind me how we are so wrapped around the axle on this word

    another powerful word is fuck, try it out liberally, as in fuck this shit

  2. Anon.. Good Chris Rock rant. But why doesn’t he give a lecture to let’s say, Soledad O’Brien, Juan Williams, Mellissa Harris Perry, Rep Cummings, Shelia Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson; the BLM crowd, move on .org, and all those white commie motherfuckers who make every utterance of a white person, racist.? He’s making millions on this shit. He’s a fucking niggaz with a job, that’s all. Fuck him and his laughing audience, mostly black, who will go out in the street in the morning
    and act the same as they did the day before.
    Rock is just another con man like Obama. He talks the shit, but he loves every minute of it. Fuck him

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