If You’re Ever in Liverpool, NY – The American Diner Will Treat You Right – IOTW Report

If You’re Ever in Liverpool, NY – The American Diner Will Treat You Right



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15 Comments on If You’re Ever in Liverpool, NY – The American Diner Will Treat You Right

  1. looks like the DemocRAT Special all right

    …they would never order one….though they would insist you order one

    like ‘Sam’s Special’ too …. w/ “Coffee (Stirred to the Right)”

  2. I’ve owned my small business for over 15 years. I also use red, white and blue for my company colors. And while I appreciate their patriotism, unless your business IS politics, don’t mix business with politics. It’s hard enough to make a devalued buck. Instead, use some of the extra money you make from your democrat customers to support conservative politicians. Win/win.

  3. Apparently, you can have breakfast sandwiches for a song – sangwiches.

    Nav – Loco You’re both right. I play a mix by not talking politics unless they start it and even then, not so much. No point in scaring away or enraging Democrat customers on purpose, though. I’ll take their money and give them relief – they are no different from that view.

    Regardless of whether we talk politics or not – if you have a Bernie Sanders sign in your front yard when I pull up – you get charged fully for everything – no deals, discounts or freebies for you.

    They seem to think they have too much money for their own good, so I’ll help them spread it around.

    I notice the flag is upside down. Yes, we certainly are in distress.

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