Unadulterated Crapola or Inspiring? – IOTW Report

Unadulterated Crapola or Inspiring?

There are those that will see this and get nauseated and want to vomit.

Why, is the question.

59 Comments on Unadulterated Crapola or Inspiring?

  1. I’ve seen this video. I don’t know how anyone could look at his life, read his books and follow his urging to never give up and not be inspired. He has walked the walk.

    I’ve been a self starter all my life, never held a job and have employed many dozens of people over the years. If I do say so myself, I’ve completed some of the largest and most beautiful art glass projects over the years in the country.

    I have no need for motivation from any man but as for inspiration, I have my heroes. To me, Trump has always been a plain spoken man, wealthy but not out of touch with us pee-ons on the ground. Don’t think I’ve ever had a disparaging thought about him and this past year, really delving into his family and business has solidified my belief he’s the real deal.

  2. I saw it yesterday, and I think it’s great. It gives me hope that we can make an end-run around the communist morass that has taken over our Govt. and get back on track before the world implodes.

  3. All I gotta say is the guy who would puke over this better stay the hell away from me. Their cynicism, fear and negativity is harmful to my health and the health of this nation.

  4. My best reply to this is that there are a lot of things that I can say that Trump has done that are admirable and worthy of emulation. There is also the Trump that unfortunately views things as a little too simplistic, and frames just about everything as a deal to be negotiated.
    Putin does not view the world from a simplistic frame of reference or as everything is negotiable…there have to be limits and standards.
    Trump reminds me of James Baker, the Sec. of State for Bush 41–he viewed everything as a deal to be done and a deal for the sake of the deal. How’d that work out for us? We got a “new world order” as Baker described it.
    I’m sorry, but make America great again is a slogan, as was “fundamentally transform America”.
    I’m tired of slogans. Sometimes you have to walk away from a negotiation or be willing to, without remorse.

  5. The fundamental transformation started a long time ago-Obama is just the cherry on top. Progressive/Communist takeover has been patiently infiltrating our public education system, judicial system (starting with the very lowest local levels) etc. etc. What confuses me is who is the ultimate BOSS? Blacks have been used for decades, now Hispanics are being used –Progressives hitch their wagon to the radical element of Islam–in the end who the fuck is going to be the leader? Communists, Islamists, latinos, blacks??? after they exterminate whitey they will have to start eliminating each other I guess. WTF is the end game for the global elite who have had the extreme patience to orchestrate this shit since the early 1900’s?

  6. We are sick and tired of being called the assholes of the planet. We went to New Zealand a while back and (I’ll never do another Tauk tour) were force-fed “cultural” stops along the way to our hotels. The fricken Maiori Indians, or whatever they were, would lecture us at every chance about how they were ruined by the evil, white-guy, colonialists. We took away their mud-hut, baby dropping, kangaroo baking in the ground, toothless lives.

    Now that they have running water and sewer, nice roofs over their precious heads, teeth, free education for their spawn, and all the “cultural” opportunities their basket-weaving souls can take, do you think they could thank us?? NOOOOOOOOO!

    I thought at one point, my husband was going to deck this guy and that’s when I figured out how to get a cab to the hotel. I could care less about basket weaving.

  7. @Bad_Brad — And there it was, right on schedule.

    God said life would be hard, but among the many mercies, hope ranks up there with love and faith. Christians who engage in this never-ending miasma of doubt, despair and suspicion should try to remember what season this is — Easter. Death of the old (sin) and birth of the new (freedom and life). I’ve never understood using energy to call down a rain of doom and despair just in case there is a storm in the future. I’ve hated having my (rare) worldly joy crushed under the heel of jerks who are never happy, but take a twisted satisfaction in being unhappier still. They like to call themselves “realists” and I say that is a reality of their own making — and God help us all they should be robbed of it.

  8. Unadulterated Crapola or Inspiring?

    It was quite inspiring. I’ve been to plenty of motivational speaker seminars and none of them can hold a candle to Trump. He’s successful because he believes and doesn’t take no for an answer. I didn’t hear one single sentence of crap. Hillary is talking in the back ground and I just wanna pick up this key board and slam it into the TV. Nothing is motivational about her except for me wanting to reach into the TV and bitch slap her. GO TRUMP!

  9. You had better fall in line, jump on the Trump Train, raise your right hand, pledge unwavering allegiance to The Donald, and never utter any doubts, Fur; or even hint that OTHERS may have doubts. Or else you will be relegated to the ranks of the leftist enemies and branded a subversive. It’s Trump’s Way, or the highway.

  10. @Golly — No one here is saying others cannot have their doubts. Doubt away, sir! You just don’t have to be an everlasting killjoy, either. I realize there are tons of people who cannot abandon themselves to a genuine sense of delight in their circumstances.

  11. I was mostly reacting to one comment in this thread, Brad, which implied that if Fur doesn’t know why some of us would be nauseated by the commercial, he should just shut down his site and come out as a leftist.

    I don’t know what you meant about yesterday – before Super Tuesday 2 results? Like we no longer have any choice but to bow to the guy who’s halfway to 1,237?

    I’ll remember your admonition, AA, if it comes down to a contested convention, and Trump doesn’t prevail. In the meantime, I take it that anything less than celebration for Trump will be unacceptable in this comment section. Noted.

  12. Golly G Willikers
    Actually my comment was two pronged. What you mentioned but also the “Establishment” has ratcheted up their threats and are now telling us we have no choice in who THEY are going to put in office. If it were Ted Cruz in Trumps place right now I would be urging everyone get behind Ted. This is quickly growing bigger than anyone’s favorite candidate. This is Bull Shit.

  13. You either want a TRUMP WALL and ENFORCED Immigration or you want the same old BULLSHIT politicians telling us “we need to solve the problem” CRAP without solving the problem.
    Politicians keep America in the toilet and tell us we need them to fix it while they perpetuate the bullshit.

  14. Golly — Well, what are our choices of attitude? How does dragging one’s feet, dampening one’s spirit and the spirit of others help? There are only a couple of choices available. To be a killjoy, to not get what you want and make everyone around you miserable is, I think, a very selfish choice. I HATED having to vote for Romney. I HATED it! But not only did I vote for him, I tried to see the silver lining, talked him up to everyone, argued on his behalf and on behalf of those snakes who selected him for us — because I knew he was at least 100 times better than Obola.

    In this case I’m not supporting Trump because I have to, but because I very much want to. I’d even say that if the best conservative politician on the planet was running, I’d still gladly vote for Trump, and for all the reasons I’ve made clear on this blog.

    You know you, and Cruz supporters here have never once — as far as I can recall — ever congratulated or acknowledged Trump for his victories in the face of all the negativity hurled at him. Everything I’ve read here that is from Cruz supporters is almost entirely negative or, at best, grudging, or oblique sarcasm. So don’t give me any nonsense about “Noted” unacceptability of anything less than celebration while making it clear it would not be forthcoming from you, anyway.

  15. Agreed, Brad. IF the GOPe attempts to cram someone down our collective throats, that would be bullshit. Cruz, himself, has said so (though not in those exact words).

    AA, there was no louder critic of Romney than I was BEFORE he secured the nomination. AFTER he secured it, I was behind him 100%. There’s the distinction. Trump has not won the nomination. In fact, I got in some heated Twitter wars with some conservatives who continued to trash Romney after he was our nominee.

    No, I haven’t congratulated Trump, though I can’t imagine what difference that would possibly make. Trump doesn’t give a shit about me. But I must have missed all those times you congratulated Cruz on his wins? Granted I don’t read every comment on every article, but I haven’t seen it.

  16. JohnS

    Golly G Willikers has been posting here for a while and I always consider and respect his opinion even when we don’t agree. I can’t say the same for you or Woody. Why do you think that is?

  17. Golly — Go back to the night and day after the Iowa win. But even then Cruz supporters weren’t satisfied to graciously accept their congrats. No, there were several sore winners here who had to spike the ball.

    I am surprised you say that Trump doesn’t care about you. The only thing he does not want for you is your own candidate, and that wouldn’t make sense.

  18. golly, i never voted for Romney. I could not bring myself to vote for a known RINO. He may have been better than the current shithead, but in the state i live in, it was a given that he would win. I had the easy out. I knew i could vote my conscience and know that it would not make a bit of difference. (I took a lot of heat here because of it.). I have never jumped on the R bandwagon because some muckety-muck said this is YOUR candidate, vote for him! No, not me, i’m a rebel and always have been. I’ve never gone along with the crowd.

    This time, however, it is different. I can vote for Trump and not feel like i’ve sold my soul to the devil. It made that much difference to me 4 years ago, and my vote means as much to me this year.

  19. Golly — After last night’s performance for Cruz, it should be plain that unless he gets some hefty support from the GOPe — spending on anti-Trump initiatives — he will not secure the nomination by himself. That, coupled with his full-throated betrayal of the 1st A. for Trump and siding with Geo. Soros’-funded Progressives against Trump, I cannot understand how anyone can maintain their loyalty to Cruz. These things seem to go against everything so-called Conservatives say they believe in.

  20. BB; it is for the reason I stated above, and you really don’t like people who bring up what Trump says and does.
    Back when I was saying that Cruz should not be president due to his lack of natural born status and how that would forever lock out the option of rendering Soetoro’s edicts null and void en masse using a constitutional challenge you weren’t calling me an asshole or a troll. Of course, it also helped that, at that time, I felt Trump was the lesser of the evils.
    Also, I am not the only one you have done this to.
    We are no longer Republicans discussing issues. Now it we are Trump supporters or assholes and trolls.
    Now on other threads you all are backing the idea that the rules need to be changed (that have been in place since the 70s with no one complaining) if he doesn’t get enough delegates, and he is promising riots if the rules don’t get changed just for him.
    Sometimes I wonder if his real name is L. Don Trumpard.

  21. JohnS — You consistently and intentionally get everything Trump says wrong. He did not promise riots. He said that the people, if there choice was usurped, would probably riot. That was not a dog whistle, he was not condoning it. He said that if someone is close to the arbitrary rules set by the RNC, the people who voted for a particular candidate — whether himself or anyone else — is replaced by someone who left the race early because they were not chosen by the voters, people would be understandably enraged by that.

    Your intentional campaign of misinformation is not going to get more votes for your candidate. As his representative, it only continues to confirm his willingness to take the race by hook or by crook.

    Don’t get it twisted.

  22. JohnS
    You’ve got your own little perceived reality going on pal. You twist, manipulate and exaggerate to create controversy where there is none. Your hatred for Trump is transparent. And that’s fine. I take no issue with that. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, just not their own facts.

  23. It really depends on who they broker, doesn’t it?

    If Trump doesn’t get to the delegate count and there is a brokered convention, and the GOPe selects, say, I dunno, Jeb Bush…
    should we sit idly by?
    Bush is the reason Trump exists.

    If the republicans ram Bush down our throats there will be violence… and I say it would be warranted.

  24. Thanks Brad. I appreciate that. Back atcha.

    AA, this is not meant as a cheap shot, but as an explanation of why my opinion differs from yours. I just don’t believe Trump is being honest. I think he is a very successful salesman who knows exactly what to say to please people and get them on his side. I don’t think he really plans on building the wall (a wall I would be very happy to see), or deporting millions of illegal aliens. Supposedly he told the New York Times that, but we’ll probably never hear those tapes, if true. And I believe he wants to Make America Great, Again, but only because it would make Trump great. And only in the ways Trump envisions, which he hasn’t really laid out for us too specifically. But in all fairness, ALL politicians are motivated by self interests. And when the time comes, I’ll shut up about my doubts and pull the lever for Trump as though I were the executioner, and Hillary and Bill Clinton were sitting in my electric chair.

    I agree that Cruz screwed up when he tried to take a shot at Trump (while laying primary blame on violent protesters). But none of these guys are perfect and they all make mistakes in the heat of the battle, including Trump. No one has fought harder for the Constitution than Ted Cruz. That doesn’t all go out the window for me because he ill-advisedly thought he could take an unprincipled jab at Trump for a little advantage. I think the bottom line is, we all think we have read the hearts of the candidates, and our readings differ.

    I’ve been having a hell of a time connecting with the site, and I am posting this comment from my phone. So if I disappear, that’s why.

  25. Fur, Could you clarify — “It depends on who they broker..”

    Unless it’s the candidate who is closest to the required number, it would be unacceptable to the voters. It goes back to that quote today from the RNC’s Curly Haugland, saying that the delegates pick the candidate, not the people — implying explicitly that the delegates owe no allegiance to those they are supposed to represent.

    Given the mood of the majority of voters, I imagine that any candidate who is seen to be backed by the GOPe/Beltway elite is going to suffer the same fate as Bush, Rubio and Kasich. If the only way their “wins” were accomplished through deception, voters are going to be tremendously more than unhappy about it.

  26. Charlie; I am aware of the ruckus RE rule 40. However, if you read it, it doesn’t apply here.
    If Trump does not have the majority of delegates a straight floor vote of delegates could put him out of the nomination, per rules in place since the 70’s.
    There is a lot of paranoid rambling about other scenarios, but the cold truth is that Trump has so alienated the non Trump delegates that preventing them from banding together against him is extremely unlikely.
    In any event, there are only a hundred odd that could vote for Trump unless he can buy off Kasich, Rubio, or Cruz. So unless he comes within 100 of the magic number he is toast anyway.

  27. Golly — I understand your investment in your candidate. I do. But on your points I completely disagree. So we can agree to disagree on this.

    But one thing I do want to clear up: Trump’s plans are more well documented than any other candidate’s. They are under “Issues” at http://www.donaldjtrump,.com

    They have been posted and repeated numerous times here. I don’t understand why people keep saying his plans (planks) are scarce, non-existent, sketchy, etc. I can only guess at why.

  28. Only 95% of delegates are bound to a candidate. 5% can go rogue the moment they walk through the door.
    If no one gets a majority, they are unbound.
    Anything can happen.

    Rioting is a possibility, and the intensity of that riot depends on who is “selected.”
    I do think there would be degrees of riots.
    A Cruz selection would trigger a less intense riot than a Rubio selection.
    A Bush selection would cause the city to burn.

  29. Very reminiscent of the Obama videos I watched in 2007. How can you hate a guy that is going to stop the rise of the oceans that kisses babies and hugs minorities when the love fest is set to dramatic music?

    The video showed the 33% of the Trump I love and respect and the good he is doing for the country…it’s the other 67% of him I have a problem with.

  30. ‘A Bush selection would cause the city to burn.’

    Which why we declined our county silver-back dominated GOPe’s ‘exclusive’ invitation to help out, do the grunt work they are too big to do, at the convention.

    The video was very inspiring to me. ‘Never ever quit’. My autoimmune disease and cancer surviving mantra. It worked and I’m still here.
    Obama hates this country and wants us to fail. He wants America to be the country that is stepped on and sh*t on by the rest of the world just as his mentor Ayers stepped on the flag. He revels in every dismantling of American exceptionalism.

    Dr. Darrell Scott who introduced Trump in Cleveland has known him 5 years. He says in private Trump is a very humble man. I can believe it. I don’t think he is a malignant narcissist like Obama but rather one who believes he is #1 on his own island. You have to be to succeed.
    If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?”
    I hope that’s been a long day of traveling.

  31. BFH a hundred odd is about 5%. As I count, the number (it changes) looks like it will be 112.
    That is why trump is demanding he get the nod if he is within 100. He knows he can’t get all the unbound, and likely won’t get more than half of them. That would likely toss the nomination to Cruz as it is unlikely the delegates would force a brokered convention. Especially as a brokered convention would probably go to Trump as the larger players view him more favorably than they do Cruz.
    A rabbit from the hat trick would cause a loss to Hillary that they would be blamed for and they are risk averse. Trump losing to Hillary would vindicate them.

  32. I met Donald quite a few years back at a convention in Baltimore where he was speaking. I love what he puts out, I love the energy that surrounds him, I love the positive aura around him. This man as president will be the best thing that will happen to America in a long time – since Regan. And by the way someone stuff Hillaries mouth that shouting lying cheating power hungry whore of politics.

    Donald go for it you will do it. Love ya Donald

  33. Didja hear, Trump is going to create chaos in the streets. Trump is going to start a civil war.


    I have to fall in line with the GOPe!

    I NEED bread and milk! Where is the damn bread and milk! The storm is cumming, I need bread and milk!

  34. BTW – no reason to riot. Just campaign for Hellry!

    Nothing like a good schlonging!

    Fcuk the GOPe and all the beta males that come with it!

    I’m going to go cruise the forest preserve tomorrow and park backwards, you know, just to feel a little more Republican!


  35. BFH asks “Why, is the question.”

    Because it reminds me too much of the Obama videos in 2008 and 2012, perhaps? Cult of personality.

    @Golly G. WIllikers – thank you for articulating what many of us feel. It is not that I object to what Trump says he wants to do. Who could object to that? It is that I don’t believe him. Pure and simple.

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