Gowdy Scolds Elijah Cummings-Sets Up New Rules To Prevent Benghazi Leaks – IOTW Report

Gowdy Scolds Elijah Cummings-Sets Up New Rules To Prevent Benghazi Leaks

gowdy gutierrez

Lid: Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the leading Democrat on the Benghazi committee has been working with his fellow Democrats to try and de-legitimize the committee by claiming it is a political operation, thus they are politicizing the committee in their attempt to protect Hillary Clinton. One of their favorite methods of politicizing the investigation is to leak sections of testimony, taken out of context to the liberal media.  Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has had enough.  He is no longer allowing Democratic committee members and their staffs to use the transcripts without a “babysitter” from the majority. more

16 Comments on Gowdy Scolds Elijah Cummings-Sets Up New Rules To Prevent Benghazi Leaks

  1. hey trey!
    throw cummings off the committee and any other democrats who leak the testimonies if it bothers you so much.
    freaking man up and lead!

    how about you just release all the transcripts and let the people decide on what’s what? then partial leaks can’t hurt and whistleblowers won’t hide, they will not have to be afraid of reprisals if the truth is actually exposed.

    between this committee, fast and furious and now the fbi looking into cankles e-mails, the feds aren’t really interested in presenting any real charges in front of the public against this administration and our gangster government.

    what is taking so much time is covering up for all the criminality these scandals all expose. one big criminal gang.

  2. In my opinion, the worst thing people can suffer is false hope. The most vile peddlers of false hope are Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy. With apologies to the Bard, “…It is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing.”

  3. I thought Trey is supposed to be some sort of high powered prosecutor. Here we have an ongoing criminal conspiracy running our government and the only thing I see coming out of this guy is another fucked up haircut.

  4. This regime makes me think of a Fun House ruin. It might have been amusing, even interesting, once. Now it’s just an eyesore and a danger that attracts lowlifes. Raze it.

  5. I had a lot more respect for Gowdy until he embraced Ryan for Speaker, and until he went for Rubio, so he’s nothing more than a tool for the GOPe.

    Trey, your 15 minutes were up a long, long time ago.

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