Ted Cruz’s Plan For the Presidency Includes Outmaneuvering the Master Deal Maker At the Convention – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz’s Plan For the Presidency Includes Outmaneuvering the Master Deal Maker At the Convention

Blasting News-

Sen Ted Cruz, R-Texas has developed a two-pronged strategy to winning the Republican nomination for president. The first prong is to attempt to beat Donald Trump in the remaining primary states to win the most delegates, perhaps enough to lock down the nomination. The second prong is to deny Trump enough delegates for him to cinch the nomination and then fight him on the floor of the convention. The former strategy is mathematically possible but tough. The latter is doable, so long as Trump falls short on the first ballot. The trick would be to outmaneuver that self-admitted master deal maker and get enough support to win on the second ballot.


35 Comments on Ted Cruz’s Plan For the Presidency Includes Outmaneuvering the Master Deal Maker At the Convention

  1. The article conveniently ignores the possibility that Ted Cruz is in some “deal” with the GOPe, in which he thinks (and they’re glad to let him think) he can take the nomination which otherwise would go to Trump, and go on to win against Hillary.

    As the GOPe would be happier for an inbred elite Democrat “relative” like Hillary to win, they let Cruz take it and lose to her, as millions of those “crossover” Democrat and Independent voters who supported Trump simply walk away or don’t vote at all.

  2. hahahaha …. no way the ‘establishment’ is going to let the delegates vote Cruz any more than they’ll let them vote Trump

    …& Cruz has to win 87% of the remaining delegates to win outright

    …Trump needs 42%

    Barbie says, “Math is hard!”

  3. Ted Cruz has already demonstrated time and again that he is a team player.

    First he champions TPA with Paul Ryan, then he votes against TPP knowing his vote changes nothing, except the perception that he’s against it. He tells us he’s the smartest guy in the room, then conveniently ‘forgets’ that he didn’t disclose his bank financing. He says his wife was one of a gazillion people on the CFR, then we find out she spent five years with them, most of it as a primary author of many key papers. He likely won the Iowa primary by eliminating a main contender in the 11th hour, he didn’t remember he was a Canadian citizen, he’s been running around the country telling crowds with his own mouth that Trump is for abortion and against gun rights. He sides with the Establishment, including Geo. Soros’-funded Progressives, blaming Trump for their anarchy and cheers the suppression of peaceably assembled voters of their 1st Amendment rights when it helps his cause.

    There is nothing about Ted Cruz that is not Beltway politics as usual.

    I’m convinced that Ted Cruz has already cut a deal with the GOPe, as has Kasich, in exchange for the coin of their realm — political favors. Politics is all Ted Cruz knows. It has been his career. He’s young, he knows that if a future presidential run is in the cards, and even if it is not, he will now have a war chest brimming full of political markers he can call in. He is the GOPe’s man of the hour.

    Vote the Real Outsider. Vote Trump 2016!

  4. 1) Ted Cruz needs to win 87% of remaining delegates. He’s going into an area friendlier to Trump than to an evangelical Cruz.
    2) Ted Cruz would need to mount a charm offensive to win over delegates at the convention. Cruz is NOT known for charm.

  5. Can’t have any type of discussions at all about politics these days without acrimony and nastiness. The knives always come out. And I thought conservatives didn’t resort to name-calling and ad hominem attacks. Anger is no excuse for blind hatred and viciousness.

  6. actually, to reach 1237, Trump needs 564 (59%) and Cruz needs 826 (87%) of the remaining 1526 to reach 1237. should be interesting to see what happens in July, whether the GOPe shoots themselves in the foot or not.

  7. I say the GOPe are a bunch of dumb shits
    “Give us Congress and we’ll get things done, (they don’t)
    Give us the Senate and then, oh boy will we really get things done” (….aaand they’re worse, they enthusiastically give away the store)
    Now it’s
    “Give us the Presidency and Man oh Manichevitz, you are gonna see nothing but asses and elbows, as long as it’s not that Trump guy” (and now they plan to screw the voter and install someone who can lose the election on their terms)
    Better watch out, Trump will step off and take his voters with him

    Americans love nothing more than to rally to a guy they think is getting screwed over by ‘The Man’
    Think about that and think about what the Bernie voters will do, they got screwed over by that Mannish Harridan Hilary

  8. Glad to see at least some folks starting to say what a few of us have said all along — Clinton is already as good as POTUS. That the GOP pushed guys that would certainly lose to her, and now are up front that they’d rather “lose” to Clinton than have either Cruz or Trump win, went without saying from the get-go for anyone with an ounce of discernment.

    Even if Trump and Cruz would end up as flippers (sorry, “deal makers” or “aisle reachers”) once in the White House, the chance that they’d actually stand on what they say are their principles is too great a threat to the unprecedented power the Uniparty has accumulated, and their plans for the future of the world. They will not risk it.

    So mark it down now: powers that go beyond mere political parties WILL NOT allow anyone even a shot at beating Clinton.

  9. Ted Cruz deserves none of this hatred. Trump doesn’t either. Neither one of them has f_ucked up this country like the Democrats. So give it a rest. Let the cards play out as they will, then decide and vote.

  10. TO Bad Brad
    That so-called alliance of pundits and wonks doesn’t concern me as much as the big guys who got together on the GA island a shot while ago. That, or simple convention skullduggery in Cleveland (against which no one can prepare).

    p.s. wat ‘choo got ‘gainst Alf?!? 😉


    TO grool
    Goodbye grool. Troll in hell.

  11. That’s why I don’t like Trump, perverted, liar, arrogant, stupid.

    He says he has a good brain, what a moron.

    You guys are being played and now it’s probably too late. Getting PEZ dispenser making jobs back won’t help.

  12. Watch out, The MaMomma. “Former” Seattle liberal Abigail Adams is telling you what you should feel, too. You can take the liberal out of the Democrat party, but you can’t take the smug, “let me tell you what to think” out of the liberal.

    She had a rant here the other day about all the negative Cruzers, and not allowing them into her safe space, or some such. Frankly, I am a little tired of the lectures. If I wanted liberal lectures, I’d go to a Hillary rally.

  13. @Bud, maybe it’s because people like you and Czar and Abigail Adams make me hate Trump more than I should. Every time I think, OK, I’ll listen to him, I see one of these nasty, vicious posts and think why would I support someone who attracts people like that?

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