Cruz Talks To a Warmist – IOTW Report

Cruz Talks To a Warmist

ht/ admin girl

25 Comments on Cruz Talks To a Warmist

  1. I guess I am just gonna have to give in to the fracking idiots and go find me a tall screen computer monitor.

    BTW, BFH, I need a trigger warning for vertical videos, and I am not joking. Now would be a good time to repost your Zapruder (sp) film post….

    And yes ..Howdy Admin Girl! (old secret …. she has a sexy voice)

  2. The explanation Cruz gave was lucid and spot-on.

    Man-made climate change is a farce designed to empty your pockets through perceived guilt and taxation. It’s a wealth redistribution scheme just like Obamacare.

    Eradicate liberal thinking and every perceived crisis known to man would evaporate overnight.

  3. How would Donald? have handled that

    Don’s got words, great words. He’d have given the most wonderful and amazingly terrific answer that anyone’s ever heard… just like his buildings. Guys just a winner.

  4. Loco,

    Because Lefties are incapable of discourse. His mind was changed in way whatsoever, though Ted put out there, waist-high, and over the plate.

    I would have first demanded what, exactly, did he mean by “climate change” and then have said something like – “I believe in man-made computer models,” followed by silence.

    “Climate change” is as meaningless as “hope and change.”

  5. Anonymous,
    I’d like to respond to your ignorant ass. But wouldn’t want to be considered a shit disturber. After all you might have a point. After all what kind of hard core negotiations has Trump been involved with compared to Cruz? If you were slightly fucking dumber you would require watering. Sorry FUR. Give me the word and I’ll leave, but this is beyond retarded.

  6. Yeah Brad, right on. I mean Trump can have his lawyers on the debate stage with him just like they are in the rooms where he negotiates all those great deals. Trump is plural, he is many not one.

    And lastly, darn it all people, don’t you know “God blessed us with Trump”, get with the program…..


  7. BB you need to quit getting so emotional, of course I have a point,

    Donald’s great brain is going to be found wanting, calling people names is juvenile

    Just re-read your post above and see the proof

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