Q: “Who do you support for President?” A: “PRESIDENT OF WHAT???” – Ann Barnhardt – IOTW Report

Q: “Who do you support for President?” A: “PRESIDENT OF WHAT???” – Ann Barnhardt

Barnhardt –

I don’t support any candidate for President of the United States because THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NO LONGER EXISTS. The United States WAS a Constitutional Republic.  This monstrosity is in no way, shape or form a Republic, under the Constitution.  It is a straight-up oligarchy.  The country I was born in NO LONGER EXISTS.

It occurred to me a couple of days ago what it all is.  It’s EXACTLY the same business model as Professional Wrestling.  EXACTLY.

Thirty years ago when I was a kid, I used to watch WWF wrestling.


ht/ tsunami

16 Comments on Q: “Who do you support for President?” A: “PRESIDENT OF WHAT???” – Ann Barnhardt

  1. She’s not without valid points regarding them all.

    She does need watch judging others for their beliefs even when they are biblically wrong…being the cleanest rat among dirty rats will not get her into Heaven.

  2. It appears we have a choice between King George the Third and King George III.

    Either way the government remains oppressive and dictatorial, exercising absolute federal control over the states, their populace, business, environment, education, income, taxes, commerce, energy, health, housing, labor, farming, justice, energy, transportation, elections and treasury.

    Now which King George III is gonna make a difference in the above?

  3. I take exception to several of Ann’s statements, but one in particular is faulty beyond comprehension and it is this:

    “The guy is a total hack who has used Bankruptcy as a tool, and would have made more money if he had taken his nine-figure inheritance and plowed it into an S&P Index fund and never touched it.”

    Perhaps he could have made more money, but then he wouldn’t have had the pleasure of creating jobs so the plumber and carpenters could buy their children food and shoes.

  4. She’s absolutely right! It’s all Kubuki theater catering to the the land of dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Kia Hamster bobble-headed Socialist Liberal Lemmings in lock-step with Stupid, along with the planet’s largest collection of worthless, federal tit-sucking, free-shit-grabbing, no morals, bastard-ass, unemployed, barely aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, free-loading, uninformed, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying parasites who won’t buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn´t rhyme!
    Welcome to the new Communism of deceit and disinformation where it’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes… where it takes really stupid people to believe someone can win six coin tosses in a row and a “luck”-of-the-draw in Vegas to boot!

  5. You can always count on Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.
    – Winston Churchill
    If Trump gets elected president we will have tried electing the only “outsider” who could get there.
    If that doesn’t work, what’s left?

  6. I don’t accept the premise that we are no longer a Constitutional Republic.

    We still have some fight in us. Yes, our “overlords” are trying to silence us and create their vision (or version) of a monarchy – with them as Kings, but we can stop it.

    There are people in and outside government that are fighting. Not all the current politicians are corrupt and should be supported for their efforts to get back to the Constitution. Patriots are standing up for our country every day. There are almost enough states that have signed up for the Convention of the States that could thwart those who would destroy America. We have sheriffs that won’t obey unconstitutional orders.

    I don’t believe that my prayers are in vain.

  7. ABSOLUTELY; Norman and Plain Jane.
    Ya gotta keep on trying.

    Sorry for the partial “spam”, but this is an excerpt from my post in the “Limited Government” anti-Trump (*yawn*) thread by MJA:

    When Trump says he wants to “get rid of waste fraud and abuse,” people with a brain UNDERSTAND that THAT is how you actually achieve the goal of limiting government (to a large extent).

    Yes, “limited government” is a cliche by now.
    Ever ask yourself WHY?!?

    Because people have become jaded – to the point of nihilism sometimes (look around at all the “I don’t trust ANY politician! I’m not voting!” fools around you) – at politicians jammering on about it and either doing nothing or making it worse once in office.


  8. @ Czar

    Exactly. “The GOPe and Dems are TERRIFIED of Trump because THEY EXPECT HE WILL DO WHAT HE SAYS.”

    When a successful person gets to be my age, there isn’t time for b.s. and fooling around.

    We mean what we say and try our darndest to fulfill our promises and meet our goals. Honor and name (especially family name) amplifies our determination. Add to that his obvious love of our country, his probable Paesani of like thought, and with God’s blessings, we could again become a light to the world.

  9. Is a “Constitutional Republic” a Republic that is operated on the basis of it’s Constitution, that elects men and women who honor and follow that Constitution, and who place the defense of that Constitution above all else?

    If the answer is “yes” then we are NO LONGER a Constitutional Republic! Our anger and our willingness to fight are only secondarily connected to the premise. Our Supreme Court MAKES law, contrary to our Constitution. They say that pervert marriage is “the law of the land” even though it has NOT passed both Houses of the Legislature and been signed by the President – so – HOW can it be law? The “right” to infanticide was found in the “shadows and penumbras” of the Constitution – and, again, NEVER passed both Houses of the Legislature OR signed by ANY President – so, again – HOW can it be law? ObolaCare has NO mention of “TAX” in any of its 2000+ pages, but the Supreme Court rules it a TAX – TWICE – and it didn’t originate in the House (though its title did) – which is contrary to the Constitution – so, HOW is it law?

    Just 3 examples, which have, more or less, destroyed this country, at least morally, if not actually. We can persist in our fantasy that we still have a country, but we cannot, by the definitions of the words, pretend that we still have a Constitutional Republic.

  10. Miss Barnhardt’s Debbie Downer persona can wear thin. Yes, these are very dark and perilous times but there is still a real and Living God who has the last word. Despite the Kabuki Theater antics of communists and progressives attempting to destroy the greatest nation on earth, I believe the republic will stand because this nation’s foundation is liberty and freedom.
    Miss Barnhardt is very insightful, passionate and loyal to God’s righteous cause, yet she can be extremely short sighted concerning spiritual matters of the Holy Spirit. Not all things are based solely on the natural – “For we walk by faith. not by sight.”, 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV.

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