Something is Medically Wrong With Bill Clinton – IOTW Report

Something is Medically Wrong With Bill Clinton

In the past few months there has been a steady decline in Clinton’s voice and the steadiness in his hands.

Look at the poor guy now. He’s completely feeble.

During a speech by Mark Kelly in Arizona, Clinton stood behind him, chewing his tongue, glazed eyes, and really not knowing where the applause lines were.

Something is very wrong with Bill. See video:

ht/ jerry manderin

62 Comments on Something is Medically Wrong With Bill Clinton

  1. “During a speech by Mark Kelly in Arizona, Clinton stood behind him, chewing his tongue, glazed eyes,”

    Was Kelly talking about gun control because I have the same reaction.

  2. That Mark Kelly should’ve been sucked out of the air lock.

    Bill won’t make it alive to the Democrat Convention. He’s less aware of his surroundings than Gabrielle Giffords.

  3. perseveration, an early sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s

    untreated syphilis as Conservative Wynne said above

    Hillary is slipping him heavy duty drugs for satyriasis.

  4. @Plain Jane:

    @ Uncle Al
    Is it treatable? Reversible? Can’t believe he wouldn’t get best care available.

    No, it isn’t readily treatable nor reversible. The condition is known in the medical world as pumphead and is the result of the heart/lung machine used during open heart surgery. A quick search turned up this Scientific American article that describes it. (I’m not much of a fan of SciAm any more since they made a hard left turn some decades back.)

  5. Bill won’t make it alive to the Democrat Convention. He’s less aware of his surroundings than Gabrielle Giffords.

    What willygoatsgruff said or workin’ that old Grieving Widow vote or sympathy if she’s indicted.

    Just covering her options…

  6. I expect she is the kind to stick out her foot and trip him down a flight of stairs. Or substitute placebos for necessary medicine. Or simply envenomate him one evening.

  7. Kelly was speaking about someone who is dividing Americans by race, economic class, and religion? Did anyone watch the video long enough to confirm that he was talking about Obama?

  8. don’t be surprised, if the Hildabeast’s polls start to slip in the presidential campaign, that they bump off doddering Billy for sympathy votes

    seriously, I wouldn’t put anything past that slimy reptilian in her quest for power

  9. Don’t have one shred of sympathy for Bubba. Via dumb luck, bad voodoo, or disgusting political corruption, he achieved the most powerful seat known to Mankind.

    And what did he do with that opportunity? Don’t answer that he balanced a budget.

    He degraded the status of his Office to sleaze: fellatio, cigars, rape, and abuse of feeble-minded interns. Time will show how much he sold out all decency through Chinese military deals, climate change theft, etc etc.

    No sympathy for Bubba at all. This is easy preparation for what could be a very bad Eternity for him. Remember all those times he strutted out of church toting The Bible arm in arm with his lesbian fake wife.

  10. Mr. Kelly needs t look to the Whitehouse if he wants to speak to “divisive talk”; Zero has done more to divide this country in less time than would normally be considered “humanly possible”…I personally believe Zero is the spawn of/mouthpiece for Satan..

  11. O Good God! Imagine Killary pushing Bubba across the stage. on national TV, the night before the election. Her all teary eyed, and he drooling on a bib. And the whole world in tears? Fuggetaboutit!

  12. I don’t feel good about calling you dumdums, but seek out the rest of the video. BC goes front and center, and speaks well enough after that. His remarks after tonguing his lower teeth show he’s not really lost to dementia, yet.

  13. I vote for anti-freeze in his morning coffee. Hillary can’t use Fort Marcy Park anymore and will get a tremendous bump in the polls if she can have a State funeral/campaign rally a week before the election.
    Bill doesn’t know he’s taking one for the team!

  14. I think it’s Hillary’s “October Surprise”. Sadly, you know that if President Clinton expired, she’d play it for all it’s worth. I can imagine her imploring the grieving masses to, “Let’s win this for Bill!”

  15. Are you sure that’s not a body-double? There’s a guy down here who looks exactly like William J. Clinton who has been canoodling with Bess Truman.

    Check it out and get back to me. 👿

  16. I expect the Russians to let Mark Kelly on a long tether outside the Space Station. Later they find him with Hubble telescope circling Pluto. Then he can moon that planet like he does all of us.

  17. That’s what happens when you serve the devil (quite literally), and murder your way into power. I hope his tongue swells permanently so that we don’t have to hear his acidic voice anymor. He’s not aging well and anytime now he’s going to realize that nothing short of a miracle from God can save him from his inevitable eternal damnation. I doubt he’ll renounce ‘power’ for that though, too spitting stupid and arrogant.

  18. Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? –Ezekiel 33:11

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  1. Did Bubba flub it? : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here

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