Republican senators skipping recess to block Obama Supreme Court appointment – IOTW Report

Republican senators skipping recess to block Obama Supreme Court appointment


WaTimes:Senators are scheduled to be on a break from Washington for the next two weeks, but they have left behind a rearguard to keep the chamber running on low gear, denying President Obama a chance to install his Supreme Court nominee.

It’s part of Republicans’ vow to do everything to keep Mr. Obama from replacing the late Justice Antonin Scalia, whose death last month left the court divided 4-4, and left Democrats salivating over the opportunity to replace the conservative Scalia with a liberal.  MORE

12 Comments on Republican senators skipping recess to block Obama Supreme Court appointment

  1. As long as they’re there, instead of playing dominoes, or diddling each other, why don’t they work on pressing legislation.

    If they can’t conceive of such, I have a 2×4 I’d use to caress their heads.

  2. Good. At last they’re finally doing what we’ve elected them to do, to take care of and protect The People’s business from the predations of the Libtard Left.

  3. @Majority,
    I had defunding of the EPA, the Do”Education”, et al, in mind.

    As for sleeping, what the hell else have they been doing day in and day out? Other than strategerizing about deploying Romney.

  4. The Democrats are some of the stupidest people God made. Yet they outsmart the Republicans every time.

    You can just imagine the GOP dorks paying for lunches, walking into doors, and sitting on vaselined chairs day in and day out.

  5. That will last about three days. Then some douche will declare a Dem emergency and bummer will get what he wants.
    I trust the dems like I trusted Clinton, not as far as I could spit on them.

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