Incoherent Argument Made By Faux Conservative Is Gaining Steam – IOTW Report

Incoherent Argument Made By Faux Conservative Is Gaining Steam

You’re going to hear this lunkheaded argument a lot more in the coming weeks-

Let Hillary win to save the conservative movement. 

This is a steaming pantload argument.

What you will observe in the video below is a desperate power broker who uses the terms GOP and conservatism interchangeably to exploit conservatives angered by the presence of Trump.

For this argument to make any sense whatsoever, Trump would have to be a conservative. The very people making the “Let Hillary Win To Save Conservatism” argument are the ones that say Trump isn’t. They say he’s at best, a republican, more likely a democrat. So how is the conservative movement damaged by a democrat? This is like saying Michael Bloomberg damaged the conservative movement.

Graham says he won’t allow Trump to damage conservatism by holding up the GOP banner. That is the problem right there – the GOP is not conservatism. Even more absurd, Grahamnesty is a left-leaning republican. Trump can no more sully conservatives than if Graham was elected to the presidency, yet he’s the one lecturing and strategizing on behalf of conservatives. Alarm bells should be ringing.

I could just as easily say, “let’s defeat republicans to save the conservative movement,” and it would be as solid an argument as Graham’s.

The only lucid thing Graham says in the entire video is that Ted Cruz is a conservative. Graham is correct. Cruz is. And Graham said Ted Cruz is poison. He said no one would be convicted if Cruz was murdered on the senate floor.

Wise up people. You may hate Trump, but the argument that Trump would set back conservatism, so you better let Hillary win, is ridiculous.

Do everything you can to propel Ted Cruz to the ticket, but if he doesn’t make it, the Trump alternative is clearly better than Hillary.



28 Comments on Incoherent Argument Made By Faux Conservative Is Gaining Steam

  1. The real danger is not Hillary, even if the unlikely event happens that she is the Democrat nominee.
    The real danger is losing the Senate, and the House.
    It won’t take a huge number of Republicans sitting this one out for the Senate to fall.
    The bad part of this is that there are probably more Trump supporters that will sit home if he is not the nominee than there are people who will sit out if he is.
    However, either way, we end up with a Democrat congress, AND, in most likelihood, a Democrat president.
    Another danger is mass revolt among Trump supporters as Trump does what he has to do to secure the nomination.
    Trump will be different after completing the meetings he is holding with the GOP.

  2. Agreed. Trump is not perfect, but ANYONE is preferable to Hilary. She will complete Obama’s destruction of the USA if she gains power. We will be finished.
    So, turn out and vote for Trump, or Cruz in the unlikely event Cruz somehow becomes the nominee.
    Stop Hilary. If Trump accomplishes nothing more in 4 years beyond Building The Wall and Beginning The Great Self-Deportation, and stopping the Islamic capture of US Gov agencies, he will have effectively saved this country.
    I voted Trump in the primary and am ready to support and vote Trump again in November.
    #StopHilary #GoTrump

  3. Lindsey Graham needs to go away. He’s a babbling old poofter with zero credibility. The anti-Trump people who would rather support Hillary or stay home on election day must like the idea of eating more shit sandwiches prepared by leftists. Amazing.

  4. A couple of good posts from CTH:

    DaTruthHertz says:

    March 20, 2016 at 10:56 am

    Here’s a little inside baseball from someone who actually knows the truth: the GOPe dislikes Cruz NOT because he’s an outsider, but because he’s an INSIDER who decided the best way to advance himself was to bite the hand that fed him. Let’s just say I am very close to someone in the GOPe machine and I’ll leave it at that.

    When Ted worked for Bush, he was angling for a bigger position than he got. He actually wanted to be the AG. He thought he had more pull than he actually did, more juice because of some of his Texas connections. His marriage to Heidi was supposed to solidify his position because she was actually held in higher regard than Ted within the Texas/GOPe sphere. He was seen by the insiders as over ambitious, an opinion that was only ENFORCED by his reach to be named AG.

    So Ted decided since he knew the ins and outs of the GOPe (insofar as the GOP and Bushes were one and the same), and since he couldn’t advance any further within that sphere, that he would run against them. He ran for Senate against a GOPe favorite and won. He hoped this would show the GOPe that he was a serious contender and that they would welcome him back into the fold. It backfired, mostly because of Ted’s outsider rhetoric.

    Now Ted chose to run for POTUS, which on its surface was a slap in the face to Jeb Bush and the GOPe. In truth, it was an olive branch by Ted to the GOPe. Why? Because he was there to split the conservative vote in order to help Jeb win. He was never supposed to be in this position, but if it got down to him and Jeb, the fact that Ted isn’t natural born was going to come out, forcing him to drop out, leaving Jeb and his millions in donor money as the last man standing. Why do you think Jeb always spoke about winning without the base and losing the primaries to win the nomination? It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?

    Trump was the wildcard they didn’t expect. Ted was sent to cozy up to him with a non-aggression pact, but Trump was no dummy. He kept the Canadian Ted thing in his back pocket to use when needed.

    I could go on but bottom line, the GOPe is warming to Ted because he’s is not actually an enemy, but a prodigal son who tried to earn his way back into the fold by helping Bush.

    Liked by 20 people


    7delta says:

    March 20, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    Interesting. You and your friend, DaTruthHertz, may be absolutely correct, but I would put a slightly different twist on the scenario and say Cruz was probably always the establishment’s chosen one. Why? Because the “real” movers and shakers behind the scene knew it would be too big of a hill for Jeb to climb–he’s unlikable, dour and voters were unlikely to go for another Bush, especially after putting up with a series of unlikable and unelectable candidates–but he worked well as the establishment fall guy. The splitters would eventually drop by the wayside for Cruz, who pre-established his “street cred” while in the Senate. As Cruz gained momentum, it would give the voters the illusion of beating the establishment candidate and getting what they want, while the “real” movers and shakers were really getting what they wanted all along: someone they controlled and could count on to keep gains in place and move their agenda forward. Jeb was always a red herring.

    This is the strategy that’s been used for decades and decades. Create the problem, nurture it (tweak, create negative v. positive narratives, legislate more and more) until it’s untenable–think healthcare, immigration, etc.–then swoop in with the remedy, which was what they wanted all along–single-payer healthcare, open borders, etc.–but couldn’t say so openly. With candidates, it’s a more short term aspect of the strategy, but a necessary one to keep the strategy in play.

    Trump may have thrown a monkey wrench into that and caused some changes, but the strategy, IMO, of presenting Cruz as an outsiders is still on track.

  5. Hmm…maybe Graham has a point. For example, my doctor suggested stopping the spread of my athletes foot with double doses of commercial grade arsenic four times a day. Sure, the treatment is probably fatal, but at least there would be a better looking corpse.

    If Trump is the Republican nominee, then rational people will have to consider whether Trump, as the Republican nominee, is better for the country than Clinton, the presumptive Democrat nominee. At this point, whether Donald Trump is preferable to Ted Cruz or any other Republican is moot. If Graham, Ben Shapiro or any other ersatz conservative really believes that Clinton is preferable to Trump, then that is the argument they need to make. In the general election, an argument that electing Hillary Clinton will save conservativism is irrelevant and, in my opinion, stupid because conservatism will not go away regardless of which candidate is elected.

  6. “Faux conservatives” fits the Trump haters perfectly. The conciet pretending their brand is better after seeing where it has gotten us is laughable. Losing the Senate and the House is the real danger..wait, what? Clearly some people have just not been paying attention.

  7. I seem to remember back in ’08 and again in ’12 how we were supposed to let Obama win, because he would screw things up so badly it would “save conservatism”. Things would be so bad that the Dems won’t win another election for 20 years.

    How’d that shit work out for ya, sparky?

  8. Those GOPe dipshits paraded this non-third-party ‘pledge’ they made Trump sign around like it was the Magna Carta
    Now this.
    I voted in my primary already, so I am switching parties.
    Libertarian, Sons of Odin, don’t care as long as it’s not these assholes (or Democrat)
    The GOP can go make ‘the beast with two backs’ with it self.
    I am forever done
    The polls are all crap. Get ready for a blowout
    Americans instinctively throw in with the underdog who is being shat upon by ‘The Man’ That guy is Trump
    Americans threw good English Tea in the Harbor rather than pay an unfair tax. That’s like living on the Moon and pouring out the only whiskey on the entire Moon on Principle
    If Cruz would have stood by Trump on the 1st Amendment I would have followed Cruz through Hell itself. But he left the constitutional high ground for his shot at the title.
    Now I have only one enemy
    The Political establishment. The D and the R are useless outmoded symbols. They are two sides of the same, worthless coin
    Hilary is just one more ugly head on the Hydra
    And now I am growing more and more annoyed with Cruz’s overly-dramatic style of oration.
    His voice is not suicide-inducing like Hilary’s, but it’s getting there

  9. So many Dems and GOPe are running scared that their dirty perverted and illegal skeletons are going to be let out now that the self protection racket will end. And as much as I deplore the notion of Hillary winning–I have to say that after seeing Jeff Flake as part of the Cuban Obama trip I will be voting for his opponent –hopefully a libertarian –anyone is better than that fucking fraud for my state.

  10. ILLEGAL immigrants
    DISGUSTING ROSIE somehow a woman
    Keep OUT the RAPIST MURDERING ILLEGAL immigrants

    None of these comments are racist, xenophobic, bigoted, or hateful. Yet they continue to throw the same words up on the wall in hopes they will stick. It’s NOT WORKING. Just stop already, I’m embarrassed to walk the same Earth as these fools.

    It’s like saying you don’t like anchovies so the media reports you hate all food. Simply retarded.

  11. “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

    “Surrender is the surest path to victory.”

    “Cancer cures smoking.”

    “Hillary is “Fighting For Us””

    “I’m from the Gov’t … and I’m here to help.”

    “The best way to find something is to stop looking.”

  12. ANYONE is preferable to Hilary.

    It would be great, yuge even, if anybody in the Tx Repub party would honestly explain, HowTH the immigration plank was destroyed from what it was both in 2008 and 2010 ++ No Amnesty. No Way. ++ to the bushy-washy bullshit of 2012, where they stated, “illegals are people too.”
    Anybody? Tx Hispicnic Repub Coalition ???

  13. When Cruz went on his rant over Mitch McConnell being a liar, it would have been a lot more explosive if McConnell had been on the floor at the time.

    He wasn’t, because that’s what he’d worked out with Ted so Ted could look like he was anti-establishment.

    I feel like I took the red pill from “The Matrix” anymore, because everywhere I look at American politics now, all I see are strings and puppeteers.

  14. Something else, quickly. Does Heidi Cruz make anybody else’s skin crawl here?

    Their marriage seems like one of political convenience to me, and she strikes me as the “Co-president”, Hillary with an “R” type of first lady.

    Anybody else sense this?

  15. The GOPe always planned on Hilary to be elected, they like having a democrat to hide behind while advancing their jointly held globalist agenda. If they can’t set a patsy up for her they will go to plan “B”.

  16. I just can’t believe the mess this country is in, and all of the traitors that are helping to make it happen. The thing is, there is not just a few of them, there’s 10’s of millions. And from every walk of life. We have so much work to do it will take a couple generations to fix this. Damn!

  17. It’s easy to see what’s going to happen. Trump wins the plebeian vote and Cruz is nominated as the establishment patricians’ candidate at convention.

    What’s the plan for this vote-splitting scenario that gets Clinton the White House? Trump nominates Cruz as VP?

  18. Graham joined with McCain in 2008 to push amnesty and with Schumer, McCain, Rubio and other lefties to push the Gang of 8 amnesty/open borders plan.

    Please point out the “conservative” principles in those plans.

  19. I have not yet read any of the comments since I want to add my 2 cents unaffected by other opinions.

    W damaged the conservative movement. He did so because he was not a true conservative and the GOP congress went along with what he wanted. He ushered in Pelosi and Reid, and next Obama because he was no conservative. His non-conservatism gave us Obamacare. Obama, on the other hand gave us a majority in both house , and both generally suck, but they suck less than Obama’s supermajority. Obama turned many, many states red that where formerly blue or purple, including mine that hasn’t been bright red since the 1800’s. When you consider the big picture, electing a president that will drive people from the party is a costly prospect down ballot. Citing Bloomberg is irrelevant. He is a mayor that probably 90% of Americans have never heard of and even those that know his name, most probably have no clue what party he aligns with. If congress treats Trump as they did W, we have big problems. Trump is going to make deals, beautiful deals, so he is a winner, but at what cost? I foresee a rat-fracking coming in 2018 since Trumps agenda will cause a similar effect as W’s did in his mid-terms.

    I don’t see that being as big of an issue with Cruz because Cruz is not going to make deals with the left, he plans to defeat them, not work with them. (and the same with RINO’s)

    Hillary will just give us gridlock and no major changes in the make up of congress or down ballot candidates.

    Ghramnaty is an idiot, so this is not a reply to his statement, but the commentary about it.

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