Has Everyone Seen Today’s Google Doodle? – IOTW Report

Has Everyone Seen Today’s Google Doodle?

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Remember the talented young lady, Lauren, who entered the Google Doodle Contest?

Well, she never had a chance. Google was going to go with a predictable political choice – #BlackLivesMatter.

The Doodle above is the winner.

From Lauren’s dad-

I have never discussed BLM with my children before, but now they know.  They think the winning choice was “stupid”, “shallow”, and especially “political.” What they know of BLM is that it is more of a “do not police us, or we will fight back” movement.”

The theme this year was, “What makes me, me?”

Google, obviously, thinks the content of one’s character is rooted in what they look like.

The winning artwork is not bad, talent-wise, but it’s simply propaganda.  It’s hard to compete when the playing field is so skewed, where the judges go into the contest with the mindset, “give me a good reason not to award the minority.”




29 Comments on Has Everyone Seen Today’s Google Doodle?

  1. Ugh. I saw that. I only use google for image search because they have their shit together compared to the other search engines.

    But for regular bidness, I use Bing. And you may need to be signed up with a hotmail or outlook email account in order for you to start earning points, etc.

  2. The epitome of why Trump is rising. People are sick and tired of this shit.

    It’s pretty sick when the real heroes of the military, firefighters, and law enforcement are marginalized or maligned or denigrated, and criminals are lifted, as if they are noble, for breaking laws and killing law enforcement officers who are just trying to keep some modicum of civilized life safe for peaceful living.

  3. Lauren is a winner because she has parents who actually parent. From earlier posts she seems like a very talented girl with the ability to think critically. She’ll do well in life.

    Let’s take a guess on 2nd place – a Che mural?

  4. Lauren and the rest of the family are okay with the fact that she didn’t win. Expectations were held low knowing about the voting process. The kicker that led to what I wrote was this Washington Post article,


    But Lauren & the family is by no ways bitter. But this article and others let us as family have a good discussion about Black Lives Matter and affirmative action. I’m happy that they are now aware of these things.

  5. How to use Bing instead of Google and start putting money into your pocket rather than your ideological enemies’ pocket.

    1. Go to Bing and set it as your home page.
    2. SIGN UP on Bing to use their rewards program. You will need a valid email address and you will have to enter a password, then they send a confirmation e-mail that you need to acknowledge.
    3. Then just do your normal searches.
    The rest is pretty much automatic.
    When you reach 500 Bing points (evidences by the small counter in the upper right of your Bing home screen), you can cash them out for an Amazon gift card ($5), or gift cards (also $5) to other places.
    4. It works with all browsers, even Chrome and Safari


    just to make it simple, here is a link you can click on that will make it even easier. It’s supposed to walk you through.

    If you use the link I just posted, I will get 50 Bing credits, up to a maximum of 5 people (250 Bing credits maximum).

    I have been using it for a couple of years and (sometimes combined with other offers) it has paid for a Roku and lots of other computer hardware.

  6. It may “not bad, talent-wise”, but I’ve never liked street art like this. I associate it with vibrant parts of the city, that have an elevated probability of not ending well during a visit than I care to deal with.

    How long will it be up? I use droogle for image searches also.

  7. Next year maybe I can convince Lauren to do a Global Warming, Anti-Christianity, or pro gay marriage themed image. Then if she wins and the The Washington Post comes for an interview all hell will break loose!

  8. If you are that paranoid Corona then get a throw away email account. Without registering they would have no way to track your points.
    People like Corona are mostly why I stopped helping other people do anything.

  9. LD,
    The WaPo. . . hehehehe. Bet’cha a dollar to a doughnut that particular interview would never make it into the Dem-S-M. I’d pay a pretty penny to see that.
    BUT. . . please be sure to video it for the viewing pleasure of the rest of us. It may even end up on YouTube (if they don’t ban it). Or you could sell subscription viewings to pay for your defense fund (just sayin’. . . . )

    But, I’m sure that some (dare I say, conservative?) art critic or teacher has taken note of Lauren’s talent. If they haven’t contacted you by now, be patient. Keep on teaching her the fine arts of Keen Observation, Common Sense and Critical Thinking. Use Sherlock Holmes as an example of all of those skills.

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