Belgium Terror Suspects – IOTW Report

Belgium Terror Suspects

11 Comments on Belgium Terror Suspects

  1. OK let’s start the litany from the execrable Left on how all Muslims must not be painted with the terrorist brush.
    Bosh and Nonsense
    Why did that bastard from Paris live in plain site during the largest manhunt in Europe? He had help from the ‘moderate’ Muslims in the community.
    Not one can be trusted. It’s a tribal thing that goes way deeper than mere nationality.
    Somebody tell me the number of acceptable losses to this death cult.
    A million per century? Is a billion OK with everybody?
    Or is it how they die, like by mustard or nerve gas? Is being lit on fire higher up on the scale if rage inducement than, say being thrown off a building?
    Let’s leave it at just the numbers.
    How many people have to die before the West realizes that we are waist deep in a war that we better start fighting or we will be destroyed.
    I want to know the damn number!
    So that when this number is reached and nothing is done, we can start the hanging of miscreants in the government that allow feral behavior to infest a civilized country.

    I say we pass legislation that stipulates if an asswipe commits a terrorist act ALL family members here that are not full Citizens will be deported.

  2. European press will label these Pisslamists as ‘Asians’.
    Did it take all of 30 seconds for media to start the ‘nothing to do with Islam/Muslims’ jive?

    Didn’t Trump warn about Pisslamist plots in Brussels at the beginning of the year? Oh yeah, he was laughed at by the media and leftards.

  3. I looked thru the pics at the Daily Mail. When they catch these guys, they need to hold them for as long as it takes to get pertinent info (what ever means necessary), and then round up ANYBODY (except kids) that had prior knowledge and the ability to stop it or tell the authorities and then shoot em all.

    We are not going to win by “bringing them to justice”

  4. We let the psychotic pukes in here because “that’s who we are a nation of immigrants”! Then we spend a fortune, time, effort, fear
    and inhibit and suppress our freedom, movement, travel and gatherings in order to protect ourselves knowing that they will try to kill us

  5. Here they come, blowin’
    up every street.
    They get no looks, from
    anyone they meet.
    Hey, hey, they’re muzzies,
    People look away when they’re around.
    They’re in a tizzy putting
    Anyone into the ground.

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