Terror Magnet – IOTW Report

Terror Magnet

THIRD brush with terror: American Mormon, 19, left with burns and shrapnel injuries in Brussels attack also survived Boston and Paris bombings

  • Mason Wells, 19, an American Mormon missionary, has survived his third terrorist attack
  • Mason was in Paris last year during the attacks and a block away from the finish line of the Boston Marathon during the bombings3278031000000578-3505243-Mason_Wells_19_-m-27_1458687773629
  • The teen suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon, injuries from shrapnel and second- and third-degree burns on his face and hands
  • Despite his injuries, his parents said he is in good spirits and expected to make a full recovery  
  • The State Department said Wednesday that at least 12 Americans were injured in the attacks  

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20 Comments on Terror Magnet

  1. Sad
    Good boys out learning about the world by going on a mission.
    However I don’t give a hoot about their religion, their gender, nor their stance on nougat.
    Those are my fellow Americans
    They need to be avenged

  2. Plot twist: He’s actually a deep-cover ISIS operative who masterminded all three attacks, personally directing them at each location. His Kevlar-lined Mormon “Magic Underwear” prevented him from sustaining any serious injury, while the remote control detonator in his Book of Mormon “bible” went undetected. It is believed that he became a convert to Islam when he found out that, unlike the current LDS Church, the Islamic faith still permits polygamy. Unfortunately, none of his wives would comment on this allegation.


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