Guy is not happy with his plates – IOTW Report

Guy is not happy with his plates


I wouldn’t have picked up on this —->

But I see his point now.


ht/ bad brad

27 Comments on Guy is not happy with his plates

  1. of course….john316 is still unavailable….

    do you get to change the plates, or do they charge you to change the plates?……

    i had my screen name for my plates for years…..can’t afford it anymore…….i take what i get, unless – as in THIS case – IT IS OFFENSIVE…….

    kinda like john316 is offensive……

  2. I used to have a ’57 Buick….hell, I had 5…the car was supposed to be so ugly that life magazine named it the B-57….Colorado denied my B-57 plates….not enough numbers?????

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