Michelle, Who Married Into Fame, Talks About Sexism – IOTW Report

Michelle, Who Married Into Fame, Talks About Sexism

She says men whistled at her body.

Was she in Europe? Because whistling is booing in Europe.


29 Comments on Michelle, Who Married Into Fame, Talks About Sexism

  1. I miss the days when men whistled, even catcalled. I know of no women who were of quality to be whistled at who were offended. Sometimes you felt a little uncomfortable, maybe blushed a little or a lot but you walked around with a secret smile the rest of the day.

  2. “Ann Thracts
    March 24, 2016 at 11:55 am

    She was on the sidewalk in front of the Chicago School for the Blind and Mentally Handicapped during recess. ”

    That explains where she met Dingle Barry Obama.

  3. BFH:

    Yep… right on cue…. the left must keep that misogyny “knife” nice and sharp…. that way they can stick it real deep right into Donald Trump’s back when the presidential race starts heating up even more.

    The patriarchy, islamophobia, homophobia and racist knives are being kept razor sharp as well!

    I wish Donny would stop setting himself up for these attacks which are going to be coming more and more frequently.

    Just watch, when Hillary wins the dem nomination she’s going to just stick to talking about the issues, she doesn’t have to “sully” herself with any direct attacks on Trump. Her flying butt-monkeys in the MSM, Hollywood and internet will do all the dirty work for her (the Clintons ALWAYS have other people do their dirty work).

    She looks great talking about the issues, meanwhile Donny gets all those knives that he helped sharpen (women comments, mexican comments, muslim comments, “ad hominem attacks,” etc., etc.) drove right into him painting him as a sexist, racist, islamophobe and so forth. He should stop playing into their hands…..

  4. I don’t believe a words she says about her experience with sexism. Just look at her, her attitudes, pictures of when she was in high school. She only wishes she would have been whistled at or even recognized as being good looking. She is none of that, like Obama she carries around a chip on her shoulder. Her speech embarrasses me – again!

  5. Not in this world … oh, yeah, we’re on Bizarro World now …

    cops are criminals
    criminals are saints
    traitors are presidents
    congress are traitors
    supreme court justices are illiterate
    fools teach school
    college is worthless
    lowering taxes is racist
    watching Europe burn is foreign policy
    giving Iran nukes is a “deal”
    moslem brotherhood is secular
    ISIS is JV
    Israel is the enemy
    Christians and retired armed forces are “terrorists”

    Maybe I’m too old …

    izlamo delenda est …

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