Take 100 Guesses And You’ll Never Be Able To Tell Me Who This Is – IOTW Report

Take 100 Guesses And You’ll Never Be Able To Tell Me Who This Is

No fair if you already read this story.


See after jump —>



33 Comments on Take 100 Guesses And You’ll Never Be Able To Tell Me Who This Is

  1. The first one I’ve ever gotten. It still looks like Gary Coleman.

    As for Pillosi her expression is risus sardonicus or rictus grin combined with excessive botox and mass quantities of plastic surgery. Imagine what she’ll look like in the coffin.

  2. Well, since it’s been reported that transgender teens are 5x more likely to commit suicide than the national average, have at it. I expect to read about your death very soon, and I won’t shed a tear.
    “Behold, my field of fucks, for it is barren, and empty.”

  3. Hey, at least ObamaCare will pay for his visit to the Chop-It-Off Shop.

    Send your “little ex-friend” to Obama in a jar of formaldehyde with a note that reads, “A gift for you with no strings attached.” 🙄

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