The Road To Hell – IOTW Report

The Road To Hell

ht/ tsunami

7 Comments on The Road To Hell

  1. Is Paved with Good Intentions.

    Yaknow, that used to be the line used for liberal policies. That while something like the Great Society was supposedly intended to help impoverished blacks, the unintended consequences of destroying the black family was unforeseen. But it’s been exposed for what it really is by LBJ, to “have them niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years” BTW, he’s more then a 1/4 there.

    Like RR says, government doesn’t control things, they control people. Offering a goodie train to blacks is nothing more then controlling them. Offering free college and health care is the same thing.

    Nothing in this life is free.

  2. The original form ” Heaven is filled with good works, Hell is filled with good meanings” is much easier to understand.
    That is why a Prog will make demands on what others should do.

  3. What a beautiful flag we have — it symbolizes so much for our nation. I hope we once again get a man in office that reveres it as much as President Reagan did. If that is possible.

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