By the Way, Where Is Brad Hanson? – IOTW Report

By the Way, Where Is Brad Hanson?

I post this as an example of forgotten Enquirer hogwash-

from 20112pCz5Go

ht/ Clatsop

43 Comments on By the Way, Where Is Brad Hanson?

  1. Look at who has the most to gain and the most to lose. Cruz might not even been aware of it.

    The whole Cruz thing was instituted by Cruz handlers who are into social psychology or the GOP elitists who do it because they want or don’t want Cruz. As such they are still “winners” either way.
    Rubio is still their clean cut, all American anchor baby player.

    As I said in a previous post,
    “Cruz’s handlers give Cruz a less nerdy complexion: make him look badass, (the tat and bacon-gun) sexual, and cosmopolitan (less rigid); get more free publicity; get an opportunity to label Trump as the source of real or contrived mistresses scandal (sympathy and Trump hatred); purposely set scenarios that GOP establishment (Rubio campaign) is using to defeat Trump and eventually Cruz himself.”

  2. @anon
    TRUMP and Stone will get a free pass for slimy, greasy, sleaze peddling.
    The trump supporters look the other way as the Teflon Don lowers everyone’s standard of taste, decency, politeness, manners, morality and civility.

  3. NE is just as reliable as NYT and WaPo …
    Throw shit on the wall and see what sticks.
    That’s why it’s called “journalism” and not “reporting.”
    Any fool and propagandist can make a “journal.”
    “Reporting” takes effort.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. 200 Proof Hypocrisy, have a drink on me:

    Exhibit A)
    A SuperPAC posts a YouTube video containing a previously published (racy?) photo of Trump’s wife.
    Outrage ensues, Ted Cruz’s doing without a doubt!
    Yes, candidates and PAC collusion is illegal, but still…BLAME CRUZ goddamnit!

    Exhibit B)
    A salacious false accusation is shopped to all the news outlets by the Rubio team.
    Only National Enquirer bites.
    The same rag that endorsed Trump.
    The same rag who’s CEO, D. Pecker is close friends of Trump, flies on Trump’s private jets etc.
    Nope, NOTHING to do with Trump.
    How DARE you insinuate Trump’s involvement!

    So, Plain Jane wants it both ways.
    Sorry. 🙁

  5. Maybe Trump was on to something when he said he would make the press more liable for what they publish

    You know that would be a typical tactic of an elitist, slam the door shut and prevent anyone else from ever doing what they did to get where they are after doing what they then want to prevent.

    Basically, Trump uses sleaze and libelous tactics to get elected and then decides that the laws need to be changed to ensure that no one else can ever again do what he did to get elected.

  6. All you die-hard Cruz supporters in for a very rude awakening.
    Here’s an Amanda Carpenter tweet calling Cruz “Daddy”

    And when you’re trying to come up with justifications for sCruz look at this pic & make the same justification.

    The media and the GOPe will do their best to try and let/make this go away. The crap is going to hit the fan very soon!

  7. Hey anonymous, how many posts are you going to beat into the ground using “sCruz”?

    Very clever the first dozen times you posted it.
    Especially to the other dimwitted Trumpsters.

    Me, I give it a C for effort and B- for creativity.
    Of course I am grading on a common-core curve.

    Why are you so afraid of Cruz?

    I am curious, anyone using the term “daddy” is sleeping with them?
    You are one retarded SOB!

  8. Hey Loco,

    Anonymous has just proven he may be able to read, but not comprehend what he read. Carpenter’s post, to which he and some idiot going by the handle “Microchip” are referring, has to do with telling the Carpenter referring to Cruz and the Washington Post and that he is coming to get them.

    If Anonymous had any serious curiosity he would have checked and the Carpenter post had to do with the Washington Post publishing a editorial cartoon in which they featured Cruz’s two daughters, hence the use of the term “daddy”.

    Here is the important information that Anonymous typically omitted;

    Media-bashing Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz was handed a political gift Tuesday night when The Washington Post retracted an editorial cartoon that depicted his two young daughters as monkeys.

    The animated cartoon, by Pulitzer Prize winner Ann Telnaes, sketched the Texas senator in a Santa suit turning a Jack-in-the-box-style crank that made the monkeys dance. A headline said, “Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props” — a reference to a recent viral campaign video in which Cruz and his daughters spoofed familiar Christmas stories.

    So yet again Anonymous is a complete waste of time and posts nothing of real fact and just propagates further lies.

  9. Hey Anonymous,

    We all know why folks like you are peddling your little tricycles as fast as you can to try and spread rumor and lies;

    Reason 1
    WOW: New Fox News National Poll Shows Ted Cruz Has Destroyed Trump’s Lead

    Reason 2
    ANOTHER poll has Hillary TROUNCING the Donald by a YUGE margin…

  10. LOL – every couple weeks one poll shows Trump losing. Been going on for MONTHS!
    Meanwhile, RealClearPolitics has Trump breaking his “ceiling” at 43%
    Cruz 30%
    Kasich 19%
    Wait till the next poll comes out after the scandal. Ted Scruz is toast. Time to jump on the Trump train if you want beat Hillary.
    Pointing to a poll trying to predict an election 8 months from now is just plain stupidity. And CELEBRATING that Hillary is winning it. You’re an ASSHOLE!

  11. Remember when the Enquirer broke the stories about Gary Harts affair? John Edwards affair & love child? Jessee Jacksons affair and love child? Anthony Weiner? Arnold Schwarzenegger? Elliot Spitzer? Tiger Woods? And they turned out to be true. Now we have the Washington Times reporter saying at least 2 of them are known about in D.C. already. Well…I say so much for the ineligible ones campaign. Looks like its over like Edwards.

  12. I know this is yesterdays thread, but it seems to be the right place to say this.

    Facebook is lit up today with the Jeff Epstein/Trump connections. It seems, according to rumors, that Trump, along with Bill Clinton, was a regular at Orgy Island! Pecker often rode Trumps jet with him to get there, some are reporting. Did Trump take his little Pecker friend to Orgy Island? Is it a deal breaker for the Mr. Pinko’s of the world if he did? Enquiring minds want to know!

  13. Menderman – the difference between Trump and sCruz – Trump doesn’t carry a Bible swearing he is a devout Christian.
    sCruz goes around thumping the bible and turns out to be a hypocrite. sCruz uses the Bible. sCruz uses Conservatism to try and get to the White House. sCruz is a BIG LYIN’ POLITICIAN BULLSHIT ARTIST.

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