San Fran Mayor Bans Travel To North Carolina For Public Employees – IOTW Report

San Fran Mayor Bans Travel To North Carolina For Public Employees


San Francisco mayor Edwin Lee has banned city employee travel to North Carolina after the state passed House Bill 2 this week.

The North Carolina General Assembly on Wednesday overrode a Charlotte ordinance set to take effect April 1 that impacts transgender people and Governor Pat McCrory signed the bill Wednesday night.

“We are standing united as San Franciscans to condemn North Carolina’s new discriminatory law that turns back the clock on protecting the rights of all Americans including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals,” Lee said in a statement. “Effective immediately, I am directing City Departments under my authority to bar any publicly funded city employee travel to the state of North Carolina that is not absolutely essential to public health and safety.”

It was not immediately clear how many trips Lee’s decision might impact.

17 Comments on San Fran Mayor Bans Travel To North Carolina For Public Employees

  1. I’m sure the good people of North Carolina are thrilled by this.

    I wouldn’t want a bunch of leftist queers in my state either.

    Unfortunately, I live in New York.

  2. The Charlotte ordinance was not just limited to bathrooms, but included locker rooms , changing rooms and showers. Any place open to the public, like the Y, fitness centers, churches, mosques, malls, schools, colleges etc could not stop grown men from entering girls showers.

    Pure insanity.

  3. TO Menderman

    ” Any place open to the public, like the Y, fitness centers, churches, mosques, malls, schools, colleges etc could not stop grown men from entering girls showers.”

    I can imagine a muzzie trannie going into the other sex’s area.
    Not a bad thought: one less muzzie to deal with.

  4. WOW! This is great. It will save the taxpayers in SF a bundle of money in travel expenses. Maybe take the savings and give all the homeless in SF a free bus ride to N. Carolina. That would be a good way to get even. Let them crap on their streets, and sleep wherever they choose.

  5. Hell, maybe this will evolve into a physical division in this country….them on one side with their preferred bullshit and us on the other side with our preferred common sense.

  6. @Goldenfox – regarding your homeless relocation proposal, I don’t think the good people of NC would let them sleep wherever they want, much less crap in the streets. In fact, you wouldn’t see many of those bums for very long.

    There are an awful lot of hog farms in NC. Just sayin’.

  7. Since when do perverts and other assorted psychopaths have any “rights” whatsoever (other than those enumerated in the Bill of Rights)? The “right” of the mentally ill to invade childrens’ toilets? I don’t remember seeing that one …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Uncle Al: “There are an awful lot of hog farms in NC. Just sayin’”

    Well that’s even better yet, shipping them there. I don’t go to SF unless I absolutely have to. The homeless situation there is awful. I’ve got to fly out of SF in October, I thankful the airport is a few miles away from the city.

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