Obama Considering Another Possible Opportunity to Apologize for America – IOTW Report

Obama Considering Another Possible Opportunity to Apologize for America

Obama considering visit to Hiroshima.

hiroshima memorial

Lets just hope Big Ears remembers where and who started the whole episode in history that led to the Hiroshima Memorial, and the complete and final defeat of those who chose to come against you, and he chooses to keeps his mouth shut!

– more @ Diogenes’Middle Finger

33 Comments on Obama Considering Another Possible Opportunity to Apologize for America

  1. If Skippy appreciated history, we wouldn’t have cancelled the missile-defense deal with Poland on the anniversary of Germany’s invasion in 1939.

    Here too, he misses the obvious. An invasion of Japan would’ve caused at least a million Allied casualties, and possibly resulted in as many as 17-million Japanese causalities, mostly killed.

    A naval blockade, which the revisionists suggest would’ve worked to bring Nippon down, could’ve resulted in 15-20 million casualties, including a lost generation of newborn babies and millions permanently affected by the effects of malnutrition. This omits the possibility of epidemics, due to loss of immune system resilience.

    The “bombs” also kept us from sending 1-2 million ETO vets to fight in the Pacific, plus the worst outcome of all, would’ve been to have the Soviet Union claim a post-war occupation zone. North and South Japan, anyone?

  2. Barky don’t give a rip about anything meaningful, people!

    He’s killing time, blowing the taxpayers’ dime, gonna get him some Kobe beef and his earned share of “shit bows”.

    Just keep your fingers crossed for a typhoon or other flight calamity.

  3. He’s such a trailblazer! No other President has done it while in office. Will he apologize for President Truman and the million of lives he saved by this action?
    He should visit IWO JIMA. Then again maybe he should not.
    What a POS this guy really is.

  4. He came in bowing, and he’s going to bow out. Even Castro tried to hold him upright, And Barky still managed to bow at the wrist.

    And gid forbid the muslims set off a dirty bomb here while he’s ovef there.

  5. Harry Truman and all the surviving World War 2 veterans who were saved by us nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki instead of having to invade Japan would and do not appreciate this coward and his chicken shit apologies. What’s the jackass going to try to apologize for next? His arrogance and hubris know no bounds.

  6. Moe Tom, if he visited Iwo Jima I would personally hope that the ghost of Marine Corps. Sgt. John Bassilone a Congressional Medal Of honor recipient, who died at Iwo Jima would come out of his grave and personally haunt and kick lil barry’s ass into eternity.

  7. These idiots also don’t realize how many of us baby boomers might never have lived if our fathers would have had to physically invade Japan. The casualties could’ve a been a million plus. We’ll never know since Truman did the right thing and nuked Japan thus ending WW2.

  8. Fuck Obola.
    Fuck Japan.

    He can go over there and suck off every Jap he sees, and it won’t change a damn thing: THEY started it – THEY got what they deserved – and WE won.

    Obola doesn’t speak for me, or for any true American, and it’s high time he became aware of that fact.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Considering that every single Purple Heart medal given out today was created in the 1940’s in expectation of the casualties which would have resulted from the invasion of Japan…and there are hundreds of thousands left.

  10. Truman was a dovish Southern Baptist and had no other choice.

    Contrary to his “official diary entry” of June 17, 1945, sending Fat Man and Little Boy was not his decision to make.

    But that’s ancient history.

  11. Imagine being Harry Truman in 1945, having the Atom bombs on hand and ready to deliver, but NOT dropping them and invading Japan instead. You couldn’t face the American people after forcing an unnecessary ground war and half a million American deaths when you had the means to end the war at your fingertips. It was the right choice in 1945, and the 70 years since haven’t changed that fact.

  12. Seems to me the last time BHO was in Japan, he tried to apologize, and the Japs told him to keep his yap shut.

    GHW Bush, who actually fought in the Pacific war, had the grace to puke on the Jap Prime Minister.

    I have an uncle I never got to meet because he was killed in Leyte in December 1944, and is buried in the military cemetery in Manila. That was my grandmother Christmas present from Japan. So screw the Japs. They got was was coming to them and they are all the better for it because of the ass kicking they got.

    I think this guy needs a straight jacket. He’s a mental case.

    I know I kind of went off the reservation yesterday on BHO. Must be from the lack of booze. In a couple weeks I should be fine.

  13. I had one uncle who only served in the Pacific, his older brother was in the D-Day landing, finished the war in Europe, and was in Hawaii on his way to the far east for the invasion of Japan when the bombs were dropped ending the war. Two other brothers were also in Europe in WW2. If the invasion of Japan had occurred they too would have no doubt also been sent to Japan. I got to know these four uncles because the two nuc bombs ended the war. The nuc bombs saved more lives both American and Japanese than if they had not been used.

    If Obumbles apologizes it’s an insult to the men forced by the actions of Germany & Japan to become the warriors of WW2. Obama could / should apologize for being an idiot and an embarrassment as president of the USA.

  14. @F.D.R. in Hell

    Really? I guess the Tokyo fire bombing raid was just against purely military targets where no women and children were killed. /End sarcasm.

    They knew damn well that Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been spared for maximum effect. They deserved it and ultimately it saved countless lives on both sides by providing the excuse needed to save face for surrender.

    If the US had done an invasion, the likely death toll of the Japanese would have been so high that the threat that “Japanese will only be spoken in Hell” would have come true.

    War is hell and ugly, but our hands are clean.

  15. “… thirteen pounds …” (according to FDR in Hell’s letter) of U 235 used at Trinity.

    Anybody seriously think that the fucking Iranians don’t have that much after ~10 years of separation?

    Obola and Kerry are clearly traitors.
    And guilty of crimes against humanity when Iran delivers the blow.

  16. “enrichment” as opposed to “separation” even though they’re actually the same thing, in chemical terms – “enrichment” is probably what people understand more readily.

  17. “… thirteen pounds …” (according to FDR in Hell’s letter) of U 235 used at Trinity.

    Anybody seriously think that the fucking Iranians don’t have that much after ~10 years of separation?

    Fat Man was a plutonium bomb. Thin Man was the Uranium bomb and used 140 lbs of 80% enriched U235.

    The Iranians should have been able to produce enough U235 for a modern (i.e. uses less U235) bomb every 18 months from 1000 P1 or IR1 centrifuges. Their P2 or IR2 centrifuges should be about 5 times more efficient. That was before the Stuxnet virus infected their enrichment factories. Iran has admitted having 17,000 P1 centrifuges and another 1,000 P2 centrifuges.

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