Looming Disaster of Biblical Proportions – IOTW Report

Looming Disaster of Biblical Proportions

The Mosul dam has not received necessary maintenance to shore up the

2 1/4 mile long structure since the Islamic State took the city of Mosul in 2014.


If the dam breaks the 1 million residents of Mosul would have about four hours to escape a nearly 80 foot high wall of water. Baghdad would be inundated less than three days later by a 16 foot flood.

Built on water soluble gypsum and limestone, the Mosul dam had a full time grouting operation to fill the voids that form beneath it, that was until Islamic State fighters destroyed the equipment and ran off the workers.

Obama has been so concerned that he actually sent a “personal note” to the Iraq prime minister back in January warning them to do something about the situation.

Officials in Baghdad apparently got the message and have arranged for an Italian engineering firm to take up shoring operations and have begun a campaign to retake the dam itself.



22 Comments on Looming Disaster of Biblical Proportions

  1. Instead of letting the Lord work in mysterious ways, Obongo finally has to pay attention to something. Of course, it’s something that will benefit his muzz peeps. Let me guess. The U.S. is paying for it, right?

  2. In my head, I’m hearing Led Zepp, “When The Levee Breaks”.
    And all I can say is that it sucks to be anyone downstream. I might (just maybe) feel sorry for some of the people involved. But as a whole, for the Gubberment, the “civilization” (koff-bullshit-off), and the city, well, let’s say you’ll be able to count the number of tears shed on the thumb of one hand.

  3. I know an old lady who told me Hillary is the only one who makes sense about how to “fix” the Middle East.

    It was all I could do not to have a seizure right then and there. She is a really really old lady whom I respect and treasure.

    I wondered out loud who has been fixing the Middle east for the last, oh, about 8 years….. She shot back like a bazooka, “That was then, this is now. Now she makes sense.”


  4. There are a number of people preparing now to CYA (cover your ass) when the thing breaks, including Obama and his lame “personal note.”

    It’s all about doing nothing, but claiming to have done all that could be done when the thing finally lets go and kills untold millions.

    Why the Nobel committee might just ask for their award back if this think collapses before he’s out of office.

  5. The dam was a strategic objective in the first week of the war. The greatest fear was the dam would become breached by the Iraqis which would have cut the US forces in half.

    Obama knows diddly about anything other than himself everything else isn’t important to him. He is such a huge failure in everything but the destruction of America. The stupid bastige can even figure out the use of an umbrella.

  6. Babylon of old is long since destroyed and will never arise…

    * * *
    Isaiah 14:22-23

    22 “I will rise up against them”—this is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts—“and I will cut off from Babylon her reputation, remnant, offspring, and posterity”—this is the Lord’s declaration.
    23 “I will make her a swampland and a region for screech owls,[a] and I will sweep her away with a broom of destruction.”

    This is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts.

    * * *

    Mystery Babylon, on the other hand, is alive and well in Italy.

  7. @Zonga:

    I know an old lady who told me Hillary is the only one who makes sense about how to “fix” the Middle East.

    Sounds like the old lady is firm in her convictions, and her convictions always agree with the last thing she saw on MSNBC or read in the NYT. AAAGGGHHHHHHHHHH, indeed!

  8. @Bob F – Allahu Akbar?
    No, Allah is not greater.
    Gravity is greater, and so is the solubility of limestone and gypsum in low concentrations of carbonic acid which is what you get when you dissolve CO2 in H2O.

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