Mary Graham Trashes the Entire Right on Enemy Soil – IOTW Report

Mary Graham Trashes the Entire Right on Enemy Soil

17 Comments on Mary Graham Trashes the Entire Right on Enemy Soil

  1. Poor Lindsey got himself in a position where there is no one left who will let him get close enough to put his nose up their ass!!! He now supports Cruz after Bush got jerked, but Cruz MAY give him the Ambassador to NEW GUINIA job >>>>>>>>>>>maybe!!

  2. Lighten up … it’s a fucking joke …

    like West Virginians got no teeth
    Californians are all cocksuckers
    New Jerseyans are all assholes
    New Yorkers are all rude morons
    Massholes are all … well … Massholes!

    Get it? a joke … nothing more …

  3. I thought he was funny! He should be in show biz, maybe that’s what he is trying to break into.

    The tooth brush was invented in Kentucky, otherwise it would be called a teeth brush.

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