Radical, But It Would Work – IOTW Report

Radical, But It Would Work

What’s a woman to do when she’s tried every beauty enhancement procedure?


ht/ Dr. Jay and Miss Diana

50 Comments on Radical, But It Would Work

  1. The comment section of sites that are totally in the tank for one or the other are ridiculous.
    Anyone complaining about this place should go over to one of the others for a half hour.
    “You’ll be back, on your knees… like my mother.” John Byner – The Odd Couple

  2. Mr. Hat, I’m so fed up with all the In-The-Tank sites, I could sh!t nails. It’s sickening to watch a couple of my favorite haunts flush half or more of their readers down the drain. No matter who wins, many will never return. Never.

    I guess MJA echoes my sentiment above.

    Despite my youthful face on the left, my eyesight is failing and my driving days are numbered. This little satire hit me a bit too hard and too close to home.

    I luv ya’ Mr. Hat and iOTWReport is an oasis in the now politically-polluted blog-o-sphere. 😉

  3. IOTW is doing a really good job of not falling into any particular tank for any particular candidate. Except, that is, any candidate that isn’t a LibDem.

    One way of doing that is often diverting into the quirky off the wall and weird stuff like this.

    gotta keep the head clear otherwise you can lose perspective.

    I love the TreeHouse, they do spectacular research and fact finding and have legitimate and well deserved cred.

    And…. They are completely in the tank for Trump and are not ashamed.

    Don’t judge, they have done fantastic work on identifying the schemes and plots of the establishment, work that no-one else has done.

  4. “IOTW is doing a really good job of not falling into any particular tank for any particular candidate.”

    For a while there, several weeks ago, I really wondered if BFH wasn’t tanked up on Trump. But (imo) recently he’s been much more cautious, if not dubious, regarding some things. Objective is the word. At least that’s how I’m reading him, and I respect it greatly — the objectivity of 2008-2012 is now pretty much evaporated from most places on the Right, replaced with distasteful fanaticism.

  5. we will all need to be “in the tank” for someone, once there is the nominee, even if it’s TRUMP:


    Any conservative who insists on writing in a candidate, or voting for a 3rd party candidate, or not voting at all because “their guy” didn’t get nominated, or because they don’t like the guy who did, is certifiably insane. That is because you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.

    Any republican is better than any democrat. They can nominate Romney again, or Mitch McConnel, or John Boehner. I do not care one bit WHO is nominated.

    This is war.

    The leftists pick an electable candidate. Any breathing democrat who they think can steal enough votes to get elected will get the nomination.

    They will then talk that person up. They will not EVER say one single solitary thing bad about that nominee. They will say that nominees poop does not stink.

    They will then proceed to VOTE for that nominee at LEAST once and also drag everyone they can to the polls to vote for the nominee.

    Why? Because they actually understand that this is a war.

    The stupid conservatives are the ones who DONT understand that fact.

    If you are in a war and don’t understand that you ARE in a war you are going to LOSE every time.

    Vote for who you want to in the primary. DONATE to your favorite guy. PRAY that a good candidate gets nominated.

    BUT – once the primaries are over and there is a LEFTIST candidate and a NON-LEFTIST candidate –

    You only have two choices, and you had BETTER vote for the non-leftist.

    Otherwise you are a sucker, a fool, and a drooling moron.

    The drooling morons who DID NOT go and vote for Romney just because he had a few things about him they didn’t like handed this country over to 0bama for 4 more years.

    I HOPE those same people are not that stupid again.
    (For Bad Brad)

  6. If you go back you’ll see my anger was stoked when the #NeverTrump whispers began.
    It gave the appearance that I was in the tank for Trump.
    I’m not. Never was.
    I’m open to him as a candidate, but I’ve been open to many candidates.
    Now I’m getting pissed because I’m seeing Cruz characterized as if he’s a total piece of filth.

    This is insane.

    The anti-Trump people have bile and vitriol for him like I’ve never seen thrown at Obama or Hillary or Sanders.
    It is a form of derangement.

    And I’m reading on some some sites – (rhymes with Teahouse) – the readers talking about Cruz like he’s the worst thing ever foisted upon the American people.

    I really am bewildered by this.
    It’s like a mass death wish.

  7. @ Bob-Anon

    If you’re Evelyn Wood [Peace Be Upon Her], then you don’t mind slogging thru 1,300+ comments beneath a political thread in the CTH. Factor in the percentage of trolls and disinformation among that number and you’re wasting precious time at a once-cutting-edge site.

    They’re getting all the trolls and disinfo peddlers BECAUSE they’ve chosen to take sides in the G-O-Pissing contest.


  8. Does seem like something a libtard would do. Wasn’t there a post here several weeks ago about people who identify as disabled and proceed to give themselves a disability?

    IOTWR Ladies, if you feel you ever have a negative feeling about your looks simply look at this https://iotwreport.com/oh-give-me-a-break/ and know you are beautiful outside and in.

    Ann, I am sorry about the vision loss.

  9. Thank you for clarifying where you are on this. Like I said, I only wondered about you but was never fully convinced. Now I understand.

    What’s happening on the Right is everything people on our side said terrified them about Aboma drones in ’08 and ’12. It’s identical. That tells us something very frightening about where we are, but I’m not sure exactly what. Part of me doesn’t want to contemplate it.

    I didn’t vote for Romney as much as I voted against Obama. But I still voted for Romney. I didn’t stay home and know no one who did. Even though I’m convinced it won’t make any difference, I intend to do the same this time.

  10. Wow, looks like a lot of jangled nerves in the “Blog-O-Sphere”

    Permit me to offer some advice to Web Masters taking sides in the current political fracas.

    In my radio days, my Program Director told me, “If you play a lousy record, your audience will tune to another station…and they won’t come back until THAT station plays a lousy song.”

    Maybe Conservative sites figure their days on the Web are numbered and they foolishly choose, “What the Hell – go for broke.”

    You’re right, BFH, it’s a damn “mass death wish” for losing readers.

  11. I read the Right Scoop. I love that site.
    I love seeing the enthusiasm they have when they write stories about Cruz gaining on Trump in the California primaries.
    It’s great. They’re engaged and pushing the momentum.

    And then they write a story about Trump and call his supporters morons and retards and mouthbreathers, and they say supporters are “gobbling his knob.”

    Not at all a good strategy.

    Are they saying that Cruz doesn’t need the support of the Trump supporters in November? Because they are doing a great job of alienating them.

    And vise versa with pro-Trump sites.

    I’m afraid we’re doomed.

  12. Doomed with a capital D.

    In politics, we always lived by the motto, “Never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a mistake.” The Democrats are loving this crap.

    I’m damn glad I got out of politics when I did (1945), before it got REALLY nasty. Plus, I got a 17-year head start on Eleanor! 👿

  13. @Ann Thracts – I agree 100% about the In-The-Tank sites. I have left 3 sites that I visited regularly during this primary season. It’s like people have lost their minds. One of those sites practically broke my heart because I had been a regular reader there for as long as I have been one here – lots of years.

    I’ve watched BFH walk this tightrope daily and I salute you sir for your integrity. I don’t understand sites that are willing to give up half their readers, nor do I understand supporters of one candidate or another who direct vile insults at the opposition. Because the winner of the primary is going to need those people who have been abused and insulted.

    The scariest thing for me has been how conservatives are now so divided. I would have bet money that we would not turn on one another. I would have lost.

  14. @BFH – don’t you think The Right Scoop sort of lost their way when soopermexican took over? Don’t know if he actually “took over” but he seems to be the primary person posting there.

  15. If we lose this election, they WILL come for our firearms, and then the rest of our freedom. Top priority has got to be defeating the Left. It wouldn’t hurt the efforts to save America if everybody would give 100% toward that goal.

  16. “iOTWr is solidly in the tank for Trump!”

    “iOTWr is solidly in the tank for Cruz!”

    I’ve seen both of those statements said by many people here, and both statements all completely false. My facebook feed was full of hate for Rush the other day. Some said they will never listen to Rush again because he is obviously a Trump fan. An equal amount said the would never listen to Rush again because he is a Cruz fan.

    Somehow, with the primaries approaching halftime, we are supposed to choose the winner of the game and destroy the other team as cheaters.

    It make me want to poke my eyes out so I don’t have to see the insanity.

    Big Fur Hat has done an excellent job steering this lifeboat towards safe harbor, even if his passengers don’t always agree on his heading.

  17. I know I get labeled as anti-Trump, but I am more pro-Cruz.
    I try and stay neutral but just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.

    Admittedly I stoop to insulting Trump to get back at what I consider very dishonest low-blows against Cruz.

    There are regulars here in the tank for Trump so deep, I can’t understand such blind faith.

    The past few days there has been a real POS anonymous asshole that has been particularly spiteful toward Cruz.
    Likely a Hillary voter.

    Keep firing at Cruz in a nasty dishonest fashion and Loco will try and balance it out with his own brand or dirt-fight.

  18. I left a site where I have been a regular since 1998. The idiocy is deeper than the Obozo manure.

    In real lifeare there any liberals or Moslems living on Easter Island? I may need to get away somewhere sane and underpopulated.

  19. I’m now with Menderman. Sort of. I will not vote for Ted Cruz. I honestly can’t vote for someone this dishonest. I can’t support somebody that some here will distort the truth so effortlessly about.

  20. But you’ve already cast your vote for Cruz. And you got you’re ass kicked. All the business owner I know in California are voting for Trump. These are not stupid people. Neither am I.

  21. BB; you obviously run with your own crowd.
    Most of the business owners in CA are Democrats. The Republican ones here are more than a bit piqued at Trump for the damage he has done here.
    Internal GOP polling and the talk at Republican get togethers strongly indicate that Trump has an uphill climb here at best.
    We have a wall so we know how well it works, as in not at all.
    He gave us Pelosi, and dumped piles of money into wresting LA away from the Republicans. He is still, as of a few months ago, dumping money into leftists here.
    You are whistling past the graveyard son.

  22. Nope, going full on deranged, you talked me into it. Fuck that bible thumping sanctimonious piece of shit. Did I mention he’s another God Darn attorney. I toned that down because it’s Easter. I will not vote for this POS. Just like Menderman.

  23. JohnS
    You are a lying peice of shit idiot. Just like your love God hero. You claim to be an Oakland electrician that hates white people and suggests I Should have told my WWII father with PSD that he should have ended himself. I sure as hell would like to meet you in person. Your a very subversive evil personality. Emphasize EVIL.

  24. trump gave Hillary $200,000. Invited her to his wedding. now THAT’S trustworthy! I’ll still Vote for him but Cruz has got nothing on him in the trust department. and the criticism doesn’t hold water away Fools fall for that crap

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