Ivanka Names Newborn Baby Boy Ted – IOTW Report

Ivanka Names Newborn Baby Boy Ted

It’s a boy! Ivanka Trump gives birth to a baby boy – with a very Presidential name – just hours after she was photographed heading for breakfast in Manhattan with her husband Jared Kushner


30 Comments on Ivanka Names Newborn Baby Boy Ted

  1. I don’t know anything about her, but she has always impressed me with her ability to keep her own identity and maintain a sense of dignity. I bet Donald is proud as hell!

  2. LocoBlanco Said “I wonder how much the National Enquirer paid for the baby photos? What’s that, gratis?”

    Why, because DT made Lying Ted unzip his pants and have several affairs? So funny how you blame Trump for Cruz’s immorality and lies.

  3. Gladys, did I strike a nerve?
    You know I am right about that and it burns.

    Why don’t you just sell what proof you have to the N-E.
    You will be rich by the end of the day.

    What’s that?
    Oh, you are talking out of your ass again.
    You have no facts or proof whatsoever.
    Nice try.

  4. Let me get this straight Gladys, you are making salacious false accusations about a presidential candidate.

    You have no proof whatsoever.
    Zip, zero, nada, nothing.

    Then YOU have the audacity to call this man a liar?
    Sounds like projection.
    Look up irony in the dictionary.

  5. No Gladys, most have let it go due to no proof or evidence.
    You bitter clingers hold out hope due to fear and ignorance.
    Show me proof and I will shut up and even apologize, honey.

    BTW, I heard that Donald Trump is having threesomes with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Nancy Pelosi.

    I have just as much proof as you do! 🙂

  6. Cruz supporters pretending to be morally superior by
    trashing a thread about a birth announcment and stooping to the level of gossip mags.

    “Donald Trump may be a rat but I have no desire to copulate with him.” – Cruz Um, ewwww. Defending this guy as better than Trump gets more difficult daily.

  7. No Aggie, if I really wanted to unleash on Trump it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Where did you get ‘morally superior’ from what I have written?

    As for this thread, I simply made a snarky comment about the National Enquirer.
    That got Glady’s dander up.

    Let’s look at the tape:

    Gossip rags pay for baby photos of celebs.
    Ivanka is Trump’s daughter.
    Trump was endorsed by the National Enquirer
    Trump is a close friend of N-E CEO D.Pecker.
    N-E attacked Trump’s opponent with salacious and false claims.
    Trump gains if Cruz falls.

    Therefore, not a stretch and not off topic.

  8. Loco – every claim you make in your above post has been debunked on other websites.

    And you still have not said how Cruz’s sleaziness is Trump’s fault. LOTS of people knew about Ted’s affairs, but the MSM and GOPe/Dems (kept Rubio from leaking it sooner), was holding out on releasing this info, Why do you think that is? Because if Ted had become the nominee, they have dropped it on him like a hammer, so that conservatives would stay away from the voting booths – and Killery would win by default.

    Why would Cruz even run, knowing this would have to come out sooner or later? Maybe he was on board with being the “splitter?”

  9. I’m with you Loco. And I’m afraid Trump might just be another ‘Dirty Politics’ Obama clone: Siccing the IRS and AG on political enemies. I question the man’s moral judgment.

  10. Loco, the hypocrocy of you and Cruz is mindnumbing. You swear up and down Trump did this with absolutely no proof. And you’re soooo sure Cruz knew nothing aobut the Melanis shaming ad.

    The common knowledge so far is 1) the story has been around for weeks 2) it was Rubio campaign shopping it around back then

    Again, how do defend this idiocy in responce to a rag mag possible lie…. “Donald Trump may be a rat but I have no desire to copulate with him.”?

    Blind loyatly makes people look foolish 😉

  11. Aggie, please copy and paste in the comments where I have “sworn up and down Trump did this”.
    There is a crisp new hundred dollar bill for you if you can.
    You cannot, so don’t waste your time.

    For you and Gladys:

    I am re-posting a comment that I made to Plan Jane the other day.
    It sums things up quite well if I must say:

    200 Proof Hypocrisy, have a drink on me:

    Exhibit A)
    A SuperPAC posts a YouTube video containing a previously published (racy?) photo of Trump’s wife.
    Outrage ensues, Ted Cruz’s doing without a doubt!
    Yes, candidates and PAC collusion is illegal, but still…BLAME CRUZ goddamnit!

    Exhibit B)
    A salacious false accusation is shopped to all the news outlets by the Rubio team.
    Only National Enquirer bites.
    The same rag that endorsed Trump.
    The same rag who’s CEO, D. Pecker is close friends of Trump, flies on Trump’s private jets etc.
    Nope, NOTHING to do with Trump.
    How DARE you insinuate Trump’s involvement!

    So, you wants it both ways.
    Sorry. 🙁

  12. Are you being paid by team Cruz? Thats the only reasonable explantion for your blind and twisted adoration of the guy. Your last post, Loco, proves Gladys and me right.

    Don’t go throwing your money away, you may need it for meds if things dont go your way soon 😉

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