Pig Piling – Must Destroy Everyone Who Says a Dumb Thing On Twitter – IOTW Report

Pig Piling – Must Destroy Everyone Who Says a Dumb Thing On Twitter


A waitress who was given a $40 tip by George W Bush later trashed the former president on Twitter accusing him of ‘doing’ 9/11.

Smith tweeted a photo of herself with Bush and wife Laura and added: ‘Bush did 911 but he did me a solid and left me a hella tip #’.

But Leisa Smith’s joke has backfired and many took social media to call her out for her ‘insensitive’ and ‘stupid’ comments.

——–> Here’s what she wrote afterward.


26 Comments on Pig Piling – Must Destroy Everyone Who Says a Dumb Thing On Twitter

  1. I have had similar experiences; say something inane that I expect only a couple of people who know me to hear and have it blown up by someone totally uninvolved. Kudos to her for clarifying it and going on to say how nice the Bushes were.

    As best as I can tell, that’s about all that “social media ” is good for…

  2. What did she expect to happen tweeting “Bush did 9/11 but did me a solid”? I’ll say one thing about W, he’s a classy man. Laura too.

    She’s a jerk-not funny and pardon me for not getting your snark.

  3. Not much sympathy here. I use zero soc. media (unless anonymous blog comments count) and even I know what’s likely to happen with a joke like that. If she couldn’t have foreseen that, she really isn’t smart enough to be making jokes online with her real face and name attached.

  4. not a good idea to make a “truther” joke using your real name.


    Better to use a made up name like “Bob” and then even go so far as to put “anon” after it or something like that. And then get a silly picture of some random guy off the internet for your avatar.

    Then go make some truther jokes.

    Or, since 9-11 WAS an inside job, don’t joke about it because that isn’t funny.


  5. And THIS is why I won’t let my kids play with social media. I don’t play either. This site and Ace of Spades are as social as I get. I read other sites but don’t comment because I won’t use Facebook or discus to log in.

  6. Some perspective:
    1.Everyone’s sense of humor has been exhausted by the Muslim Kenyan and his destructive DNC accomplices.
    2. The line between comedy and not comedy is very thin.
    3. This girl is a waitress; ask yourself why.
    4. W is not above reproach, based on his record.
    5. ALL politicians are whores and thieves. Your regard for them is directly related to how their conduct has affected you.

  7. I have no problem believing her, and thought the joke was fine

    How many ignorant truthers do you really think would want their picture taken with them and post it? Or even admit to them being generous and kind?

  8. @Aggie: To be fair, the tweet was a bit edgy, and very much open to misinterpretation. However, the real problem is that nobody seems to be able to take a joke anymore, especially on the Internet.

    No one seems to know why this is, but personally I blame Bush.


  9. Not to sound ageist, but perhaps this is a generation gap problem. As soon as I read her tweet, I knew she was being cheeky and actually laughed. Then I watch Faux News for a moment this morning and they’re literally calling for her to be fired. The Republican Bush worship needs to stop, people need to grow thicker skin, sit back and think a minute before posting something or responding to something. (This applies to the woman who made the tweet, but it goes double for the people who overreacted. Thought crimes aren’t real. That is all.)

  10. I saw it here first so my perspective may be skewed.

    I think her joke is actually that even though Bush is a bad guy, he is a helluva tipper.

    She looks young and dumb enough to believe in WTC7.
    Look at the crap online and what they teach in schools.
    She likely had to write a paper on “why they hate us.”

    BTW, would it have killed her to type out 9/11?

    Did Bush dial 911?

    Either way she is ignant.

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