Professor Makes the Case That Fossil Fuels Are Helping the Planet – IOTW Report

Professor Makes the Case That Fossil Fuels Are Helping the Planet


There’s more trees and animals on the planet today than ever before thanks to fossil fuels, a professor told a room full of University of Michigan students Wednesday.

Many assign blame for deforestation and animal extinction on fossil fuels, when in reality most of it occurred well before the widespread introduction of oil and coal use, said Dr. Pierre Desrochers, associate professor of geography at the University of Toronto and senior fellow at the Center for Industrial Progress.

The guest lecturer came as some students demand the public university divest from companies that profit from fossil fuels, calling such divestment a moral choice and way to fight climate change.

But Desrochers — invited to campus to argue the “Moral Case For Fossil Fuels” — said divestment would cause more problems and solve few, if any.

He told the 125 or so students in the audience that before the development of fossil fuel use, animals were slaughtered on a massive scale for food, clothing and many other uses, and forests were razed for wood. In fact, possibly as much as 90 percent of animal extinction and deforestation appeared before the introduction of fossil fuels, he said.


8 Comments on Professor Makes the Case That Fossil Fuels Are Helping the Planet

  1. define fossil fuel?

    word on the street is oil (hydro carbons) is a natural byproduct of pressure, heat, carbon and water deep under ground that is continuous.
    fossil’s don’t have much to do with it.
    it’s part of the planets byproducts to say.

  2. so, bill – at what, 80 million barrels of dinosaur sauce everyday, wouldn’t they think that maybe we used it all up a few years ago ?? bout how many dinosaurs do they think the world actually had?

  3. “The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels”
    is an excellent book and should be REQUIRED reading for all university science majors across the planet.

    First it must be a required read for FACULTY, particularly the non-science faculty.

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