Welcome To Wisconsin, Donald – IOTW Report

Welcome To Wisconsin, Donald

Milwaukee Conservative radio host, Charlie Sykes interviewed Donald Trump this morning providing the candidate an opportunity to respond to the most challenging questions.


Starting with a call for an apology to Heidi Cruz, and then leading into Mr. Trump’s image among women voters, to trade and NATO (topics the presidential hopeful wanted to discuss), the candidate didn’t know until the end of the interview that Mr. Sykes is opposed to his election.

Listen to the interview and draw your own conclusions.


Red State seems to appreciate the interview.

39 Comments on Welcome To Wisconsin, Donald

  1. Scrolled past the redstate opinion and noticed that any comments supporting Trump or complaining about said redstate opinion have been deleted. How unbiased. :’) /remind me to delete any comments I don’t agree with, u know free speech works that way, right?
    /I’ll give the interview a listen though.

  2. someone on Trump’s campaign just got FIRED, lol

    Trump given a chance to get out from Trump’s sleaze attack? fail totally exposed as a celebrity huckster with Trump’s bombastic stump speech slogans. Trump given chance to correct Trump’s prior attacks on WI? failed. Given chance to get out from 40+ years of being progressive liberal? failed with slogans… Trump’s Trade? admits just a bluff, slogan so failed.. Losing 2 Hillary? Trump fails..

    Narcissist, Bully, Pathological liar Trump just got exposed as a 3rd grader that needs nose punched. No one should support Trump after hearing that interview… Not PotUS material.

  3. …..Sykes repeatedly corrected Trump for falsely stating that Cruz sent out the photo of Melania Trump or was in some way involved with it….

    Faith, bias or just wishful thinking?

  4. I don’t know Charlie Sykes – but saying later rather than upfront he’s #Never Trump – is crappy on his part.,,and not so in keeping with the bravery we conservatives like to claim. Listened to much – but not all – but Donald sounded good and reasoned from what I heard.

  5. Trump’s people set up the interview the day before, it’s their responsibility to at least properly prepare their candidate for a hostile environment.

    Charlie Sykes is very big in Conservative Radio in the all important Milwaukee suburbs and a major reason that Trump is not polling well in the South and East of the state.

    Tell the candidate he wasn’t a fan was baiting him to get angry and make an even worse impression on listeners. I give Trump a lot of credit for keeping his temper and not hanging up.

    He needs a lot of work at toning down the bombast and addressing the questions put to him with more substance, but at least he hung in there for the whole time.

    I expect Mr. Trump is going to attack and try to belittle Mr. Sykes by tomorrow morning. If he doesn’t it will say something about the candidates ability to rise above a situation and project a more even demeanor (and a recognition that he has more to lose in WI by going after the man who just subjected him to harsh questioning).

  6. All Sykes wanted to talk about was Heidi’s feelings. When he thought Trump would flip out by telling him at the end of the interview he was part of the #nevertrumpbowelmovement The Donald held his cool and it backfired on Chuck like a baffer in the face.

  7. I don’t know what interview you guys listened to, but the Trump I heard was lost many times and his answers like the response to the Wisconsin’s economy where he repeated over and over “I read it in Time, I read it in Time magazine” was pathetic.

    Much like the ill-prepared nature of the interview, Trump was ill-prepared to answer even simple criticism much less if Sykes had pressed him on even more serious questions like was done in the Washington Post editorial interview where Trump really fell apart.

    I will also give Trump credit for at least not losing his cool or hanging up on the guy, but his responses almost seemed bewildered like he expected this to be a friendly interview and kept waiting for the softball questions.

  8. One last thing, anyone who has issue with Sykes only mentioning he was #NeverTrump at the end and considering this to be bad taste, just curious how it will feel if Trump is the nominee and he is interviewed by avowed left-wingers who will never be so upstanding as to even admit it.

    If Trump wants to be the nominee he better get used to it because the folks interviewing him in the fall will be even worse and they won’t admit it.

  9. I don’t care if Sykes said #NeverTrump first, last or in the middle.
    The position of #NeverTrump makes him an asshole. Period. No discussion.

    Also, regarding the Melania ad.
    When did Cruz disavow it?

  10. Also, this “Wisconsin is on a different plain than the rest of the country’s regions, demanding civility, righteous and truth, justice and the American way,” coupled with the pic of him adjusting his glasses is .. well… Wisconsite’s would get the vapors if I finished my sentence.

  11. Sykes, Megan, Kelly, Heidi, Rose O’Donnell? I had enough after five minutes. Sykes is no conservative, unless Milwaukee conservatives are a different species. Substance is what we need, not constant nattering about a bunch of women. There’s a fucking war going on out there Sykes, are you aware of it?

  12. per Woody….One last thing, anyone who has issue with Sykes only mentioning he was #NeverTrump at the end and considering this to be bad taste, just curious how it will feel if Trump is the nominee and he is interviewed by avowed left-wingers who will never be so upstanding as to even admit it…..

    That doesn’t even make any sense

  13. I don’t have a problem with #NeverCruz on this site.
    Show them to me. I will call them assholes.

    I would vote for anyone on the right over Hillary.
    And voting for Trump, and what he is running on, is a no-brainer.

    Saying that he “might” be fooling us so I will vote for Hillary is as retarded as drinking the bottle marked poison instead of the bottle marked “might be poison, but I highly doubt it.”
    Yes, it is that retarded a position, and Andrew Breitbart said so.

    And please do not, once again, post the clip of him saying Trump wasn’t a conservative.
    He didn’t think Romney was either and he said if you don’t support Romney “you are on the other side.”
    Do the goddamn math.

  14. OK, I won’t post the clip, but Breitbart hated Trump. To claim he would support him today (in the middle of the primary season) is nothing but propaganda on your part. Also, I will not vote for Hillary…I don’t vote for liberals.

    And one more thing….you need a Snickers bar.

  15. Woody. I don’t have an “issue” with Chuck thinking he would throw Trump off his game with his “Gotcha Big Reveal” at the end of the interview. I thought it was chicken?.

  16. I will go with what Breitbart said about what you are if you don’t support the candidate running against the occupy candidate.
    I agree with him.

    Painful, but true.

    Please post where Breitbart says “he hated” Donald Trump.

  17. Hate was too strong of a word, but he clearly disliked him and warned that if the conservatives could not learn how to campaign, we would end up with a non-conservative celebrity like Trump. No, I do not believe in any way that AB would be in favor of a Trump candidate. We all know that Trump spent 40 years rat-fracking conservatives by helping not only his likely opponent but any liberal that could help him get rich gain public office. Why should he be rewarded with the White House for 40 years of such horrible behavior?

  18. Actually BFH you will sooner or later check IP’s and discover that was in fact my post. You stated when you find a Never Cruz person here you would call them an ass hole. Based on the fact he will not renounce Beck, or his fathers extreme preachings I’m finding it difficult to consider him as a realistic candidate for the highest office in the world. On a previous thread Obama’s trade deals were discussed and Cruz zombies are shitting bricks on what or what he didn’t support. WHO gives a shit which bill. He was supporting Obama legislation. Sleeping with the enemy. I can go on and on. These discussions have become so polarized they lack logic. I guess Menderman and I are ass holes.

  19. I listen to Charlie’s show occasionally — not so much lately. He has gone around the bend with Trump Derangement Syndrome. He is real big on ideological conservative purity. That’s fine for think tanks and philosophical navel gazing but they don’t have a very good track record of getting results. And if you’re just going to blather away, what’s the point? It’s like they’re arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin while the barbarians are storming the gates.

  20. BB #nevercruz people don’t exist.
    The sooner you learn that, the better.
    Most of us have figured that out and wisely quit bringing it up.
    There have been warnings, now a post deletion, you know where it will end up.

  21. JohnS,
    Like WC Fields famously said, I will never stoop so low to join an originization that would consider having me as a member. You people are infatuated. And that’s more than concerning. Smells of Hitlers SS. Even though I feel Trump is by far the superior candidate I have a list of things he does that I wish he would not. I’ve never heard a Cruz fanatic do anything but explain why his shit should be saved a valued like gold. You people are Freaken nuts.

  22. So does this mean you also don’t trust too much of what Trump says since he too is a an adulterer and in greater numbers?

    I guess you are no longer supporting Trump, right?

    Trump followers really need to watch their glasshouses…. 😉

  23. Aggie,

    “That doesn’t even make any sense”

    Only to someone who is a Trump follower. To the rest of us who have watched previous candidates have absolutely ridiculous interviews when the Democrat media kicks into gear, it makes perfect sense.

    In the fall, if Trump is the nominee, the media folks who CLAIM to be impartial and having no bias will be the ones interviewing Trump and asking all about the embarrassing and dirty issues they can find. They will be pushing his buttons to provoke him and it will work. And they will throw their hands up and say we didn’t do anything, it was all Trump. And the die will be cast for the election.

    And here you were worried about some guy from Wisconsin, that has been very up front about his leanings on the radio as well as online. It was easily discoverable and no one from the Trump campaign bothered to check. So he mentions it at the end to see what Trump says or does. Hardly the kind of nasty interview he can expect in the fall when it’s people who try to hide their leanings and put forth false fronts, two different leagues.

    And if none of that makes sense than either you are very naïve or willfully blind. Take your pick.

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