Slate Asks Trump Supporters About Climate Change – IOTW Report

13 Comments on Slate Asks Trump Supporters About Climate Change

  1. Unbelievable! you linked to a Slate article.
    I feel dirtier just for being there, let alone reading that nonsense.

    ….now excuse me, I have a deep need to take a shower

  2. Looks like the AGW propaganda is working.

    “… A recent Gallup poll found 65 percent of Americans now view human activity as the primary cause of global warming, the highest in Gallup’s 16-year history of asking this question, with 40 percent of Republicans now saying they’re worried a “great deal/fair amount” about the issue…”

  3. climate change has “definitely been going on for a long time … we caused it”

    Bullshit! The only thing “we” did wuz learn how to make a TON of money off of it! We cleaned up our air and water. Now we’re just being hand-cuffed with it to limit our productivity. Let the rest of the planet put its money where its mouth is and catch up to us before pointing the finger of blame at us!

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