Ben Shapiro Debates Abortion With College Student – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro Debates Abortion With College Student

It doesn’t go well for the college student-

6 Comments on Ben Shapiro Debates Abortion With College Student

  1. The day after that exchange, both students were seen in the fetal position contemplating exactly where their personal safe space and trigger warnings were initiated.

    Sometimes I wish I could send out a massive text-slap to some people.

    Abortion is about personal irresponsibility and selfish, narcissistic convenience.

    What is it about the 6th Commandment that people refuse to understand? It doesn’t say “thou shalt not kill”; it says “thou shalt not commit MURDER”.

    BIG difference.

  2. You can’t argue truth with pro aborts. They refuse to recognize that abortion kills an unborn child and rationalize the lie by saying it’s just a blob of tissue or not worthy of living because of so called choice (one of the biggest lies ever straight out of the pits of Hell). You can’t argue with fools until they realize the foolishness of their pro death worldview. And that takes a change of heart which I can’t give them and only God can through his grace and mercy. If God can save Norma McCorvey Jane Roe of Roe v Wade he can save anybody, guaranteed. She had a John the Baptist divine interdiction (come to Jesus change of heart) when she saw a bunch of empty swings with no children on them and realized that all the children were gone. I know what I’m talking of, I met her in Aug. 1996 rescuing with Operation Rescue and got to talk to her while she was rescuing with us.

  3. Also like the Apostle Paul she was knocked of her high horse when Jesus came to her and saved her. I’ve also met Herb Titus (I attended a one week seminar he taught on the law from a Christian perspective), a lawyer who was one of the co counsels litigating Roe v Wade who had a similar divine intervention over a weekend and turned his life around.

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