Cruz Statement on Lewandowski Charges – IOTW Report

Cruz Statement on Lewandowski Charges

38 Comments on Cruz Statement on Lewandowski Charges

  1. So some guy grabs a reporter in both her out of the way and this is the news that everybody’s talking about? Meanwhile Hillary’s bathroom server is not even a concern. Sad times we live in

  2. A little perspective here.

    Ms. Fields, interviewed after “the incident” said that “this was the worst thing, with the exception of HER FATHER”S DEATH (emphasis mine) that she’s ever gone through”.

    Watch that tape, or the sixty other angles available, and let that sink in.

    She’s either a grift artiste of the first order, or a complete mental patient.

    That she’s also a very special snowflake, indeed, of that there can be no doubt.

    If she were my 28 year old daughter, I’d call her back home for some rest and some counseling.

    But this isn’t a Trump/Cruz deal.

    That is, until Ted, on cue, just made it one.

  3. “Ms. Fields, interviewed after “the incident” said that “this was the worst thing, with the exception of HER FATHER”S DEATH (emphasis mine) that she’s ever gone through”.

    Oh pleeze! You’re lucky he didn’t bash you in the head. Why did she resign from Breitbart if she didn’t do anything wrong? She’s a drama queen. Is this election over, I’m getting tired of the BS.

  4. Back in 2011 during the Occupy Wall Street she was knocked to the ground during an NYPD surge against protesters A cop picked her up. But she claimed the police hit her with a baton.
    She also claimed that Alan West groped her. She’s a nut case and, being a lying “reporter,” a dangerous one.

  5. I’m a Cruz/Trump supporter and I detest all this wives shit. I feel that if Cruz responded to the question about Shield’s alleged assault and said it was not worthy of comment, or something along those lines, he would gain the respect of thousands. Then Trump, being the type he is, would respond in kind. And the fucking media would have nothing to talk about.

  6. The more all these candidates talk, the smaller they get.
    The chance of our country surviving, let alone returning to fitness and normality is approaching zero.

    Stockpiled food, water, cash, batteries, ammo, silver, tp and playing cards apparently wasn’t time wasted.

    These political exercises of buffoonery will ease any nostalgia for what used to be; they make it seem like it was a generation ago when normality vacated the land.

  7. I turned off Mark Levin ( tonight in disgust. He is castigating Trump, and Lowendowski in a most despicable manner. I’m a big fan of Levin, but now I’m not so sure. He is so far up Cruz’s ass he can’t see straight. OK he endorsed Cruz but does he have to lie about Lowendowski’s treatment of the nutty Shields to make points? Tonight I saw the ugly side of Mark Levin.

  8. Ben Shapiro is usually brilliant but has ruined his credibility when he goes on MSNBC to trash and bash Trump and his campaign team over a nothing burger.
    The Conservative “purists” are just as bad as the extreme Left and unfortunately start living up to the “fascists” label that gets thrown our way.

  9. I agree Moe.
    I listened to Mark’s first monologue on the radio.
    Then I was done for today.
    Way too much vehemence directed toward Trump for this.

    The dude grabbed her arm and then lied about it.
    He grabbed her but to charge him?
    I call bullshit.
    She got bruised but this is the big leagues.
    She should have let it go.

    It sucks that it is April 12th, 1861 again.
    Lines are drawn, starkly.

  10. LBS Agreed. He went way overboard. . Shields is a fruitcake. She was knocked to the ground in Zuccotti Park, NYC back in 2011 during the Occupy Wall Street riot and the police picked her up. She then claimed the police his her with a baton. Lying POS. She also claimed that Alan West groped her but dropped it. She’s a news maker not a reporter.
    I tried to send this info to Levin but the postmaster rejects it.

  11. 1. That’s no bruise, it’s just makeup from her face. Like she wiped her arm across her cheek.
    2. Cruz, if that’s such a reason to oppose Trump, I can’t wait to hear your reason to oppose ISIS.

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